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Everything posted by Luka

  1. I mean we can criticize Allen, he certainly shares some of the blame. But these receivers simply don't attack the football when it's thrown at them. Knox in the endzone was just ridiculous. How do you have that much size on a guy and all you can manage is to fall sideways and let the CB inside to break up the pass? The back shoulder he dropped also. Allen was awful under pressure today. And he honestly didn't see that much of it. His OC doesn't help him either. 5 wide on 3rd and 3 and no short routes run... For all his issues, he is getting zero help from the OC and secondary players. He can key on Brown and Beasley but opposing defenses are also aware that Allen's secondary players on offense are not a threat. C
  2. Hauschka needs to go ASAP. He hasn't been the same since the injury last year. The missed 34 yarder, that just shouldn't happen.
  3. Wallace has proven against the Eagles and Browns that he is the weak link in the secondary. He is also poor in run support, not physical enough.
  4. I'd be curious to know if McDermott had any input for last week's game plan. Definitely ran the ball more than we have all season. It would be good for him to do exactly as you described, kind of act as a moderator. He does it with Frazier on defense.
  5. Overall. Haven't come across run success by formation yet, I just started combing that site a day or two ago because I often get trashed for calling Daboll into question. I've been on the hunt for some stats to back up what my eyes have been seeing all year. There are some other sites too, but don't seem to offer as in depth stats as that site for free.
  6. https://www.sharpfootballstats.com Looks like they are a week or 2 behind on some stats but it's a good reference none the less. On that site we're ranked 3 in rush success rate. We're varied in where runs go. I'm not sure what Daboll's reluctance is to run out of shotgun.
  7. We're 18th in the league in attempts from shotgun but Josh is 35th in passer rating from shotgun. One of the issues with shotgun is that we almost never run out of shotgun. 2nd and short (1-3 yards) for instance, we pass 75% of the time if we're in shotgun formation. 2nd and short is one of those situations where you can call almost anything and where you'd like to see your play calling be a little more creative than that. I felt like we haven't called nearly enough draws out of shotgun and looks like I was right. My guess would be this is where we try to set up screens but with that kind of tendency you have defenses keying off. 3rd and short again, 64% of the time. Not as bad as second down but you are trending towards an obvious play call for the defense. Surprisingly, things are a bit more balanced on 2nd and 3rd and medium (4-7 yards) but then you look at 1st and 10. 99 play calls from shotgun, by far the most in any given situation, with 73% of those play calls being a pass. So again, really telegraphing to the defense what we're trying to do.
  8. Eric Wood is a mouthpiece for the Bills organization. Did you really expect him to trash Daboll? As Steve Young would say, c'mon man. Daboll is predictable because he has too many personnel groupings, too many niche roles. You watch enough film and he has a lot of "tells" as to what he's going to call depending on who's on the field and the situation the offense is in. And when he attempts to break these tendencies, you end up with some of those strange plays that go no where because he doesn't have the correct grouping on the field. What I'm hoping to see as the season wears on is Singletary being used almost exclusively in the backfield. I think that really cures the issue I illustrated above. He's an all around back and a threat to score whether he's catching the ball or receiving a hand off. RPO should also be something that Daboll calls more. While we don't want Josh to run, the bottom line is that defenses absolutely have to respect his ability to run. That red zone touchdown Singletary scored in the Redskins game showed how hard a defense has to freeze when you have two guys that can run effectively. With Kroft healthy I'd also like to see 12 personnel used more frequently. Only 30 pass plays called this year in 12 personnel. Knox and Kroft on the field at the same time gives the offense some versatility as I believe both are athletic enough to split out wide and Knox is a great blocker. This would also be a good grouping for some hurry up, which has also been ignored this season for the most part.
  9. College rules. Nothing more exciting in sports in my opinion.
  10. That's just not true. Probably one of the most ridiculous things I've ever seen posted on this board.
  11. You do realize Andy Reid is the reason Mahomes is successful, right? Alex Smith? First round bust? Remember him? Or how about the last couple games with Matt freaking Moore? The simple folk on this board just can't seem to grasp there's a lot more to football than individual talent. Which is strange, because that's what makes football so great.
  12. I've been arguing about Josh all day. The hate the minority of this fan base heaps on him is ridiculous. I always used to joke "what's the point of drafting a QB? The fan base will run him out of town no matter what he does?" If he's good, he's not good enough. If he's great, he could've been better. If he wins well, it wasn't an impressive win. Well this QB does this over here and this QB does that better. It's a joke. Maybe some of you don't remember the drought? People on here bitching about beating bad teams well, I clearly remember many a year where we couldn't even do that. Allen has shown progression. Sure, they could let him run wild and throw every once in awhile a la Jackson. He'd probably be successful at it, he was towards the end of last year. How quickly we forget Allen is the one who broke Mike Vick's rushing record over a 3 game span. But how long is that successful? Look at Cam, how beat up he is every year. On IR this year now. You have to able to command the offense from the pocket in the NFL to be successful long term. Josh is learning that. It was going to take time, coming in under a defensive minded coach.
