All kinds of mid majors win in football but they do not get credit. UB smoked a big 10 team this year. EMU won at Purdue where Purdue smoked OSU. UCF has not lost in 2 years- only someone trying to confirm their previous bias would not recognize that they are a truly great team. But let me ask you why is college basketball so much different besides larger sample size and larger tourney field? If anything basketball should be even more weighted to the big boys yet Butler in back to back years was able to make the finals.
I jave read multiple people bash UCF who have never seen them play. UCF might have been 10-2 on Bamas schedule but anyone who says they are not a top level team last year and this year decided in the preseason that UCF did not belong and have looked for reasons to continue the thought. In college basketball Butler almost won titles from the horizon league. Anyone who will not give UCF credit for winning 25 in a row is ignorant of how football has changed since 2000.
I was thi king about this topic this morning and he reminds of Doug Flutie but with height and a cannon arm- so i am very optimistic. That charles clay drop last week would have been a bighlight rell ay if clay did the basic version of his job.
I was breezing thrpugh post and was about to tell some young kid to stop stealing the senators place here- then i realized it was you and felt better about the world.
NFL has the tech to totally revolutionize officitiating if they chose to. They are ok with crappy calls as long as it keeps money rolling in. They will only change when money is lost.
I have to agree with this comment- most game i have watched i literally see more bad calls than good ones- it is clear that they expect certain things and try to spot it while missing many definitive calls.
I do not mean this against you personally but i am curious how a ball that is thrown 40+ yards and the reciever gets both hand on is a bad throw- it was not perfect but it was certainly catchable, which makes it a good throw in my book.
The question was not if it was perfect- the pass was not equal to his foster throw laat week- but it was effective in that it hit a receiver who was open in the hands. If it hits a reciever in the hands and bread basket it must be caught.
By a professional standard that ball MUST be caught by a 7 million a year dude. Of course it could have been a better throw but it got there and it was not a top of the grass kind of deal. This is all on Clay.
I would not be against it for a cheap contract( 2 year for 4 million total) but someone else will offer him more than he is worth to us. He is talented but can be very lazy
The two worst calls in my opinion cancelled each other out to a point- defensive holding in 3rd qtr that gave first instead of punt and the then holding on td run- both pathetic and made it so officials seemed to have interest in keeping game close- not actual conspiracy theory just shows how bad.
The last i saw the NFL had interviewed multiple players on both lines and at no point was there any indication that anyone heard anything. Basically i think the NFL thinks Yannick is a liar but is afraid to call him out because Richie is not an easy guy to defend.
You are comparing a player who was an 8 year vet to a rookie starting his 4th game and stating they are equal and seem confused on why taylor is gone- allen needs to improve but his floor seems to be taylor.
I already said i think our dbs are better by a lot and our backers are equal- i also like our qb better by a bunch. The only spot i think they are better is dline.
So you think that mcclappy is that much better than marrone that he can take a lesser team at every position and still win a game? Damn i like him but nothing near what you do.
You think the jags defense is better than ours at every postion? I think our entire backfield is better and our lbs are at least equal. But you might have speaking in hyperbole.