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Posts posted by Luka

  1. 2 hours ago, Dopey said:

    Cuz I want to lighten up the mood here today. Enjoy guys!

    WTH?!?! Baker...




    Funny how Kitchens and Daboll both like to run a lot of stupid gadget plays, motions etc and both young QBs are struggling. Baker more so than Allen but still... both teams would benefit having real NFL coordinators. That play with Baker was just an absolutely terrible play design.

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  2. 6 hours ago, iccrewman112 said:

    But he was mentioned as a hot candidate for upcoming head coach jobs. These mentions were baffling to me as great offensive minds have their teams average 25ppg minimum. 


    As we've seen all over the league, if you've been within 50 feet of Belichek's dirty jock strap, you are the next big thing in coaching. Feel bad for whoever jumps on the Daboll grenade.

  3. 3 minutes ago, LABILLBACKER said:

    What an ignorant response. This Belichick reject in no way runs anything resembling Bill's offenses over the years. Dumbell's offense is WAY TOO complicated and his plays take 10 seconds to develop. And many players have complained about it.  So keep sitting Singletary.  Keep running qb sweeps that risk injury or fumbles. Keep using Sproles Dimarco on deep wheel routes....comical.....



    Sproles DiMarco... hilarious.

  4. 5 hours ago, Captain_Quint said:

    I dont understand why we didnt have any motion or jet sweeps against Schwartz' D. Going into the game they talked about it and how vulnerable they are to it. Then McKenzie is inactive and I dont recall seeing that motion all game. Puzzling... I think the weather spooked Dabol and he started panicking. 

    And come on, you run the stupid wheel route to DiMarco again??? That will work once a season. No need to keep doing it. 


    They did run jet sweep motion and some other pre snap stuff but the Eagles weren't buying it. It's just window dressing anyways. It's what happens after the snap that sucks.

  5. 2 hours ago, Chris66 said:

    Are you saying Allen isnt smart enough to run this offense because the Pats have been dominating with this offense for almost 2 decades


    Uh... what? Daboll is somehow getting credit for the GOAT's production? Funny, McDaniels tried that to and crashed and burned.


    2012 Chiefs: 32nd ranked offense.

    2011 Dolphins: 20th ranked offense.

    2010 Browns: 31st ranked offense.

    2009 Browns: 29th ranked offense.


    Daboll is a fraud. His only successful stint as an OC was with Bama and that had a lot more to do with Bama being Bama.

  6. 8 minutes ago, H2o said:

     I have a feeling that Daboll is trying to be too complicated with the offense and is basically :censored: up the whole situation.


    There was a screen pass yesterday where Allen faked two hand offs before getting the ball out and ended up spiking it in the dirt because there was just a huddle of Bills players to his right. Daboll's play design is horrendous. I think Allen knows it too. He's been getting good at throwing the ball away though. He's starting to recognize when a play is going to fail before the wide outs finish running their overly complex routes that never get them open.

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  7. Daboll needs to go. Allen can't find the open receiver because he's too busy performing two or three fake handoffs and then rolling out before he even gets to look downfield. The play design is absolute trash. I watch a lot of college and NFL football and I really struggle to recall an offense so up it's own ass with motions, fakes, etc. I will say, the Browns like that stuff too and you see what their record is and how badly Baker has struggled this year.


    It's the NFL, you aren't fooling anyone with all the window dressing.

  8. Scary that Bills fans think a running back is somehow going to solve the issues on offense. We have two great running backs that we can't seem to get the ball to. Singletary 9 chances rushing and receiving combined. Allen? 8 carries. Until Daboll gets fired, we will continue to struggle on offense. I used to give him credit for Allen's progress but after yesterday, I'm thinking any progress Allen is making is in spite of him.

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  9. On 10/25/2019 at 2:25 PM, Over 29 years of fanhood said:


    He does?  I thought he was a cover two press man wide 9 guy.... 


    This year they've been using Cover 0 from what I've read. Most likely against teams they don't view as a threat to go deep, no reason to keep a safety over the top. Allen hasn't proven he can hit a deep pass but if he does it will totally change the dynamic of the entire game. Probably time to take Foster out of moth balls.