  13. And my post went directly over your head. I think Josh threw it into the press box. That's how high it went over your head. YOU CAN NIT PICK STATS ALL YOU WANT TO MAKE ANYONE LOOK GOOD OR BAD. JACKSON PLAYING WELL FOR THE RAVENS DOES NOT MEAN ALLEN IS BAD. You know what, I'm done with you guys. The public education system has clearly failed in this country. If you want to take two different players, from different teams, playing different offenses, against different opponenents and say "dUh ThEsE tHiNgS aRe ExAcTlY tHe SaMe" then be my guest. Watch your "favorite" team and hate the QB. Seems logical.
  14. West: Seahawks Raiders 49ers Rams West: Chargers Cardinals Broncos Chiefs North: Vikings Packers Bears Colts North: Bills Lions Browns Pittsburgh South: Cowboys Texans Saints Titans South: Dolphins Jags Falcons Bucs East: Ravens Bengals Redskins Panthers East: Jets Giants Eagles Patriots New Scheduling: 3 Divisional Games (instead of 6), 4 games against like division from other conference (North play North, South plays South etc.), rotate other divisions, one from same conference, one from opposite, and 1 game against same finish from prior season from other division. Bills Schedule under new structure: 1x each year, rotate home and away: Lions Browns Steelers Vikings Bears Packers Colts Then you rotate in other divisions, this example we'll play the South: Cowboys Texans Saints Titans Dolphins Jags Falcons Bucs Then the final game is setup like the two filler games are now. So let's say we finished 2nd the prior year in the North, we'll play the 2nd place Panthers in the East. I think the advantages here are: A) Staying within your general region should help ticket sales. Could also cultivate some new "rivalries" while maintaining traditional match ups. B) Not playing 6 divisional games helps with parody. Less likely for a repeat of the Pats dynasty where there's an easy 4-6 wins every year. C) More entertaining. I'd much rather see 16 unique games each year. And again, parody plays into that also.
  15. Crazy that the Bills are successful when they execute their coaches' style of football. Who would've thunk it.
  16. I'm not so sure the line is even that much better. Allen is still top 10 in hits taken. He's just processing quicker this year. And at times the run game has been non existent. And even if they give Allen 5 seconds, he's had the 8th most drops this year, another area that was supposed to improve with new receivers.
  17. He's from the Wayne Arnold School of Posters Who Can't Post Good.
  18. Well again I've provided an example and you can find more for yourself on the various film breakdown accounts on Twitter. You're the one who likes a good fight. You know so much, prove me wrong, I'll wait. Bottom line, he was one of the issues in the run defense. Playing himself out of position. Notice those snaps were mainly in the first half and the adjustment came at half time? Probably not. But it's ok, keep talking.
  19. You must be Wayne's alt account but I'll play along. My original point, back a couple pages, is just because Jackson is good and we didn't draft him, does not mean Allen is bad. And PS, I have watched Jackson, watched breakdowns of him etc. Allen can pass from the pocket. Allen can throw a 35 yard dart on the run. Sorry but I'm more concerned with arm talent and pocket passing when it comes to the NFL game. Gotta be able to operate from the pocket, it's been Daboll's and McDermott's focus. While I may not agree with the way the offense is called or designed, their intention is to get Allen to be productive from the pocket. The Ravens approach is completely different with Jackson.
  20. Well, it's a team sport. Jackson has a better supporting cast it seems. Stats are still comparable for both guys. We lost to two good teams and the Ravens lost to the Steelers and Browns. We've only lost to the Pats in our division. The only reason you think what you posted is an indicator of anything is because you're arrogant. Bottom line. That's why not many people here take you seriously. You don't even try to be objective. You felt the Bills shouldn't have drafted Allen and you'll be the first one here to tell everyone how much he sucks, even when we win the Super Bowl.
  21. Since we're playing the "use manipulated stats to prop our strawman" game, here's a bunch in Allen's favor that give some context to his performance this year compared to Jackson's. Drops: Allen 8th, Jackson 31st Drop %: Allen 5th, Jackson 29th Bad Throw %: Allen 13th, Jackson 9th Hurried: Allen 14th, Jackson 27th Hits: Allen 8th, Jackson 41st Not to mention Josh's 4th quarter rating (best) and the fact that since the beating at New England his passer rating (98.4) is 12th in the league while Lamar's rating over the same period is 77.5 (27th). But I digress, everyone stick to their narratives lol
  22. The bigger question is, what the hell do you think he's supposed to be doing? I love people like you. You ask a question, it gets answered so you ask the same question again. Gap discipline. The coaches have said it, it's a problem. I've even given you an example but please, by all means, ask the same question again. When you get cut back to 18 snaps, I'm guessing you aren't fulfilling your assignments.
  23. Morse and Dawkins are play makers now? ? Yea let me know when either of them have a couple of big touchdowns to turn the game in our favor or come up with a game changing sack.
  24. Let me call Fraizer real quick, we'll go over some of the calls on the all 22, I'll get back to you... ? You can clearly see on a lot of plays that Oliver is clearly more concerned with beating his man directly into the backfield. On one of Adrian's big runs, Oliver was pushing his man back instead of getting off the block and filling the gap. You see him turn and reach for AP as he realizes he's running past him. Reduction in snaps pretty much supports the fact that while a freak athlete, he needs to be more disciplined in his assignments.
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