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Everything posted by Luka

  1. My dreams of acres has also been shut down. Currently looking in Brockport and Churchville. East side waaayy too rich for my blood. Except for maybe Palmyra but then we're talking a 45 minute ride to work. Women...
  2. When I lived there in 96-97 people had a real serious complex if you said you were from NY. And the traffic definitely is the worst. I'd pay the extra in taxes just to not drive in that mess.
  3. So wait, do you have to control the ball to the ground or just when your knee touches? These !@#$ing refs man...
  4. Are the Ravens going to be in the market for a QB this offseason? Seems likely.
  5. Sounds clean to me. Always make it look like an accident.
  6. Yea you're right. It will be interesting. No way are both signing with one knowing they will be a backup. Bridgewater could come here and start. Browns. Broncos. Jaguars.
  7. Case will get moved. Or Bridgewater. No way they both stay in Minnesota, neither of them will want to be a backup.
  8. Isn't this basically what happens in college? Line up, check the D and then back out and look to the sideline for signals? I know the radio obviously makes it more sophisticated but still...
  9. Probably will be in the market for Bradford, like us. Or maybe Keenum.
  10. Except for when we held the Panthers to 9 points and lost because the offense was terrible.
  11. Not gonna happen. The O-Line is awful. You get some younger, more athletic guys in front of him and he goes back to being completely dominant. He's the one hold over I hope McDermott and Beane keep. You do realize he's our leading receiver?
  12. Considering the team we root for, I never take pleasure in other fans' misfortune (unless they're Patriots fans).
  13. What about the completion to McCoy for -5 yards? I thought that was a pretty accurate ball...
  14. I was being slightly hyperbolic. Obviously within reason lol but I agree.
  15. Too busy suspending a guy for ALLEGEDLY doing something to worry about pressing issues like how awful the refs are.
  16. He was the one rumored to be getting traded at the deadline so I would imagine there is some interest.
  17. I don't think it would really hurt his trade value actually. He didn't blow out a knee.
  18. Dawkins seems to be settling in in his rookie season. Does this make Glenn expendable?
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