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Orlando Buffalo

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Everything posted by Orlando Buffalo

  1. https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2020/02/17/doj-alumni-staff-attorneys-resist/ They have a valid point- how could Barr have allowed a trial to proceed under his leadership where the jury had a democrat employee and a family member of one of the people working the case on the jury? They literally have a vested interest in the outcome.
  2. That is exactly what I just realized I have wanted for a long time.?
  3. The QB play was poor but the surprising part to me was that the officials made two big calls on the last drive for Tampa on what seemed to be plays that did not need to be called. it seemed up to that point they only called things that HAD to be called, those two in crunch time seemed small.
  4. I think this is best place for this question- what are three legislative accomplishments of the Democrats since taking over the house? I am not saying this sarcastically but I can not think of one.
  5. Whenever I get into an argument about who has final say federal or state I use only one line- " we had a war to decide this and Lincoln won"
  6. A competent club would not trade him for a low round pick- but since it is the Browns put in an offer of a 7th round pick and see what happens?
  7. I would say the second for sure- and then only if his physical looks good.
  8. How we are not top 8 is odd to me- there is no way that 13 teams had impact rookies at multiple positions. I assume that some of them are based on drafting QBs more than great players but at this point I just want more wins on the field.
  9. I want to argue but then I thought-have we made the playoffs with every competent QB we have ever had? Wow that is depressing.
  10. I agree most of the time and certainly in this case. Murphy is not terrible just not worth his money. I assume he played last year but I do not remember one time he stepped on field- which is a good sign for a backup lineman
  11. I think we cut Murphy if we feel we can get a decent end elsewhere for cheaper but the rest I think they keep through camp since the savings are not huge from what I can tell. I did think the Jordan Phillips market value was interesting- the comp players avg 8+ million but he is only worth 6 million a year.
  12. This line right here is why you are a sad petty person. You have no facts to back you up but you will assume the literal worst about everyone who disagrees with you.
  13. I can only say I enjoyed it and watched a portion of each game. The QB play is not terrible and it flowed. The NFL will have speakers in all players helmets within two years and will be changing the punting rules soon.
  14. The item that shocked menisnhe has AJGreen getting 20+ million a year for 4 years. With his injury history I thought he would be closer to 15 million a year and 2 years.
  15. The only way he does this is if the State of NY agrees to let him do whatever he wants on stadium and signs off on everything basically before he lays the first brick. I highly doubt the state will not want their pound of flesh in this deal.
  16. I agree- rarely have I been so right as I was about those three things. The Ryan was so bad because that team was built in the exact opposite way as Ryan likes to play with a GM who does not draft well in the areas he needed.
  17. The other part of law is that the defense will be given information about witnesses so they can interview them. This has already cost one person their life and will make witnesses hard to find in future
  18. To me the LB that will replace Lorenzo will be our most important pick up this off-season. I also really want a better Tackle and kick Ford into guard but improving the WR core is way down my list.
  19. It is crazy how well I remember this- I do not care about Rome or Everett but somehow that is stuck in my head for eternity.
  20. I say yes but I have no idea what compensation they would want. I would love it but I bet AJGreen still gets 10 million guaranteed at least.
  21. I think you and I are seeing the same thing but I think it is from an accumulation of hits vs D getting better. But you might be right.
  22. I thought the Transition tag was gone- is it just not used much anymore or do we just not hear about it when they do?
  23. You ask a good question about why I discredit a dude who just justifiably won MVP. I think his unreal athleticism will slip quickly- and when he can not run like Barry it will cause him to have issues. I have many examples, but if his athleticism stays he might be one for the ages.
  24. Because I assumed you already knew that!? What? A racist post? Seriously dude what is wrong with you.
  25. I truly think the Bills intentionally put Josh into some tough spots this year and he grew during them. They did not give him the big reciever as a security blanket, he had only small precise recievers which forced him to be more accurate. They called plays that were not one read plays but required him to make decisions during plays, forcing him to grow mentally. Lastly I think he learns best on the field and his playing time is a big help. Why I think Jackson is not as viable long term is his offense was already tailor made for him and once his athleticism slips at all he will have issues being more traditional.
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