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  10. Offensive line play is going to be huge this week. Can the line give Allen enough time to exploit the Eagles 27th ranked pass defense? The Eagles front 7 is the strong point of their defense and we all know Schwartz. He's currently blitzing at a rate of +30% on third down this year to mitigate the issues in the Eagles' secondary. He often uses Cover 0 which is a concept that Allen has seen a couple times this year (Pats and Miami) and it's going to be crucial that the line holds up in these situations. As an aside, it will also be interesting to see if Dabol can establish the run game. It will be important to maintain balance in the offense to keep the Eagles front 7 from keying on Allen and putting us in 2nd and medium/3rd and short situations.

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  11. https://insidetheiggles.com/2019/10/24/philadelphia-eagles-miss-frank-reich-now-ever/


    This is why I think the Eagles will lose Sunday, more than anything. Reich has proven to be a QB whisperer. Wentz, then Foles, returned Luck to MVP form and now has Jacoby Brissett atop the AFC South. I think Eagles fans will continue to wait for a return to form for Wentz, which won't come without a play caller of Reich's caliber.

  12. Elway has stated publicly he isn't trading any one. I still wonder what it would take to pry Von Miller away from the Broncos. Right now, aside from the right side of the OL that is struggling, a legitimate edge rusher is what's really lacking on this team and what would hold us back in the playoffs. Jerry Hughes has 1.5 sacks. Shaq has 1. Darryl Johnson has 1. Trent Murphy has none. That just isn't getting it done on the outside.

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  13. C. His play calling and running his scheme no matter what gets us into trouble. I'm happy it's a modern, nuanced scheme. I just think that this is a play action team and the run needs to be established first and fore most. Miami went into this week giving up 169 yards on the ground. There was absolutely zero reason that Gore and Singletary should not have been fed the ball at the beginning of the game. We probably could have ran every play and scored a touchdown on the opening possession.


    Sure, you can point to the one or two deep shots that Allen missed and put it all on him if you like. But in the end, there needs to be a much bigger emphasis on high percentage passing plays and the run game. You see a lot of teams that are taking deep shots to wide open receivers. Those receivers are open because they have the defense committed to stopping the short passing game and the run game. Dabol dives head first into the intermediate/long game right from the get go. It's playing to the strengths of his QB, sure, but is it really successful? Does it make sense against teams who have a good pass defense?


    I think that, if McDermott knew much about offense, he would have taken over play calling much like he did with Fraizer last year.

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  14. The NFL definitely needs to adopt the NCAA's targeting rules, where the play is reviewed and the offending player is ejected. The NFL could take it a step further where that player only receives a portion of their game check (the portion they played) on top of fines. Repeat offenders face suspensions. As it stands now, a possible penalty and maybe a slap on the wrist from the NFL is just not a deterrent for this type of play.



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  15. 2 minutes ago, Buffalo716 said:

    There is literally 0 chance


    53 pros vs 90 amateurs where maybe 15-20 become professional ( that's being generous) at varying skills.. 10 of the pros are probably bums


    They have no shot


    Does your job always have the best employees? Top of their field? How about your manager? You're certain he's the best in the business? There isn't "literally zero chance" that's just an ignorant thing to say. These guys in the NFL come from all sorts of schools. Play all different levels of competition. Hell, a lot of them come from schools that had zero chance to beat a team like Alabama. So I mean, you can hold your ignorant view, but telling me a 7th round pick from a small school is automatically better than someone on Alabama is totally far fetched.


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  16. 7 hours ago, TroutDog said:

    Daboll was asked this point blank a while back and, at the time, stated he wanted to see this through to completion (meaning SB). 


    I hope he he was being honest. There is an article in the Rochester D & C this morning about the fact that he’s put in 166 different alignments this year with the next closest being SD at 129. 




    I like what he’s doing. 


    No wonder Josh looks bad. It also confirms my suspicion of him trying to be too clever. Take a note from the defense. Simplify. Beat the guy across from you. You've got a guy in Josh that can adlib and I feel like he should be afforded at least a little space to do that.

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