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Posts posted by Luka

  1. 47 minutes ago, RoyBatty is alive said:


    Always felt that way, looks like his head was put in a vice as a kid, most great QBs are good looking,  Steve Young, Kelly, Marino, Unitas, Starr, Brady, Elway, Staubach, ....think about it.  Bradshaw & Luck  some of the few exception and not even sure Luck is "great" QB.  Allen is a good looking man, although sometimes he looks like he is 12 yrs old.


    Good looking guys have a lot of self confidence if not downright arrogance (Kelly, Brady) , something you desperately need to be a great QB.


    This place...

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  2. 17 minutes ago, Joeziehmer said:

    No team will take Kaep and there’s a lot of excuses around how he hasn’t played a snap.  Or, about how San Francisco benched him for not fitting their model.  Honestly San Francisco ownership is a regime which turned on Harbaugh; it’s last great Coach in hubris.  Anyone want to take a chance and hire Tomsula would any fan of Buffalo want him over McDermott?  


    Elway said he offered him a contract. He's making enough in endorsements and such that I doubt he actually NEEDS to play football. I bet his asking price is a way bigger turn off than the fact that he might kneel.

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  3. So let me get this straight, you want a guy who can't win with Aaron Rodgers over a guy that dragged a subpar team into the playoffs last year and even have them somewhat competitive this year even though they've essentially treated the entire season as a sort of preseason?

    • Like (+1) 1
  4. Bills fans have a Too-Drunk-To-Know-What's-Happening Complex. When Cam had a performance like that his rookie year all you'd hear is "can't believe we took Dareus instead of Cam,"  like the Bills had a shot at Cam to begin with. Football isn't all stats. Football isn't just one guy on a "team" like basketball. Lots of nuances, strategy etc that 90% of people watching don't understand so they attempt to use stats to back up their hyperbolic and uninformed opinions. Get used to it. After all, this is the same fan base that said Kelly should be benched for Reich when he had a bad game.

  5. Just now, PeterDude said:


    It's usually a bad game plan with players out of position that causes a penalty filled game.  That or lack of talent.  They don't lack talent on D.


    Just completely ridiculous. The Milano penalty was ***** I'll give them that. He had perfect inside position and turned back for the ball but because the tight end threw his hands up it's a penalty. But the dumb ass penalty by Phillips when they had the stop and could've forced a field goal, that should be a benchable offense at the least. And we won't even go into the choke slam sack or Fitzpatrick tackling Zay before the ball was there, two huge penalties that would've made the game winning score a 10-15 yard run for Allen that weren't called.

    But here we are talking about an ugly looking pass that our 2nd rate tight end misjudged and fell down while trying to catch it.

    I think the biggest problem right now is guys just aren't doing the little things. Everyone is trying to win the game in a single play and it just doesn't work like that. Daboll and Allen need to get that short passing game going early. It works. I know the kid has a big arm but it should be something used sparingly, not every attempt should have to be for 20 yards on a 3rd and 17. Playing QB is all about rythmn and he can't get into it only throwing on 3rd down trying to pick up big chunks of yardage. Shady needs to aim for 5 yards and not 50 to the house and the receivers all need to concentrate on catching the bill first, everything else comes second.

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  6. 4 minutes ago, John from Riverside said:

    Dawkins best NFL position is LG to  me.




    We'll see what the tape says come March and April. But I don't think you'll see him at guard. Maybe RT if the Process deems someone in the draft or free agency of taking over left tackle but he's been good at LT and those guys don't grow on tress. Much easier to fill the interior of the line with mid to late round picks or above average free agent signings. Not asked to do quite as much athletically as you are on the outside.

  7. 1 hour ago, John from Riverside said:

    Big uglies a huge need on this team


    You want your shot at the best skill players. Doesn't matter how long Allen has in the pocket if no one is getting open. Left tackle typically goes high in the draft but that's a spot that seems to be locked up with Dawkins. So do you hope Dawkins can translate to the right side? I like the free agent class of offensive linemen more than I like the receiver class. That's going to be another factor but as it stands, I want young weapons for Allen.

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  8. 23 hours ago, PIZ said:



    "Arizona State junior N’Keal Harry could end up being the first receiver off the board this spring. At 6' 4", he’s a big target who has been held under 60 receiving yards in a game only once this season. In Saturday’s win over USC, Harry made an acrobatic one-handed catch while falling backwards—he was almost completely horizontal when he stretched his arm back behind him to pluck the ball. That play showed off one of his strengths—the ability to consistently make difficult, contested catches downfield".




    I would go Harry in the first and the tight end from Mizz in the second. Worry about the o line in free agency and later in the draft.


  9. 3-3 as a starter (maybe 4-2 if he doesn't get hurt against Houston) in his rookie season on an offense that seems to be pretty void of talent and all of them learning a new scheme. Robbed of reps and playing time in the off season and training camp. No running game to speak of (unless he's the one running). No tight ends. A #1 receiver who should be playing tight end. I mean, yea it hasn't been pretty. He has had the decked stacked against him more so than any other rookie or 2nd year QB this year. I'd say he'd be the talk of the town playing for Houston or Kansas City. I think everyone should sit back, relax and let the rest of the season play out at least because your opinion will change from week to week. Obviously if we lose, you'll hate him and if we win, you'll love him. Best to have a bit more of a long term outlook.

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  10. 2 minutes ago, Buffalo30 said:

    Why do people think completion percentage equals accuracy?  


    Because most fans have no idea what they are watching and are so drunk they can only focus on the negative. Maybe if they watched other football teams they would see every QB makes bad passes. I watched Brees throw a couple bad passes against the Falcons. Brady throws a duck or two a game. The only thing Allen is currently lacking is consistency and that just comes with reps.

    Just now, Steptide said:

    I don't think anyone's pissed. People just want better than 8 completed passes.


    If it was on 30 attempts you might have a gripe.

  11. 3 hours ago, matter2003 said:

    OK...we just did...ugly game and all we did was screw up our draft positioning but we won...


    And who the hell do you plan on drafting? People like you are what's wrong with sports. You can't build a winning culture without wins. I'd rather win out and have free agents lining up outside OBD than draft 6 instead of 16.

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  12. Mayfield is the next Brees. There's nothing to figure out with his game, the guy throws with amazing accuracy. I honestly didn't think his game would transfer to the NFL level because of the division he played in, team he played for etc. but I think the Browns have a good one finally. Battle for Erie in the AFC Championship in a couple years?

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