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Everything posted by Luka

  1. Maybe you're just a very prejudiced person and your judgement is clouded by the stereotypes you are applying to him?
  2. If the money is ever put forth to build a new stadium, it will be a dome. No way that kind of investment is made in this region just to have it be used 8 times a year. A dome can host many different events and that's what will get a new stadium built.
  3. Fans want coach that wins. Team finds coach that wins. Fans hate that coach wins.
  4. Anytime we got snow like that, we were out playing football in it. It was actually easier to get a 7 on 7 game going in that weather than any other time because it was always fun.
  5. WHo wants to get rid of him? I want to get rid of the full backs. No place for a full back in the modern NFL.
  6. Wow... I have zero !@#$ing words for that. Did we really just punt that ball away?
  7. SO after nearly losing the game 3 times in the last minute, the torture continues.
  8. I can't believe anyone is at this game, ya'll are crazy.
  9. The question is, do you love his ability as a passer or a rusher more? He is an extremely dynamic runner, almost McCoy like in his ability to jump cut. As a team, are you willing to utilize that talent until the wheels fall off? How effective is his ability to run going to be at the next level? He's a more accurate passer than Tyrod for sure. When he does throw he does it with anticipation and has good placement. What worries me is that when presented with any kind of pressure or tight coverage, he's running. The offense you'd have to design for Tyrod to succeed, is the same one you'll need for Jackson to be successful.
  10. I presented my argument, you're only retort is hanging on a word I used. I may have no clue but yet if you watch good QBs rarely do you see guys having to dive, twist, jump and spin just catch a 5 yard pass. Your assessment of "but 63% bro!" is meaningless. Accuracy has everything to do with where you put the ball, the anticipation of the route and throwing to a spot. That's how the NFL works. Windows are small, guys are typically covered and you have to throw them open. Tyrod has proven he can't do that. EDIT: Now I see you've posted a highlight video in defense of your argument. Have a good night, champ.
  11. Ball placement kiddo, it's what separates the great ones from the below average ones. Casual fans that read PFF don't see that anywhere in their stats so they just can't figure it out. If it wasn't for his ability to run and his great arm, he would've been out of the league years ago. He's a boom or bust passer. He will wow you with a scramble and a strike every now and then, but for the most part the ball is behind, low or high of his receiver. Gives the receiver zero chance to make a play after the catch.
  12. And if he could throw an accurate pass we would be talking about playoffs. Any pass he throws the receiver has to go back for it. He's late on almost every throw. A lot of these plays, if he just puts the ball out in front and to the numbers, guys can make plays. Tyrod has never been able to do that. Never will.
  13. The QB issues are all on them. There are hundreds of QBs at the collegiate level. Literally hundreds. If your scouting department can't get a guy they like every year at QB outside of the top 3 picks then something is terribly wrong with your front office. Flacco, Dalton, Cousins, Carr, Garoppolo, Wilson, Keenum are all much better options than what we have currently. None of them we're picked even in the top 15 of the draft. We have seemingly endless top 10 picks and yet? We draft Losman, Edwards and Manuel in the 17 year drought. 3 QBs in 17 years in the top 3 rounds. If your franchise's leadership can't see it's a QB driven league and go in with more than 1 QB on it's big board every year and actually pull the trigger on a guy when you know you don't have one, that's on the team. Leodis McKelvin - 11th, Flacco 18th Aaron Williams - 34th, Dalton 35th TJ Grahmn - 69th, Wilson 75th, Cousins 102nd, Keenum undrafted Watkins 4th (trade up), Carr 36th, Garoppolo 62nd (honorable mention Bridgewater 32nd) I could go on (Rodgers comes to mind) but that's plenty I think.
  14. Trent's bad. Plenty of mid round guys in the draft and Cadet doesn't look half bad.
  15. Sammy sucks. He's what, third or fourth in receptions on the Rams? Hell he hasn't even been as productive in LA as he's been here. Overshadowed by Woods, another guy Tyrod wouldn't throw too, and a rookie. It is the QB play period. Forget the bad throw to Zay, what else did he do that game? Nothing.
  16. We are 31st in passing first downs. That's TOTAL passing first downs. So I'm gonna go out on a limb and say the passing 3rd down conversions are pretty low.
  17. The QB is the one throwing the football. What mistakes are you talking about? Not being born as Stretch Armstrong or the Flash? Because you need superpowers to catch some of the passes Tyrod throws.
  18. No reason to attempt to grade a wide receiving corps who has to play with a QB that refuses to throw them the football.
  19. This is probably the worst use of statistics I've seen yet. How many 3rd downs does he CONVERT. That's all that matters. The stats say, not too many. /thread
  20. I can honestly say, for the first time in 27 years... I don't care. It does not matter either way who they start. Even if Peterman is good, so what? One 5 INT outing and 1 or 2 above average games doesn't even mean anything for him or the franchise moving forward. Every free agent and every draft eligable QB needs to make a stop at OBD in the offseason.
  21. After no drafts? And who says McDermott doesn't deserve it? People were saying it was a tank year but we were 5-2 before the wheels came off the Tyrod train. I think out of anyone, McDermott has earned what he has. He knew he was walking into a mess, he new it was going to get gutted, but he still had these guys ready to play. And Beane did exactly what Cleveland did, obtain draft picks. It's what he does with them this offseason. I notice you omitted signing Hyde, Poyer, getting Gaines in a trade and drafting White, essentially overhauling the entire secondary and having it be so good that teams just run all over us instead. Also ignoring how good Milano is.
  22. Stop whining. Point being, you don't need stats if you watch him throw the football. It's bad. The O'Leary throw in the KC game was Tyrod in a nutshell. Even when the guy is wide open running across the field without a defender in sight, he throws the ball behind him at his feet. I don't need stats or some guy on a message board to confirm or deny what I see out of Tyrod every Sunday. Please stop with the "you don't understand" crap. Get over yourself. Your OPINION doesn't jive with any of the facts or stats.
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