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Everything posted by Luka

  1. Some guys learn to not throw interceptions by throwing a lot of interceptions (Manning). Other guys say to hell with it and hold the record for number of interceptions while wearing the gold jacket (Favre). You miss 100% of the shots you don't take. Josh was looking much improved, even with the turnovers at the beginning of the season. Then he threw 3 picks and got a concussion in the Pats game and he's been extremely tentative since. He doesn't have to be careless or reckless but he does need to learn to trust what he sees and throw the ball. There's been a lot of hesitation on his part.
  2. Allen is the 4th most blitzed QB in the league, has the 6th most drops in the league. I'll wait for Cover 1 to come out with a feature about what Daboll is doing to mitigate that. That would take some actual film study to find instances where Daboll has set the offense up for success. I'd also love to see some stat or analytics or whatever they can come up with that supports these deep shots on crucial 3rd down and shorts. Or hell, even a reason why we continue to call deep shots down the right side of the field where Allen's accuracy is weakest, historically.
  3. I didn't cherry pick anything Cover 1 employee. I stated very basic, very obvious things Daboll could be doing to help Josh out and he isn't. Period. That's on overlying theme for the whole season.
  4. Just like everyone else here, he cherry picks plays to make his point, never addresses anything positive that might show his opinion isn't an absolute. Same childish response you would get here if you refute his point. It's funny because he shows the one play, where Josh has 3 reads to make and he is under considerable pressure almost immediately. He blames Josh but he has no idea what the play call was, what his hot read was. To me it looked like Beasley was his hot read, he sets that way to throw it, has to come off of it and reset and by that time, play is already over.
  5. Anyone who thinks that Jackson, Mahomes, Watson etc. would've been successful here are kidding themselves. Watson maybe. Mahomes is playing with an offensive genius. The guy schemes offense like Belicheck schemes defense. Jackson required an offense to be built around his skillset, which we can't even do with Allen, who has a more traditional skill set. Those guys would also have to throw to Zay Jones, Lee Smith, McKenzie etc. No Tyreek Hill, no DeAndre Hopkins, no Hollywood Brown.
  6. Cover 1 is so full of *****. It's Allen's fault that on a 3rd 3 where the Browns are almost definitely going to blitz, his shortest route option is 10 yards down the field? Daboll knows teams are going to blitz Allen yet here we are, still calling the same, long developing passing plays. You know how you mitigate the pass rush? Run the ***** ball. Call screen passes. Make teams think twice about calling that blitz.
  7. Wich is crazy to me. Wasn't that the situation with Whaley and Marrone also? Not a sustainable organization model. GM and scouts gotta be able to have more input than that.
  8. It didn't seem as odd with a guy like Wilson back there. I think what really went into it though, is the turnovers in the ground game. I think Caroll would rather lose at Russ' hand than Carson/other back I can't remember fumbling the ball away in a critical moment.
  9. The Bills should definitely have a claim in, just like they should have for Josh. Worries me that Beane has started to sit back and not do anything. This roster is far from complete.
  10. He was excellent for the Gators but I meant more over the last few seasons in the NFL. I'm surprised to see he was cut for "lack of hustle." Attitude problem or unable to perform at this level?
  11. I think pretty much anyone would be an upgrade over Wallace at this point. The question would be, how good is Hargreaves against the run? Since he wouldn't be expected to be a #1 corner here.
  12. Numbers are great, but I'm more thinking a guy that can make the contested catch. Out of all of our receivers, if the ball isn't perfect it's not a catch. If a DB makes contact with them, it's not a catch. And hell, even when the ball is perfect it's not a catch sometimes. I see too many QBs that can just toss a ball up and their guy comes down with it. Russ literally lobbed a ball up in the air into the endzone, two defenders, two receivers grouped together, his guy comes down with it. That kind of thing doesn't happen in Buffalo. I know everyone likes to trash Josh but his guys just don't make plays like that.
  13. If McDermott wants to win and move the football, it's time to go back to 2018 Josh. Run, pass do whatever the ***** you have to do to win the football game. This watered down version of Josh is no fun to watch. He's not throwing picks, so what? Still lost 2 of the last 3. They've really ruined his confidence. Not sure why you would do that from a coaching perspective. McDermott is pointing out the play calling problems with the long balls on 3rd and short and the lack of Delvin even though he's proven time and time again that if he gets the football enough, special things can happen. Take the training wheels off of Josh and for god's sake, over ride your idiot OC when you feel the need to. Don't just let it happen and talk about it afterwards.
  14. I think Daboll should be out. If McDermott can't even correct some of the basic play calling concepts (run here on 3rd and 3, don't try to throw a 50 yard bomb) then he's going to have to find someone that he can trust to run that side of the ball. He shouldn't be trusting Daboll any more. The screaming at the franchise QB thing had me irked at the beginning of the year and I think it was coming from a man desperate to somehow prove he belongs in the NFL. He doesn't. Everyone is starting to see it. You can only make excuses for so long. He calls plays thinking if it works he looks like a genius, instead of just trying to get the first down. He would rather be revered than successful.
  15. 3rd and 3. Deep shot. 3rd and 4. Deep shot. And it wasn't Josh choosing to go deep, the play call on 3rd and 3 didn't have a route less than 10 yards down field. The Browns game was his worst performance yet. You give Singletary the ball 8 times? You run a sweep with Gore, who's probably the slowest back in the league at this point? Also of note, Allen is much more successful throwing to his left than to his right. Guess which side of the field he's throwing to on those deep shots... it's like Daboll can not dissect film.
  16. Yea it's crazy to think we play Nickel most of the time and our CB2 is that weak against the run.
  17. I wasn't sad to see Watkins go, you can't rely on him to finish a whole season. Woods leaving pissed me off, but I don't think he had any intention of staying no matter how much money we threw at him. But to just now attempt to replace Woods with Brown and still have no answer to replace Watkins? That's a personnel failure. Beane can pretend all he likes that you don't need a #1 receiver but his QB would disagree.
  18. So what? 3-4 years then? That's a very long time by NFL standards.
  19. To a certain extent, I agree with this. If you are going to build your team around defense and your offense gives you the lead with under 4 minutes remaining, that's when your defense needs to come up big. And they didn't. Then you look at that last drive, Josh was driving again, then they huddle? Not sure what that was about. Then you have Hauschka leaving 6 points on the field... Failure at all three phases of the game is a hard pill to swallow, plenty of blame to go around.
  20. We do not have the talent at wide receiver the Vikes do. When was the last time you saw a Buffalo Bill make a one handed grab? Win on a contested catch? And people wonder where Josh's hesitation comes from. He can't trust his guys to make plays like that. And if he tries to, it often ends badly and then people lambaste him for throwing a pick.
  21. He's one of those guys that the Bills have lacked all season. A playmaker. Stats are cool but where is the guy on defense that consistently makes big plays like a Fitzpatrick or a Bosa? The roster looks good but it also performs like you'd expect with 80 million in cap space.
  22. The only thing that has truly failed is this regime's ability to scout wide receivers. Yeesh.
  23. https://www.pro-football-reference.com/years/2019/passing_advanced.htm Didn't realize Russ and Brady were backups. Haven't missed any games either... your bias is showing lol
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