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Orlando Buffalo

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Everything posted by Orlando Buffalo

  1. i have no idea which back gets how much but i would think they combine for about 2500 on the ground, and i hope that Allen is not responsible for more than about 500.
  2. thanks to mt father i was at about 80 games in the years from 88-99. i will take my 14 year old to his first this season.
  3. the wins are equal the first two weeks but I try to keep expectations in check and know the first two games teams are still trying to work out kinks. but 2-0 teams that are 8 -6 the rest of way make the playoffs.
  4. As stated already-if we lose our first stringer we will need a lot of luck to win any games. If we lose our second string qb then we will need a miracle to win. I do not worry about it because our season dies the day it matters.
  5. i agree and the shots from Colin just make me like him more- let the kid have fun.
  6. my intent was not to overall defend Rex but simply pointing out that day he did his job and i am quite sure there are better graphics to make the point.
  7. I know Rex looks like he is out of control here but you should pick a different video since the scoreboard is 34-8 and clearly he did his job that day.
  8. when your opinion is so out of the ordinary and clearly ignorant of his accomplishments it is trollin until proven otherwise. As much as I understand point- he was dominant enough to deserve consideration and in my opinion make it into hall if Ray Guy made it. Also Biscuit misses cut but not by much
  9. THis game was same weekend of SU-UF orange bowl game and my brother and I were listening to it on the Miami broadcast-so certainly not Buffalo homers-and when Reed was given the running into the official call the miami announcers were stating it was bogus call and that basically the official ran into Reed. NFL officials somoetimes think they the fans are there to see them and this was just such a call.
  10. She is right but not for the reason she thinks- local leaders would be held responsible and at the minimum lose the next election. In Flint the Dems just kept power.
  11. i agree- as much as the NBA drives me nuts with its contracts i feel NFL players must get when they can because they so seldom get second chances.
  12. Today the headline of the Orlando Sentinel "Mueller rejects Trump claims" and then does not state one claim that was refuted. It is also printed in article that Mueller " did not give comfort to Republicans striving to undermine his investigations credibility" , which is absurd.
  13. If we stay healthier than all the others #1 is certainly within reach. If we only lose about average top 5 is still possible- I think our d is that good.
  14. Are you predicting we keep 5 RB or all 8 on the roster? we might keep 5-we are not keeping 8.
  15. Wilson scored all but one of his teams TDs on a playoff team without an elite D and that was not enough to win MVP? that is crazy but shows how much seattle is just out of our everyday thought process.
  16. I do not have ton of respect for "major" news networks but I hope they do not put it in the same context. But I have no respect for Tom the player I do not want to trash a dude with his kids.
  17. this thread just makes us look Bills fans look dumb- I can not stand Brady but it was a mistake that thankfully ended as no big deal- all parents do dumb things.
  18. I think that Duke, Mckenzie, Ray Ray, Croom, Towbridge, and Sweeney are all fighting for two spots. i think the Bills will keep which ever two they feel they can use best regardless of position. Basically i think we know 5 WR who are one team and 3 TE who are on team and i expect 10 WR and TE combined.
  19. i think jumping down the OP throat is a little harsh- we are in the time of year where every thought has been on this board- I will agree i wish we won the preseason games just for entertainment but i hope out coaches have other things to use the games for besides winning preseason games.
  20. i will disagree with you since the rule is put in with a clear purpose and BB has made them rewrite the rule book multiple times to deal with him. If you want to make technical arguments like in court of law then you are correct- but he breaks rules like the Raiders of the 70s but without the fun.
  21. i have to admit i was shocked that Darnold was not a tire fire last year- on a team with that many issues he was very good. but i disagree on recievers and i think Bell will have major issues running behind that line since he is too patient unless his line is great.
  22. i love the math used here but sometimes i think they over analyze simple things- like Allen should be faster because he did it in game not just at 40 yard dash. that being said i doubt any player truly cares.
  23. i assume brain fart because how sad would your life have to be to not only think it up but then go through with all that work to do it.
  24. I just watched it and the 2 pt for NE to beat ATL in superbowl and if the Colts were even questionable then NE clearly had 2 guys breaking the same rule. I know why bother but it is why the NFL officials are a joke-they find reasons to make calls some moments and ignore obvious ones depending on game. I disagree on them balancing themselves out. I think the NFL officals look for certain things and miss a ton of obvious fouls because they expect certain things and run the game accordingly.
  25. the problem with this is that RB rarely survive long enough to make it a good investment. i would agree except for RB because the OL is such a huge factor in the success of backs.
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