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Orlando Buffalo

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Everything posted by Orlando Buffalo

  1. Have you been considering this a while? You came up with two good ones quick
  2. My wife made me stop watching games live last year after watching them all live since we got married in 2001. After watching replay of Dolphin game last year I told her I was fully invested this year. She said I am like an addict- she is not wrong
  3. Anything below a B is looking to blame him for what he can't control and not enough for what he can. Beasley has to catch that ball, he is not a fringe player, Allen must be able to trust to catch that every single time. The last TD drive was when that building was in a frenzy, right after Renegade played and he sucked the life out of the building. He was overall good against a great Defense.
  4. I think we need to find Fitz charity and all pledge to it if his win helps us win the division
  5. Bengals released part of tape- and it looks bad for Pat's*. Part of defense for Pat's* is that they are too smart to be this dumb. Jimmy was responsible for the Dallas "white house"- nothing he says mean anything to me.
  6. I have to turn it off- these officials are so bad- interference and then awarding ball to NE when Cinci comes out with ball
  7. One thing Trump could do that would make me say he is unworthy- lie under oath during his own sexual assault trial. These questions though are not worth much because while Trump is not my favorite, or even close, he is far better than the alternative right now.
  8. The Dems made sure it had a poison pill that only an idiot would go with- it has an automatic punishment for cost of final drug rising faster than inflation. If the cost of the materials rise quickly then no one gets medicine, which is much worse then expensive medicine.
  9. I am annoyed you posted this since I went and looked at it. It is a bad analysis and is someone finding info to make the point they want.
  10. I don't see your point- if he is not returning them all for 6 what is the point! ? It is coming from short term memory issues. If he does not make great returns most of the time people rip him. I think he is a definite improvement over last year and usually touches the ball 6-8 times a game which makes him worthwhile.
  11. Thanks and good point- I would have gotten there about the future eventually but I prefer to farm out that kind of thinking?
  12. Does anyone know how much his three games salary is? And does his contract go into next year?
  13. This has a legitimate chance of happening- and I think shoud- because the NFL still cares about divisions titles and the luster it provided.
  14. If you read what I wrote I stated if camera man is only one responsible he needs to be told explicitly. You sound like Belichek right now- finding a level where someone is allowed to be ignorant of rules. I am not arguing what you are saying I am agreeing- if that much weight was unaccounted on a plane I know the FAA would be involved and I have not heard that therefore I am assuming someone went into the system to reroute it. But the details are important and I do not have them.
  15. If a student assistant was doing something illegal under my watch then I am responsible. If camera man is only one responsible for what he is filming the Pats need to tell him explicitly what is appropriate. To allow this to be chalked up to ignorance is unacceptable. This is not just because it is Pat's*, any team doing this needs to be punished, they get it worse because they are repeat offenders. Stop writing what I am writing while I am writing it- just with different emojis.
  16. How in the world does this thinking happen? If he is there with a camera in the booth he HAS to know what can be filmed and what can not be filmed. As a teacher I am required not only to know each students IEP but also every law and regulation related to their specific condition.
  17. The comeback was not a sellout because out Hall of Fame QB was not playing and it was a rematch against a team that had just smoked us, so not that similar.
  18. Are you saying the bags were left on the plane and never removed from plane? I had assumed they came off plane and flew on another. Obviously your way is possible as an accident but then the KC equipment person is likely already fired.
  19. Cowherd should analyze his comparison more to if Buffet was found to have made all of his big bets on insider trading. The Chiefs equipment was rerouted was not a mistake, a bag going wrong happens- so many large cases is intentionally done.
  20. I did not mean that he can not be held responsible truly- but that he believes it since he gave himself the layer of insulation.
  21. I think he is a lawyer- technically since the guy recording is not a direct employee then the Pats* can not be held responsible. This is been his MO since he was a D coordinator for the Giants, ruin the game through technicalities.
  22. I had not thought about the fact that the NFL has a 20 year legacy here to worry about. I am not pretty certain we will see a " protect the shield" kinda situation
  23. If the NFL is at all concerned about the integrity of the game they have two options IMO: release the video, especially if it is innocent, or suspend BB for the entire next season and anyone else who would be aware.
  24. So you do not think the Pats* employee was filming the other team outside NFL rules?
  25. Bobby I know you mean well and are showing the loophole to prepare us for the NFL allowing them off without punishment but several of your comments sound like defense of Pat's*.
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