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Orlando Buffalo

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    Orlando FL

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  1. No he is not a citizen, I know you don't recognize citizenship but it is true.
  2. He helped plan the take over of the Columbia campus. As a person who is not a citizen it is really stupid to break the law intentionally.
  3. If my wife switched to watching lifetime movies I might need to move out.
  4. I can't believe I am defending Hallmark but it is definitely not "the men are bad". Usually the men are simply unaware of why the women is so great, rarely are the guys bad. I think you mean Lifetime. My wife is all about Hallmark.
  5. I was not expecting an intelligent answer so I will make my point by being more specific. Public education is definitely down, by scores overall and IQs of our children. Universities are not great right now, too many had to lower standards, UCLA medical School is graduating kids who can't pass the board exam and NYU has to fire a professor who has been there forever because the students couldn't pass his class. The cost and ROI of college are completely disproportionate. As for health care right now the pencil pushers control health care more than doctors. All of these problems are coming from DC out. I don't have a good correction for the Obamacare problem but I like what Trump is doing otherwise.
  6. Which one of those topics do you think has improved vs where it was 20 years ago? All need to be reset to where they were years ago.
  7. I am not sure if that is what he is referring to because to compare "collateral damage" to targeting an American citizen for death without any trial is not even the same realm.
  8. Can you tell me when that was? It has been a decade and maybe conservatives were upset at something I am not remembering.
  9. I have done a couple and by doing a couple of trade backs I ended with Walter Nolan, Kenneth Grant, and Joshua Farmer along with a WR, CV and Safety all in the first three rounds. Is it possible to that there are that many good DT in this draft?
  10. Good for him getting paid, he hopefully enjoys the money enough.
  11. Two of your examples would be proving yourself wrong, so maybe just try for where right wingers brought violence to others? I can show you the Teslas, the overtaking the statehouses, violent riots since 2020 just off the top of my head and all since your last instance.
  12. 3 of the 4 are more than 25 years old, and two of them are liberal government officials not allowing people to live their lives the way they wanted, which is the opposite of what you claim.
  13. I see liberals torching Teslas and nothing remotely like that from the right, basically ever. I am curious what hate do you see coming from the right?
  14. I am truly bothered by this post because I use the SMRT quote all the time. That was well played.
  15. Got it, you like being ignorant and pretending it is edgy, nothing new for liberals.
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