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Everything posted by Luka

  1. I never would've thought. He was impressive in college and had a couple good seasons with the Panthers. Now I think we are seeing why they were a willing trade partner. His attitude and effort are abysmal.
  2. Kid has a long way to go. I don't really care for the coaching staff telling him to tone down some of those throws, I think that's a big part of his inaccuracy, at least in that game, he's thinking about how hard he should throw it. Fire that **** in there, these receivers need to catch it. I also loved the "if we had one more block, Ivory scores" as Benjamin gives the most pathetic attempt to block I've ever seen.
  3. Where are all the posters here that claimed Wood was over rated? Whoops.
  4. But we got rid of those guys because they were holding back the most elite QB in the league, Tyrod Taylor.
  5. Lots of casual fans that don't actually watch the games. A box score, couple news articles, they get the gist.
  6. I'm not buying that evaluation at all. I can recall Miller on his back more than once in the backfield.
  7. Nearly 300 yards in total offense for his first game. Put points on the board. You can dissect every single play and find something wrong I'm sure. You can do it for every first start of every QB's career. It's tough to take someone serious who is looking for EVERY negative they can find. This certainly wasn't an unbiased look at how Josh performed. It's going to be a tough road for him, for sure. But trying to bury the kid after one game is ridiculous.
  8. I wish this would happen so the notion that somehow an NFL team loses to a college team is put to rest. Saban has already proven he struggles to beat NFL teams with an NFL roster, I really don't see him doing ti with a college roster.
  9. That's actually a really good point... I dunno though, it would have to be a pretty good number to make all of this worthwhile.
  10. The thread is fine. Your post is like a John Miller pass block. Fell flat.
  11. The picture that got posted looked like the kid fell and hit his chin. Having 4 boys, I've seen that injury before. Typically from running while looking behind you and falling. Lots of tears, big scrape, maybe some blood and then they're back at it. If that injury was truly from abuse, charges should be pressed against her and McCoy.
  12. Allen and Edmunds don't matter to the big picture? Potential cap hits to next year and beyond don't matter? Point was, this is already a disaster. If the draft doesn't pan out I think it may be our worst offseason in the history of the franchise.
  13. I've been trying to come up with a worse offseason for free agency moves and trades but I can't think of one off the top of my head. Signed a CB who quit at halftime, signed a DE who has been hurt and still doesn't look to be up to speed, traded for a WR and cut him, signed a veteran QB then traded him last minute to keep Peterman... didn't address the departures of Incognito or Wood, in fact doubled down and traded Glenn as well... I mean outside of the hope we have for Allen and Edmunds, this offseason was an absolute train wreck. And if they don't work out? Yikes. Edit: Forgot about the Star signing as well. Who can blame me?
  14. African American coaches and starting players all over this team yet benching a ****ty QB for what turned out to be an even shittier QB is racist? Maybe the should direct their ire towards the Pats, they literally have more white starters than anyone else in the league.
  15. Shady should just sit. It's not like the o-line can block for him. Those ribs will never heal trying to play through it.
  16. So you liken him to two Super Bowl champions? Yea, "pretty solid." You can't really tell if he's diagnosing the defense because the line can't block even if he calls the correct protection. That's going to be something discussed while watching film. "What did you see on this play, what protection did you call, etc." The defense has given up 78 points in two games so that's going to make it even tougher to assess him as a player. It's certainly going to be a year full of adversity for him. His mental makeup and willing to lead will get him through year one. With the expected large sum of cap money available in the offseason and a potentially high 1st round pick, I would expect year two will be a much better environment to judge his individual performance.
  17. Well he IS better than Peterman. But Peterman is historically bad. Like once in a lifetime bad. So I guess that isn't saying much.
  18. I'm awfully confused as to why people on this message board, who have seen so many terrible QBs are now on this "they weren't developed properly" bandwagon. EJ Manuel was garbage in college, on a stacked team and was only asked to throw 3 yard passes. He had 5 300 yard games in 3 years in a weaker conference. There was nothing to develop. Do you think the coaches weren't trying to get JP to throw the ball instead of running backwards, fumbling, getting sacked, etc.? And who said to Trent hey, take this cheapshot to the helmet and never be the same. On 3. You are either good enough to play in the NFL or you aren't. Your career can end at any moment. Remember when Cam rolled his truck on the freeway? That could've been it for him. Or how about Kolb slipping on a mat? Hall of Fame Qbs tend to have Hall of Coaches and vice versa. And I think a lot of the time, the QB is making them look good, not the other way around.
  19. The argument for sitting a rookie QB is only valid if you have another, viable option on the roster. The examples that people always bring up are guys that sat behind all pros and hall of famers. We don't have one of those. There's really no point in waiting, the kid is football smart, he needs the in game experience.
  20. He has the tools but not the mind or the desire for the game. That drop in the endzone was ridiculous. He would've had to take a hand off for that to be any easier. He's worried about Cam and a contract when he needs to start over at square one. Catch the damn ball. Him and Zay both were prolific wide outs in college. And the both have some serious mental issues at the next level. I don't get it.
  21. He's not going to sign Kap because Kap expects to start and if he doesn't then everyone is racist. Teams don't want Kap because you'd have to start him no matter what, no matter how bad he plays.
  22. Yea it kinda is. Like he doesn't know how ****ty the o-line is? For how many great plays he makes, he also has a lot of negative runs and sometimes he needs to take the two yards instead of dancing in the backfield. And yea, I'm not one of those people that thinks McCoy is a god, sorry. Other teams know it too, he doesn't want to run between the tackles so if they shut down the outside you end up with a lot of negative plays.
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