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Posts posted by Luka

  1. 7 minutes ago, 3rdand12 said:


    any positive takes ?

     Poyer and Hyde or to notch players.

    iif there were a wtf emote i would add it here


    I tend to agree but not speaking historically, just speaking about this year, we haven't seen them have the same impact that they've had in previous years.

    9 minutes ago, Manther said:

    I agree we need more playmakers, but, we aren’t getting them this year.  


    The sky is not falling.  Picks and sacks are not the only ways to account for “making plays” on D.  Brown, Milano, Poyer and Hyde do make plays.  They are playmakers.  Agreed to disagree on that.


    Never said the sky is falling, just that guys that we've watched just take over have all been quiet this year. On defense I still attribute it to not having a great pass rush. Look at the Chargers against the Packers yesterday, their pass rush took over the whole game and shut down one of the best to ever play.

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  2. 2 minutes ago, Wayne Arnold said:


    Lamar Jackson is kicking Josh Allen's ass so far this season.




    Jackson - 70.9 (5th)

    Allen - 36.9 (28th)


    Adjusted Net Yards per Pass Attempt


    Jackson - 6.79 (13th)

    Allen - 5.38 (25th)


    Passer Rating


    Jackson - 95.4 (14th)

    Allen - 82.9 (28th)


    Rushing Yards per game


    Jackson - 79.6 (9th)

    Allen - 30.9 (50th)


    Rushing Yards per attempt


    Jackson - 6.4 (1st)

    Allen - 4.0 (35th)


    Cherry picked stats to support your OPINION. Cool story bro. And those are manipulated stats on top of it. QBR is meaningless. Adjusted net yards? How about Lamar's 17.2% of bad throws which is 7th. (Allen 11th) How about Allen being the 8th most blitzed QB compared to Jackson? (15th).


    Stats without context are meaningless. Stats presented by Wayne Arnold to support a weak opinion even more so.

    7 minutes ago, SirAndrew said:

    I still like Allen’s potential, but I don’t understand  the common TBD narrative that Allen is somehow at Jackson’s level. It’s not a matter of whether Jackson is doing it with his arm or his legs, it’s the fact that he’s leading a dynamic offense. I question if Jackson’s style can ever lead a team to a Super Bowl title, but it’s absurd to compare Jackson and Allen at this point. Jackson is doing it his way, but the results are clear.

    If Allen ever realizes his true potential, he could be an elite championship caliber QB. Allen has the ability to be a dominant passer, if the mental aspect of his game ever comes together. Jackson is simply a fun to watch, and can succeed in an offense built for him. I’m not convinced he will be remembered as an elite QB. However, he can win games and has been dynamic. The moment never appears too big for him. Allen has miserably failed every big test, and looks like an over amped up deer in the headlights against the Pats. Jackson has it together mentally, and never looks intimidated. That’s why Jackson is receiving so much praise, while Allen goes unnoticed. The Bills could be 7-1 and tied for the AFC East lead had we beat the Pats. If Allen played big in a victory against the Pats, maybe the media would give him credit. Until Allen gets some signature victories, there is no reason why Jackson shouldn’t be held in higher esteem. 


    The results are identical. Both teams are 6-2.

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  3. 1 minute ago, Manther said:

    Milano, Brown, Poyer and Hyde 


    How many picks does Poyer and Hyde have between the two of them? 1 I think? Not to mention the run defense the past three games, they're responsible for gaps as well. Milano hasn't been a factor really since coming back from injury. John Brown is a good number 2. We need guys that will literally take over a game from their spot, we just don't have a lot of those. An elite edge rusher and receiver are sorely missing from this team.

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  4. 6 minutes ago, Brianmoorman4jesus said:

    How many flaws does this team really have? The run defense? Punter? Let’s not act like this team is completely lost out there 


    We lack guys that take over games. Allen has been great in 4th quarter. Singletary showed yesterday that he should be the featured player in the offense. On defense you have Phillips and Tre White. The rest of the team you better rewatch the game a couple times to even notice who's out there at times.

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  5. 3 minutes ago, Bronxbomber21 said:

    Not one player from the Panthers have helped this team


    Hopefully they move on from those connections. It's time this offseason, to throw the money around and bring in legitimate talent in free agency. I keep hearing we're the worst 6-2 team but aside from Allen, Singletary, White and Phillips, who are the playmakers on this team?

  6. Lamar threw for 163 yards last night and everyone is slobbering all over him. 143 in the loss to the Seahawks. 161 and 3 picks against the Steelers. It's just funny to me the opposite reactions to similar performances by Jackson and Allen on teams that are both 6-2. Jackson is the next coming of Jesus Christ and Allen is a bust yet both are dual threat QBs, Allen being the better passer, Jackson the better runner.

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  7. 8 minutes ago, Meazy26 said:

    Star has been the problem all year. I love the direction McBeane has this team going, but Star was an expensive mistake. He’s average on his best day. He should switch contracts with Jordan Phillips, but Star isn’t even worth Phillips’ 1yr/5m deal. Sad. 


    They were really relying on those Panthers players. Star and Benjamin and Murphy from the Redskins... I think Beane needs to find himself a better pro scout.

  8. 4 hours ago, H2o said:

    No one sees this coming in May when the schedule comes out. The chips just fell this way for us. 


