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Orlando Buffalo

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Everything posted by Orlando Buffalo

  1. "Attempt at deception" is now defined as answering a direct question with a direct answer, got it.
  2. Grandpa Simpson it is past your bedtime, your issue is not in semantics it is your request, you asked for one proposal to help with inflation,which is cutting government spending through DOGE, or are you unaware that is happening?
  3. You actually believe that children being forced to take an experimental drug is something other than evil? With hindsight you are supposed to see the bad you did but you seem to relish being evil.
  4. No you asked for one, your inability to understand what you yourself wrote should be concerning to you
  5. Dude that is cruel, McDs has standards, don't mock them like this.
  6. When you go grandpa Simpson I know you are past your bedtime. You asked the question what has Trump done to help inflation, I answered and you pretended I said it would solve it completely, which makes me question your literacy
  7. What is hilarious is I never stated by any standard it was a "panacea" but many liberals told me that more government spending wouldn't drive inflation, which is clearly insane.
  8. Your insults are so funny, the only cigarette smokers I personally know are the blue haired barista types, who are certainly liberals. Though the stupid vapes are a bigger problem now. The way Trump plays liberals is funny and sad at the same time, he doesn't want to do tariffs because he knows it is a double edged sword but the cut will be deeper for the other side each and every time so his threat is effective
  9. SPD will decide who is the next chancellor, AFD will likely offer a lot of concessions to get there backing, so we will see. If the AFD backs CDU you are correct and it will make the AFD meaningless.
  10. Less government spending will slow inflation or is even the basics of MMT too much for you?
  11. So you seem to think the initial case as from a baby? Science is not your friend Frank.
  12. I don't care about Steve Bannon, and the only time he hits the news is when liberals care. Conservatives don't listen to him, do I blame you for Scott Weiner? I don't remember you defending him.
  13. Trump has been president for 1 months, and Biden was causing problems up until his last week, but liberals expect Trump to fix 4 years of problems immediately. Gas is currently lower in Orlando than on January 18th, so it is slowly happening.
  14. Did you watch the whole video of the speech? He was clearly outside his comfort zone and was spastically moving around. Unless you believe that AOC and Tim Walz also did it you are simply a parrot of morons.
  15. I am sorry but whatever you are reading is 100% incorrect if you believe that Biden was more in line with the founding fathers than Trump. If you want to argue the founding fathers are not relevant anymore I will disagree but your point would be much more valid. The founding fathers would be horrified by what our government has become and I don't know anyone who understands US history who disagrees.
  16. To any liberal who reads this whose fault is it "At California’s Yosemite National Park, the Trump administration fired the only locksmith on staff on Friday. He was the sole employee with the keys and the institutional knowledge needed to rescue visitors from locked restrooms."
  17. The trade deal had a built in renegotiation for the current time frame, so not illegal, original deal is dead if you are renegotiating.
  18. He is not trolling about Greenland he plans to buy it and while he has no real plan to make Canada the 51st state he means it when he is telling them that the US will no longer be funding their lifestyle on our tab. I don't agree with how he is handling Canada but the end result in this case will probably be for the better ment of the USA.
  19. The longest quote supporting this is 6 words, that is it, but you act like it is the whole speech. I will point out to you that you believe what they are telling you to believe while the largest quote is "I’m not gonna let that happen,” Trump said about the money the U.S. gives to Canada, claiming the U.S. is paying money “essentially in subsidy to Canada” and adding, “Now, if they’re the 51st state, I don’t mind doing it." It is classic Trump, say what must happen or the consequences of not doing it. If it worries you I can't help you.
  20. For a guy not complaining you seem to be complaining about a lot of things. And for things that haven't changed you seem to have have listed several that have changed.
  21. I keep reading how good this draft is for DL, so my first two rounds are DT then DE, then start looking elsewhere, unless something shocking drops down the draft board
  22. I fully understand that the copilot was not ready for that landing, it was tricky, but who was the actual pilot? If the actual pilot was new also, I am curious how often that happens that two new pilots are in the cockpit together? I don't understand why the FAA makes it so difficult to get answers because all it does is allow the speculation to take hold. I am not a pilot but this does sound awesome. And remember we all love each other here when you are the one offering such great things😀
  23. This complaining sound like the people in NY who complained about Pataki back when he was elected, complaining when he did exactly what he said he would do. Unrealistic people will always be upset regardless of the situation. Then why are you complaining if everything is the same as if Biden was president?
  24. It is a pilot program, not a permanent one therefore it is a test. NYC had to sell the Feds on benefits and they did not do that . https://www.transportation.gov/briefing-room/us-department-transportation-terminates-tolling-approval-new-york-citys-cordon
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