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Posts posted by Luka

  1. 29 minutes ago, Logic said:

    At this point, I just expect Allen's critics to keep moving the goalposts on him.

    First it was "he'll be a definite bust. Won't even be a replacement level starter". Well, he WASN'T/ISN'T a bust. I'm sorry, but a quarterback with a 9-7 record and six game-winning drives in his first 16 games is not a bust. 

    Next it was "he's inaccurate!". He comes out this year and shows pretty damned good accuracy, with an obvious few exceptions here and there. 

    Next it was "but he'll never reach 60% completion percentage!". Now he's doing that, and no one says a word.

    I suppose the last item on the checklist is to stop turning the ball over, and I WILL agree that he needs to do that if he ever wants to be taken seriously as an upper echelon QB.


    I dunno Favre is in the Hall and I'm pretty sure he's thrown the most INTs in league history. And he doesn't even have all the rings like Brady.

  2. 1 minute ago, Dkollidas said:

    Beane and McDermott both do a lot of PC talk about their guys. They’ll never call them out in public.


    But Beane looking into (if not actively pursuing) Antonio Brown this off-season showed everyone they actually are looking for that #1 Stud WR.


    While this may be true, I think he also genuinely believed it to an extent. But as much as I like Brown and Beasley, they don't command double teams. It's why Josh has struggled, when the defense can play man to man and send 5 or 6 rushers it creates a pressure situation with very tight windows to throw into on top of it.

  3. 11 minutes ago, JoshAllenHasBigHands said:


    Dabol got us 400 yards of offense against the best defense in the league.  On top of that, even a cursory review of the film reveals there were people running open all over the field.  Dabol did his job.  Allen needed to execute. He didn't, and that is ok because he should learn. But Dabol is not the problem. 


    I disagree. Yards aren't what we're looking for, we're looking for points. Allen was blitzed on 50% of his drop backs, that defense could've been easily exploited for more rushing yards. Dabol made almost no adjustments.

  4. Playing against who many considered the best defense in the NFL, scored the only touchdown against New England this year and looked to be driving for the win late in the 4th until he was taken out with a cheap shot. Dabol did him a disservice by not running the football more. Gore was running very well and they should've fed the Pats a lot of two and three tight end sets. With Knox and Sweeney, we could have easily set up some very nice play action seam routes. Dabol's play calling is absolutely terrible at times. That is holding Allen back more than anything at this point.

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  5. 5 minutes ago, BananaB said:

    They moved the ball before half and after half in it and then went back to huddling up right after we made it 16-10. Makes no ***** sense.


    Lots of questionable game management. The challenges, not kicking a field goal down 6 when your defense is handling business all day and your backup QB is in the game. People get legitimately psyched out by the Pats. It's hard to watch.

  6. I mean, Gregg Williams is the reason that team got turned around. I didn't see any reason to dump him and promote Kitchens. Should've kept the staff exactly the way it was honestly. They were picking up steam last year and ended up being a .500 team essentially. Stupid not to keep riding that train with so many young guys on the team.

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