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Posts posted by Luka

  1. Just now, Rocbillsfan1 said:

    Dude you don't get it. Beane is not getting fired and he's not picking a QB next year. If he does that he's admitting that he !@#$ed up the process and rebuild. If he admits he's wrong and picks a QB he deserves to be fired. You don't pick a QB top 10 and give up a starting Left Tackle and multiple day 2 picks to pick another QB who guess what will still be behind a ****ty oline and zero Wrs. That's total bull ****. He's stuck with Allen and needs to build around him at this point. Get it?


    Simmer down little man. I'm just refuting your claim that it 100% won't happen. It certainly could. Allen could play even worse than Peterman all season. Then what? You play him next year anyways? Just stop. Put your booze down and take a nap.

    • Like (+1) 1
  2. 6 minutes ago, BeginnersMind said:

    I watched most of the 3rd and fourth quarters of that game. I was pulling for the Browns in the hugest way. 


    And man oh man, Tryod was totally Tyrod-y. They will be calling for Mayfield in another couple games. It was brutal. Not Nate Peterman brutal, but still pretty brutal, like Tyrod vs. Jacksonville brutal. Watching those 3 yard passes on 3rd and 9 sent me into PTSD. 




    Tyrod >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>NP


    With TT, this is probably a 33-13 game. 


    I dunno, remember the Saints game last year?

  3. 1 minute ago, Rocbillsfan1 said:

    I'm not aruging against Allen playing. There is no way 100% that they draft a QB top 5. Are you high? Think about what that would say about their ability to evaluate college talent if they did that. They gave up a starting left tackle and multiple picks to draft a QB in the top 10. You don't pick another QB the next year in the top 5 especially when you have no online and no good WRs period. How can you even really begin to evaluate this kid.

    I hated the Allen pick but they are tied to this kid for a few years for better or worse.


    Anything could happen. They started Nathan Peterman for Christ's sake. You really think that if a can't miss QB prospect is there at #1 overall and the one you drafted is terrible that you just pass on him because you already picked a guy? Sorry but I think you should be questioning your own sobriety.


    Allen has to start. As a front office you have to know. It could make sense to take another one. You don't get the number 1 overall every year. I am in no means advocating for this scenario but to say it's 100% impossible is daft.


    This team better look way different next year with all the cap space and what I'm going to assume is a very high or the highest pick in the draft. My hope is that Allen and starts and shows enough that there is confidence in him and we build around him.

  4. 1 minute ago, Rocbillsfan1 said:

    there's no way they take a QB #1 next year. That would be admitting that they totally failed and gave up a lot of draft capital and resources to pick a bust without even giving him a couple of years. They need the #1 pick but that's so they can trade down and stock pile picks because they have holes everywhere on this team.


    Two second round picks is not "a lot of draft capital." We gave up more to draft Watkins.


    And frankly, they draft poorly so what would they have really gotten with those two picks? Two more Zays? They'll do whatever they feel they need to do to build a successful franchise. Frankly, it's more of a mark on them to NOT start Josh Allen. This is their guy. They picked him. They made the trade. Peterman isn't even a serviceable backup at this point. He simply can not play quarterback at this level. To play him over their number 1 guy is a joke.


    The more Allen plays the better he will get. He did it at Wyoming and he has the physical gifts to do it at this level too. He probably took less reps this week than he has all camp in preseason. Start him. It's not just the game experience but the experience of preparing as the starter week in and week out that he's missing out on while they screw around with Peterman.

    • Like (+1) 3
  5. 7 minutes ago, ngbills said:

    It was basically Peterman looked that bad. Made a normally average performance for Allen look good. 

    only McD wants NP.  


    Yea I don't understand his love for Peterman. At this point I don't even think he's a good backup. Should've kept AJ and Allen and just let Allen start. I mean the people here dogging Allen are ignoring some great throws he made that were dropped and the fact that he had to come into a game that the rest of his teammates had already quit.

  6. I said it during the game. The guys on this team have practiced with both QBs and the team believes in Allen. No one trusts Nathan Peterman. And obviously for good reason. How many truly terrible games does this guy have to have before we stop with this non sense? If I'm forced to watch bad QB play, let's see it from the 7th overall pick. At least he can escape the pocket and stretch the field with his arm. It gives Daboll a fighting chance to call a little more varied attack. Peterman can only throw so far, every team knows it and they continue to cheat up and pick him off. You drafted Allen to be the future, well the future starts now.

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