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Orlando Buffalo

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Everything posted by Orlando Buffalo

  1. Who is Rambo? Is that a nickname for Knox?
  2. Just because SPLC is less bad then those does not make them good, but it is good you realize that there are worse people than Donald Trump
  3. Only if we have a time machine and can bring back the version that worked hard and had talent. This version has neither.
  4. I would want him as the second back with Singletary, he can catch out of backfield and can Handle the load of needed. But obviously he is not a long term solution so two year deal.
  5. I know this is all speculation of the highest order but Jags could definitely do worse than getting Star and Murphy back especially if we eat the contracts like the Texans have done.
  6. Good point- if this is really a two year deal in Buffalo then the total is almost meaningless.
  7. One thing on the money- is that NY takes another 2 + million of that 27.5 where Florida takes 0 of the 30 therefore the difference is really almost $5 million at end of three years. That is real money even to rich dudes
  8. Wow- I thought Quinn would get 3 years at 15 per year- though maybe that is what it turns into In a Mc Beane defense the lineman are not the stars- the LBs are the stars and therefore we will not likely have any dominant players along the line but have great LBs.
  9. This is much worse since the Cowboys lied about their intentions with the players traded. Minnesota thought the Cowboys were taking players they did not need or use, Cowboys just cut them and turned them into draft picks. I can understand the trade if he got back a 1st and a second without taking on Johnson but this trade makes no sense since Hopkins is currently under the team friendly part of contract for 3 more years. This is a move you make during a year down.
  10. You call a lot of things- do we have a percentage of your correct calls? ?
  11. A few items- every crazy Texan trade has been to an NFC team I believe or the Browns. Why would you want OBJ who has been a problem for every team he has been on? your point is very vaild.
  12. Thanks for this link- I did not watch debate but have seen several exchanges through " the YouTube" and Twitter and in those short bits Biden was way worse than Bernie and I was confused how Biden won.
  13. I love the insinuation but I realized last night I can put your mind at ease about what I am teaching- I do not tell them to like Trump or any single political theory- I bash all dishonest politicians which the vast majority. Lastly I am very proud of helping students in their lives both within and beyond the walls when I see them.
  14. only thing I respond to this post is that I am called by a large portion of my students "school dad" because I help them when they need it. I have food for them every day, I provide all classroom materials everyday, I have provided clothes on occasion, I give them counsel when they need it. Your arrogance is why so many people speak ill of teachers, please stop trying to attack me. I do not make my students agree with me, but I make them deal with life with facts and reason not emotion and lies.
  15. Why am I teaching students who are seniors how to think? Politics are not assignments but when we are discussing stats-which is a topic I teach- I make students show me misleading stats. I make them do it many times and I make them show me why the stat is absurd. The students almost every time come back with stats from politicians and they can explain it well. As for " clearly trying to sway your students to believe a specific political viewpoint." you are incorrect and I simply show my students how trusting the media is dangerous and how easily things can be manipulated. other things I teach that are not taught to most high schoolers: how to do taxes, how to budget, and how to behave at an interview. But I will state I am not surprised you are a English/Lit teacher since in my experience since I was in high school myself, I have every single one pretend to be non biased as they basically recite the communist manifesto throughout the year and then discuss " some overarching political ideas."
  16. Seriously no sports or Disney(I live in Orlando) let me go back to work and get paid fully.
  17. I teach in Florida and about 40% of the teachers in my school are libertarian/conservative. The seniors can vote and I try hard to make sure they think before voting. I explain that an educated electorate is the most important thing in our country and to those worried I teach math- there is no way disagreeing with me could matter to their grade.
  18. I explain to my students that he has removed govt from my life and I challenge them to find one time he passed a law after Congress said no- ala DREAMER act. I explain they can dislike him but understand why.
  19. The raiders I think are not just dumb but want headlines- these mean that Brady is still in play. Also gruden loves all QBs which means if Brady is too damaged then maybe retirement should be considered.
  20. Van Not I think was the guy who cheap shot Barkley in the game in Buffalo right after Allen went down. The play would have been right on the mark for Burfict, so I do not want him.
  21. Your facts are correct but your conclusion is crazy. I do believe that our govt could be sitting on more info about the virus but this thing spreads fast and kills people with lung issues. If 50% of the population was infected a lot more than 60k die. People need to be safe, don't touch anyone else unnecessarily, and use lots of soap and hand sanitizer.
  22. Tirana are not interested in mortgaging future for two years of tommy boy. He is demanding say in GM decisions and wants to be able to make his own play calls. The only team I think that considers it is Vegas and they will only do it as lip service.
  23. What is the expected contract? I would pay him a two year deal at 16 a year but I assume he gets more with at least 40 guaranteed and that is a lot for an old tackle.
  24. I am usually more concerned about the " contract year" performance since he was injured when drafted and was truly full health only the past two years- he was ok in 18 and good in 19 which could certainly be from his limited time the first two years.
  25. Headline on CNN " Trump has failed to take virus seriously" and then some BS about what else he could have done. The media called him a racist when he shut down travel to Asia in January but now he is not doing enough. They also are focusing on testing people which will do nothing since there is not a cure. If you might have it self isolate and be done with it.
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