    It is extremely stupid to continue to point at the schedule. The NFL has the schedule structured a certain way in that the schedules are determined by which divisions play each other. There are only two games chosen based on prior year performance. People talk about it like the NFL is handpicking a bad team for us to play each week.

  9. Until the play calling improves I think we'll continue to see around 200 yards passing. Just not enough screens and receivers in space. A lot of guys with big yards through the air benefit from YAC. Josh just doesn't get those kinds of plays often. Shame too, as we watched Singletary take a quick screen 49 yards today. Daboll seems to get a bunch of credit for running a modern offense but modern offenses employ quick screens. Daboll's does not.

  10. The first Bills game I watched was the divisional playoff game against the Browns in 89. Watched wide right, watched the blow outs, watched the drought. I used to read fictional sports stories as a kid (football related), I even took out a book on how to play football from the library that was written in the early 50's (which was actually pretty interesting, I wish I could remember the name of it). I expanded to also following college football in 2005 when I moved to Florida and it became impossible to watch the Bills (Go Gators). I've taken time off of work to follow the draft. I love football and can't quit the Bills.

  11. As a package, I'm fine with them doing this. Lawson, Phillips, Star and Oliver could be a good run stopping package. But as a permanent move? No way. People need to realize that other than Oliver and Philips, the D line is trash. We're going to be looking at the draft and free agency to get a pass rush in the off season. Horrible Harry will be back next year and then the defense will be elite. No more paper tigers.

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  12. 1 minute ago, GoBills808 said:

    Like I am almost positive they want to run more playaction for Allen (his #s in PA vs non-PA are crazy), but you need to set that up by Gore being effective...which means early game a using some 12 personnel so teams can't stack 8 in the box on run downs...but of those 2TEs it's going to be pretty obvious what your intentions are as to run or pass so they're in a bind. 


    That should play to his advantage, but somehow it doesn't. That 12 personnel should be lethal in play action but again, I think it comes back to the groupings. If they are going to run, Smith is in. Pass, it was Sweeney and Kroft but now Knox and Kroft. Daboll should take some notes from his former boss McDaniel's and maybe start running some two back sets. Gore and Singletary at the same time. Can motion one of them out of the back field. Fake draw to screen. An actual draw play (I mention it just because I can't recall a time this year we ran a draw). Be like McVay, figure out how to keep your best players on the field and get them the ball. And just to tie this into the Browns, we still need that Odell type of threat in the passing game where teams have to consider doubling him. It might just be Josh's inability to get the ball deep this year but we are really getting handled by teams that play man coverage because they have no reason not to play man.

  13. 1 minute ago, GoBills808 said:

    I see where the roster stands right now as a crisis of continuity...they don't have enough guys with the skillsets to run what they want so it looks very disjointed, both defense and offense. Like from draft it was obvious Daboll wants to run 2TE sets but they don't have enough similarly skilled TEs to stay multiple so every TE combination dictates a different play...it makes offense more predictable and easier to defend. On defense same problem w/DT 1tech rotation- scheme needs foundation 1tech but all the DTs have different skillsets once H Phillips goes down so mixing/matching interior defenders creates exploitable patterns. The roster isn't quite tailored to what they want to do yet which imo is why they look disjointed both offensively and defensively; having to mix and match guys with different skillsets to fit scheme. 


    That's a great observation. Maybe it's just time to pick the starters and roll with them. Just understand the weaknesses and play to our strengths. I think you're definitely spot on, it does seem to make us very predictable. If McKenzie is in, watch the sweep. If Murphy and Star are in the game, run the football etc.

  14. 1 minute ago, GoBills808 said:

    Eagles are imo one of the best at giving same or similar offensive looks to different plays, Pederson is a very good offensive mind...they see that stuff defensively in practice and Daboll can't really compare yet. Outcoached was the deal on Sunday which is no insult to our staff, Eagles are solid both sides of the ball


    My personal opinion is Daboll needs to move towards shoring up the personnel groupings. Do we really need Lee Smith on the field now that Kroft is healthy? McKenzie played really well last year and now we only see him for gadget plays? He's got speed, why is it Roberts and not McKenzie on the deep balls? Where's Foster? He had great chemistry with Allen by the end of the season last year. We've had something like 160+ unique personnel groupings which was top 3 in the league at one point, doesn't seem to bode well for consistency.

  15. 9 minutes ago, Buffalo716 said:

    Actually lots of pre snap movement is the way the NFL is going for misdirection


    Daboll doesn't do it enough. He runs McKenzie on a jet sweep 2-3 times a game successfully, then doesn't do it for 2 games


    He could be doing way more backsides motions to try and get defenses moving 1 way pre snap then hit them the opposite


    They already have to watch for the sweep so motion him and do something backside..  Daboll just runs it like a HS OC not an NFL one


    I personally think he does it too much because you have to actually run the real play for the fake to work. 9 times out of 10 it's just window dressing that slows down the development of the play. I don't think the Eagles committed to the motion a single time. Now if we actually handed the ball off on jet sweeps more than once a game, threw a screen to the guy in motion etc. with more consistency then I'd be fine with it. But as it stands, I think his tendencies are showing on film and that's why the Eagles weren't buying it.


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