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Everything posted by Luka

  1. Yes, Tyrod was the reason we made the playoffs lmao
  2. His biggest hurdle is going to be taking what he's given at the next level. I think we see the same things. His accuracy is actually pretty amazing when he sticks to his mechanics. This is most evident on plays where he has a clean pocket and isn't forced off his spot. He can throw a receiver open 40 yards down field. But when he gets forced out or isn't seeing anything downfield he waits until the last second and ends up throwing awkwardly with defenders hanging off of him. The scrambling backwards thing is also a habit that needs to be broken quickly. No yards is better than negative yards. A throw out of bounds is better than an interception. I understand at times you have to take risks but he doesn't seem to have routine plays very often lol. If the Bills can correct this, look out.
  3. Aside from measurables, just watch him in coverage. His hips are fluid, he drops into a zone like a safety. They have a very young kid who is devoted to football and the more he learns the better he will get.
  4. I mean, the guy was on video running from and getting tackled by the cops...
  5. I was a fan of Tyrod until he gave me a reason not to be. Allen will get the same deal.
  6. It wasn't really a slight at Eichel, more, it's going to be another great player coming to a pretty bad team. I don't think any one guy is going to turn everything around.
  7. I feel like the same thing was said about Eichel.
  8. It's a team sport. Tons of QBs have busted, but is it always all on the player? If you're picked high in the 1st round, you're usually going to a bad team with a new staff. Or if you're unfortunate enough to be picked by the Browns, you're going to a team that's won a single game in 2 years and has decided that their coaching staff is good enough. There are entirely too many factors to sit down and say this stat, this stat and this stat is what matters. Especially since none of these statistics are obtained in vacuum. No two situations are alike.
  9. Belicheck trolling his former employer. Drumming up a bunch of hype around the guy he liked the least so the Browns would jump all over him. I mean, if the Pats like him he MUST be the next one? Right? RIGHT?!
  10. The Josh Allen thing is a nothing burger, while the Brandon thing is probably pretty serious. The guy has been an inept leech on this organization for two decades so if absolute incompetence and failure doesn't get you **** canned, must be a pretty serious situation for you to be forced to step down.
  11. Oh I'm sorry, I didn't realize you were so dense to think that my statement somehow inferred that they are ONLY getting guys from small schools.
  12. The Bills made big moves to address the two biggest positions on the field. Strategically, they were more than successful. But a draft is only as good as the results on the field.
  13. McDermott and Beane are all about the small school guys it seems. Need some hunger in that locker room.
  14. He's a safety. Or will be. Plays the run, plays physical. Even played some linebacker.
  15. Future HOF QB, arguably the best receiver in the game and a potential star RB. Yea, must suck to be a Giants fan.
  16. Then let it die. There's only one thing I'm more sick of than numerous threads about the same topic, and that's people crying about racism and other bull **** SJW topics. I watch football to not have to listen to this crap.
  17. So no one has anything else about our QB? Just gonna talk about "racism." Alright then.
  18. Jordan sees what I see in Allen. Yes, he can be very erratic. Yes he can be inaccurate. But at 22, is he broken or just inexperienced? With football being the only thing in his life now, I feel like the work that he puts in will greatly effect his accuracy. What I see on his poor throws, is someone who gets away from his mechanics. The problem with having a big arm is that you can throw off balance, you can throw from awkward platforms, but you shouldn't. Yes, sometimes you absolutely have too but there are plenty of his throws where if he's slightly more patient and he keeps his mechanics sound, the throws don't get away from him. Maybe he isn't fixable, maybe he isn't coachable, or maybe he hasn't received the coaching he needs to be successful. We will certainly find out.
  19. I love it, I hope it motivates Josh even more. We need him to be great.
  20. Wasn't there a screen shot of a tweet of him also saying he loves penis? If he had a long history of KKK tweets and propaganda, Confederate flags on his truck, swastikas tattooed on his forehead, then I'd buy all this racist crap. But one tweet? And it was clearly a quote from a show? Get over yourselves.
  21. I like that it's 2018 and people are still using the term "tape." Half of you have probably never watched anything on tape.
  22. Do you even prank, BRO?!?! God you're an idiot.
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