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Everything posted by Luka

  1. Well if you find all this entertaining, just wait until we beat the Steelers Sunday night and Josh lights up this year's darlings of the NFL.
  2. Probably came back too soon from injury and ruined his mechanics compensating for it. A lot of pressure for him to return after Foles won the big game.
  3. I would be a little worried. I just know the Pats are going to be digging for a QB now. They've won games they've had no business winning with absolutely terrible play from the QB position. Darnold will be on the radar for sure, very little risk with the chance for high reward is the Pats kind of move. Even average play this year from the QB position and they'd be in the hunt for East again.
  4. Nah, I think he gets a chance to start where ever he goes. He might have to earn it but I think everyone in the NFL is well aware of what an absolute garbage coach Gase is. Look at Tannehill since he left Miami. Look at Miami since they jettisoned Gase. And add Gase into what is already an inept organization in the Jets and I think anyone with a level head will take a flyer on the 3rd overall pick from a couple years ago.
  5. Be interesting to see where Darnold goes after this year. I'm thinking probably Pats,Colts, Broncos, Redskins, Bears or the 49ers.
  6. As soon as someone says "Edmunds was a Pro Bowler" I know their opinion is worthless. Winning a popularity contest among fans means absolutely ZERO. 29 years and you can't understand how people want to see arguably the best athlete on the defensive side of the ball moved around in this defense and put in positions to make big plays instead of standing in the middle of the field waiting to see if a running back leaks out of the backfield. I think the rampant alcoholism amongst Bills fans really prevents some of them from understanding what they are watching.
  7. Lorenzo Alexender, Edmunds' mentor, would like a word with you...
  8. That was on Josh. He didn't want to give up on the play. Something he needs to learn from. Live to fight another day.
  9. Josh Allen lacks the appropriate amount of skin pigment to receive national praise.
  10. They need original content that centers around sports. 30 for 30s are good. Although campy, I enjoyed Peyton's Places. NFL Films used to cover seasons of Super Bowl winning teams, not sure if they still do that. Then you have all these professional athletes and ex coaches looking for jobs, where is some real film breakdown? It could even be done per market I'm sure. Plenty of unemployed ex players and coaches that I am sure would be willing to sit down and watch some film. They always do segments but a brief 30 second clip and generic comment about a play or two a game isn't real analysis. I think there are plenty of football nerds who would legitimately watch an hour of film breakdown a week. And while the NFL is the most popular, this kind of expansive, in depth coverage could be carried over to hockey, basketball etc. They've gotten so generic and it's a shame, they've got the money to pay people that really know their stuff about a sport, not just a bunch of talking heads spouting off the same opinions you can read on a message board or Facebook.
  11. Only when alleged conservatives are congregating.
  12. Yea it was a run on. Two different thoughts lumped together. See my other wall of text for proof I can't post from a phone LOL
  13. I have no idea what that is. Also I guess I should've put /s after my second statement. Sorry, poor formatting on my part. Posting from a phone is a pain in the ass.
  14. Any normal, logical person wouldn't automatically assume someone is racist and mysoginistic. It is actually possible to not like someone based on character. It's also possible to not like a politician based on their past record. I'm just curious how her record of locking up non violent drug offenders is going to work in a supposedly "liberal" administration.
  15. Maybe it was just dumb luck on his part, I was even kind of surprised that not only did he not start a new conflict, but actively attempted to wind down the ones we were in. Obama said he was going to do that for 8 years and it never even came close to happening. It's a shame that domestically, he couldn't find some of that dumb luck. The economy was looking good before COVID but his spending was anything but fiscally conservative. The "wall" at the border was an absolutely trash idea. Tariffs on wood and other goods may not have hurt American businesses but certainly hurt American consumers. The wife and I were looking to build a house (Prefab) and the cost went up nearly 40% since the last time we had gotten a quote. His Presidency was definitely a mixed bag and in the end, he was just a volatile personality. He was so wrapped up in talking ***** he totally whiffed on running on anything positive that happened during his Presidency.
  16. Trump was the first President in 40 years to not start a new conflict with a foreign country. Hopefully Biden can maintain that and we can go 2 in a row. Also, I hope he lives for 4 more years since his running mate wants to start concentration camps for anyone who doesn't think like she does. /s
  17. You ain't moving. The leftists didn't leave either. Trump should've took the wall money and put it into exit tickets for the left that wanted to leave. 1 way tickets and $5k in unmarked bills. Then he could've secured his 2nd term.
  18. Who's fine with it? Personally I don't think MMA/boxing should exist. It's only legal because they couldn't stop it from happening so at least the guys doing it can be somewhat protected financially etc. In the end it's the participants choice, football, MMA, hockey, whatever.
  19. The biggest issue I can see is that the interior of the defensive line is under preforming. If you remember last year, they went out and got Jordan Phillips, Vincent Taylor etc. to sure up the interior because last year was just as bad at the beginning of the season. Then they let all those guys walk after fixing the problem and we're back to square one, also minus Star to top it off. This scheme absolutely requires dominant front 4 play to function. That's why they drafted Oliver and now Epenesa. So they see the need, but they want to employ former Panthers and it's blowing up in their faces.
  20. The scheme is the same, the players are different. A trade may not fix it but considering the performance of the same scheme the prior two years, I think it's safe to say we have a personnel problem.
  21. Cool now how are they against the run? Oh that's right...
  22. I'm still not sure what your beef is? Got yourself all worked up.
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