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Everything posted by Luka

  1. per ESPN I'm happy. Go Gators!
  2. Unless you're Tom Brady, there's always other options. We'll see what happens.
  3. I don't think it's Tyrod as much as it is the coaching staff and front office. I'm just basing this on the current track record of this regime. They are quick to trade you or cut you if you don't believe in the process. Tyrod didn't sound like a believer the last two weeks. Can't fault him, I guess. Tyrod also hasn't progressed in nearly 3 years starting. He's the same guy he's always been.
  4. Judging from the interviews and some of his reactions to the questions, I think it's over. He'll want out and they'll deal him for a mid round pick. Best case scenario.
  5. I just don't see Tyrod staying. Not after that benching.
  6. Who's gonna block for them? Who's gonna play defense? We will be the Cleveland Browns if we draft two QBs. Gotta have both, that was my point. Can't go all in on a QB with this current team. It'll just be more Peterman type performances.
  7. Considering all the massive holes along the offensive line and the defensive front 7, maybe we don't draft a QB and we instead pursue a free agent QB. The Vikings have three starters on their team currently. All UFAs in 2018. They will most likely keep 1 but the other two will be pursuing a big contract elsewhere. Which one would you like to see Buffalo sign in the offseason? I am going to say that realistically, Bradford would be the guy they pursue and if a QB they like in the draft is available when they pick, they will pick him. But I can't see them trading up anymore, there are just too many holes on this team. It's easy to let talent go, not so easy to replace it.
  8. Rex's credentials speak for themselves. If there's one thing he knows all about, it's failure as a head coach.
  9. Dennison hopefully installed the read option for today. Only way to win with Taylor.
  10. Could even do this with a veteran... (Minnesota) McVay might be the start of younger coaches coming in and finally changing the NFL. There's a huge disconnect right now between the offenses of college vs the offenses in the NFL. Tons of teams in the NCAA score a whole lot of points but rarely do you see the QBs of those teams being mentioned as high draft picks or the next big thing. Why not identify a guy that is successful and build an offense that fits what he does well? I'm starting to think it doesn't matter who you pick, all that matters is the coaching staff and their ability to maximize the effectiveness of the personnel they have. Pick one of these top guys and build an offense that fits what they do.
  11. But we weren't going to keep him, he took that payday and quit. So I'm just wishing they made the best of a bad situation. Because once Rex was here he basically blew up the team. Switched defenses which was never going to work considering the personnel. Basically what this regime is doing now, but Rex was trying hard to keep people from the prior regime where as McDermott and Beane don't care.
  12. Schwartz took a middle of the road team with a good QB to the playoffs after being 1-15 a couple years prior. More than that, you could've at least retained what made the team good. Guys knew him, they liked playing for him. In that moment we were much closer to being successful than we are now.
  13. And I gave you Stafford and Brees. Look you can disagree with me, I don't really care. But you've got nothing to backup your side from what I've seen. I give you examples, you want more examples. Look them up yourself, maybe you'll find something that totally flies in the face of what I've said. Worse, you might realize I have a point. Either way. I'm bored.
  14. That was in reference to the Matt Flynn thing, not the other comment. Calm down big guy, it's a message board. It's a discussion not a competition.
  15. I remember him wanting Hue and I don't think that would've been a terrible combo. I think Pegula wanted Beane all along and McDermott was obviously going to be his guy, judging from all the other Panthers here now. They just did it backwards because of the draft.
  16. What about our boy Rob Johnson? Or have you not been a fan that long? And they did evaluate him in preseason and in practice and guess what, he started because of it. Imagine if they waited until next year, cut Taylor and Peterman had that game to open the season? Why's that? They haven't been able to do much of anything without a real QB, which was my point all along. None of those guys are who they are without a REAL QB throwing them the football. They don't magically make Brett Hundley a good QB.
  17. What have Green Bay's receivers done lately? What are their names without googling them? How about the Saints? Tedd Ginn Jr was a journeyman before having a guy that could put the ball on him accurately and consistently. How about Stafford? Still putting up numbers without Megatron, wonder how he would feel with Matthews, Benjamin and Clay at tight end. Receivers do not make a QB better, it's the other way around. Find me a hall of fame wideout that had middling QB talent his entire career. Chris Carter is the only one I can think of off the top of my head. Jerry Rice had freakin Joe Montana and Steve Young. Our boy Andre had Kelly.
  18. So far, to me, it has been not retaining Schwartz as the head coach when Marrone tucked tail and scurried back to whatever hole he crawled out of. The Ryan regime was a disaster and has really brought us to the point we're at today.
  19. Better QBs have made more of much, much less. And you have to evaluate everyone. Peterman could've had a Matt Flynn kinda day, you sit him back down and now suddenly he's worth a second in the offseason. Hyperbole maybe, but these things have happened plenty of times in the past. What would be bad about drafting a guy, having him beat out a guy that other teams think looks good and now you've got some draft capital back. It just blew up in their faces in epic, epic fashion.
  20. His strengths are running, running and... running? We need a QB that can actually throw the football. We do realize that is the main function of a QB, don't we? To remake this offense to his strengths we'd be playing 1 read option or the wishbone. Dennison and McDermott do have one understanding and that is this is the NFL. If you want to win and win consistently, you have to able to throw the football. This should not be a secret to anyone. Not even the most pessimistic Peterman hater here could have predicted 5 picks in the 1st half of his first game. But the move still makes sense, at least to me. I've said it since the beginning of the year. Give Peterman a chance not because you think he's Jim Kelly, but because you know what Tyrod is. They traded all these guys that were here before to build the capital to draft a QB. And you have to know what you have before you know what you need. You go on to talk about a quick passing game... Tyrod CAN'T OPERATE a quick passing game. Yes the line sucks and the playcalling might suck (although if you watch some all 22 it's pretty evident the route combinations work, guys come open and then?) but the biggest problem is still QB.
  21. Pointing out that there is plenty of talent in the receiving corps and I hadn't even drilled down to Clay and O'Leary. Doesn't matter which QB is out there, they both are inept in their own, obvious ways. Time to go all in this year and get a guy. I'm sick of blaming the rest of the team when it's one position we can't get production out of. We've turned over this roster multiple times and one constant remains. We have below average QB play, and the best you'll get is 9-7 or worse.
  22. Jordan Matthews = more production than Sammy Watkins. Kelvin Benjamin = about equal production to Sammy Watkins. It's the grocery bagger QBs that can't get it done.
  23. Peyton was actually worse his next 3 games. But still no where near as bad.
  24. He'd be fine as a vet to compete with the guy we draft. But doubtful that he'd be the answer.
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