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Orlando Buffalo

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Everything posted by Orlando Buffalo

  1. Rob Johnson was 0-3 and Flutie went 11-2 you can argue how much he was responsible for but he was good and he was a big portion of the causation.
  2. you and I should never hang out- i over analyze everything and you and I would spend hours on three plays.?
  3. it is good to know that i was not the only one.
  4. i am sorry but that is an example of poor management at worst- Marrones opted out so the top 3 Defense was not staying. Also your argument of an additional 5 million a year in ticket sales matters to a dude who dropped 300 million fixing up downtown Buffalo makes it clear you have made up your mind and no evidence will show you otherwise
  5. I disagree- at this point I think Pegula is more worried about legacy than money- he has like $6 billion I believe. I do not think he will move the team from Buffalo unless the city and state give him a terrible deal.
  6. one part is they are surrounded by more dedicated peers which helps. There is very little thought from the community of the concept " that school is full of losers and no one wants to teach there". I do not know why else, my sons high school will send a bunch to Ivy league schools and other impressive schools while being a great sport school and offering top flight extra curricular oppurtunities. one item i think might be part of it is that more students have ability to change schools if they would like.
  7. i am a teacher and i have many relatives still in western new york and i will say from first hand experience that the opportunities given to kids down here are much better educationally then my school age relatives up north, and some live in Williamsville and Clarence. while the stats can be manipulated i can tell you here it has benefitted the minority population and has been overall good. i have no idea about elsewhere.
  8. many guys are pointing out that Allen did not do a good job of finding the short route runner last season, which is absolutely true, but do not bring up fact that our line was terrible and our recievers were not reliably open short. If Allen can trust him to be open short then it will make a huge difference.
  9. i can not speak of every situation but Orlando/Orange County have bussing all over the county and overall it is good for education purposes- we have less failing schools than Buffalo and several top level public schools- better than anything in Buffalo except possibly Buffalo Honors.
  10. obviously this lady and any rational person have different definitions of "heartbreaking and repugnant" but i do wish Trump was not doing this because it does look too similar to NK and Nazi crap. that being said as long as he keeps me safe and keeps the economy humming along i will vote for him next year without a second thought. he does well on big things but fails on so many little things.
  11. i am curious myself because it is a hard sell for a team to force a long term commitment on a fanbase that has has one playoff birth in the last 20 years.
  12. you make a valid point- i can not imagine the retractable roof will be worth 100 million in extra opportunities so i like the idea of a fixed roof.
  13. takeaways are difficult to predict because so much depends on who you are playing. Turnovers by an offense are much easier to predict and i would expect we lower that number by a few.
  14. with the cost of a retractable roof i would say just a solid roof but not necessarily complete. allow the cold but keep out most of wind.
  15. i like this explanation- the stock market which is entirely controlled by men can not be predicted that well but global weather which is 10% human( at most) 90% out of our hands is exact.
  16. data in any situation is only as useful as the person interpreting it. i actually teach stats to high school kids and along with showing them how stats work i explain and show how stupid stats are without context. the biggest one in basketball is how the 6 rings of Jordan is so monumental, 10 players have 6 and Russell has 11.
  17. i can not wait for the preseason games to start. Every player is a potential cut if they suck, but all of this theorizing without evidence is maddening.
  18. it appears they are ranking us based on players we kept- because if they add in john brown and cole Beasley along with the oline upgrades we would have to be considered at leasr decent.
  19. a player can become legend based on one play- David Tyree to me is a legend and all he did was catch one ball. Marshawn Lynch is legend-hall of fame is an honor- legend is different. they often come together but i see them different.
  20. if true i hope his prison term is terrible. i understand a lot of crime but this is what sends you directly to hell.
  21. i think we need a sarcasm indicator- i was trying to imply that who ever set this up was much lazier than madoff.
  22. HEY nobody died here- just a bunch of careers. also give Madoff some credit be was able to string along his fake career for decades- this was set up by someone with much less ambition.
  23. i am a math teacher and i love statistics but social equity is completely unrelated to fan base devotion. i do not care what twitter has to say about the Bills or any of the teams in other sports i root for. but any fan base score that creates a way too put Miami, 49ers, and Atl over Buffalo and KC is absurd. in ATL and Miami there are as many Bills fans as local fans.
  24. i doubt he expects to get much back but he can make sure he holds all rights to whatever money comes out of this trash heap. if he gains the total rights to the patents from the app he might make a few million there right off the bat.
  25. I have basically limited my donations to very specific things that I know the money goes to the right place. More than half my charity money goes to my students who sometimes are not fed at home. When your money goes to a larger charity generally at least 20% goes into overhead and sometimes it is 50% or more, so if you want to make a real difference check where your money is going.
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