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Orlando Buffalo

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Everything posted by Orlando Buffalo

  1. I have written 3 posts and deleted them before sending because of new info popping up. I will simply not comment until Friday when I believe a lot more info will be out. this breaking news stuff makes it impossible to get an understanding.
  2. I recommend staying north of stadium near turnpike. I found it was real easy to get there and out since stadium is right off turnpike( I personally like Plantation which has a Courtyard with a Duffys sports bar within walking distance). Fans are generally nice and easy going. I have avoided endzones since it is usually where problems start in RWS. But still be safe due to some fans are jerks and thank your son for his service. Lastly I recommend staying closer to Miami than orlando because that is rough drive after a game(I live in Orlando)
  3. I have two which stick out because of how I felt after the game: one was 1996 playoffs vs Jags where Natrone Means ran all over us. about 2005 Bills vs Fins in Miami- I think we were up 20-0 about halfway through third. we lost 21-20 I think. both games I felt defeated and could not beleive it.
  4. As stated previously it depends on what you mean-worst compared to expectations or just worst on field? I would go Mike Williams for first(4th overall I believe) and Reggie Bush for latter(he literally was worse than just doing nothing)
  5. Did not read all responses but ESPN writes articles based on 535 which tells the value of Star based on his numbers-NFL is the least reasonable to quantify because so many things are scheme dependent. Star might be overpaid but no one has any idea for at least 2 years, unless they know Buffalo could have had him for less-which they do not.
  6. I I agree overall but a more specific thought is " the health/attitude of Rosen is bigger threat than Allen inaccuracy concerns"
  7. NBA is the worst for parity and I am an NBA season ticket holder of a non contender. the money is huge and too many players can make 8 million a year as the 3rd player off bench. But NCAA football sued a federal court for the right to deny the lesser leagues a shot at the title. UCF should have had a shot this year but were denied despite having a better resume than Alabama-though I truly think Alabama would have beat them.
  8. I must chime in since I predicted his decline in production right after the super bowl. The NFL changed the rule about hitting QB when they might have ball. the simplified is that before rule refinement the D would not QB unless they knew he had ball-after they could clock him if he might have ball. He made a lot of plays on edge where defenders did not if they could kill him or not. He lost one of his best weapons in that the D was not nearly as confused. In a different vein he is not worth the distraction(as said by many) but no one hit on the biggest distraction in NFL history-Lawrence Taylor- he though always was the best player on his side of ball so they dealt with the distraction.
  9. Machine gun Kelly K-Gun-named for Keith Mckellar not Kelly Butch Rolle who only catches touchdowns(not really a nickname but said)
  10. I do not know where I fall in this as far as the "switch": I grew up in Western New York and was a yankee fan until the early 2000's when I moved to Orlando. I have never been to Yankee Stadium and only a few Yankee games but have been to dozens of Rays games and now root for Rays fully even over Yankees. I think I am clear but I was pretty obnoxious from 1996-2000 so I feel some shame. Hardest switch was from friend who was die hard Auburn fan and his cousin ended up in Alabama for basketball. He seems perpetually confused on who he is rooting for now when they play.
  11. To compare college quarterbacks using just numbers without having substantial modifications based on talent around them is almost worthless. If he was close to Deshaun Watson in most good throwing stats I am excited because I think Deshaun is a good QB who played with excellent talent around him. Allen played with little better than a dumpster fire. I have high expectations if they give him a chance to adjust to the NFL.
  12. I have not read every comment here but do remember that the last deal had a bribe for the government employees-a suite set aside for the state employees. I think Pegula is simply starting negotiations for the stadium with the state.
  13. everything you say is accurate-but why would they trot out Allen behind a crap line? And why is everyone so sure McCarron is good? I agree Mccarrons wife is hot but besides that he has never impressed me yet. I try to not to judge someone to harshly after one start, no matter how bad.
  14. This is why I love being a Bills fan-this team is so much a part of us that we care about the hats we give the newest Bills. BTW I like the Billieve but not the style.
  15. I do not understand why everyone is so sure this will not happen. If the coaches do not believe in our Oline they will not throw Allen out there to be killed as was David Carr. In that case I suspect Peterman might beat out McCarron since Peterman has shown the willingness to throw a ball quickly when necessary. Yes I realize what happened in LA.
  16. If it was not meant to troll I apologize- but to keep talking trash about the pick is pointless. Allen showed lots of promise in college and improved his team drastically. No QB is great in college unless is talent around him is at least good. I teach math as a profession and I love the stats but to look at numbers without context is crazy. Baker Mayfield better beat him in EVERY stat since his team was better than the teams played generally even without great QB play. Not true in Wyoming.
  17. When you are near the goal line execution usually is more important than athletic ability. So since he had lesser athletes around him his ability to zip the ball into tight windows was key. This is likely a big reason why the Bills wanted him over Rosen This is a troll comment but I will give you one more he was first in-improvement in team wins from the years before he arrived to when he was there. I will also bet you they drop back down next year. If the most important thing is improving your team he is 1st on that list.
  18. I think you are quite right. most general football fans think of the Pats* as Cheaters. No one I know-even their own fans- argue with any vehemence that the first 3 wins are legitimate. The main thing to most sport fans I know is that everything they do is tainted. I honestly have no idea if they cheat anymore but they are like the kid in the neighborhood who would cheat anytime he started losing-they have no credibility and the NFL is suffering from it.
  19. I thankfully do not live where the Buffalo News in the main source of information. When I visit family-which is basically a few weeks every year- I find it pathetic. Sullivan basically reruns the same columns each year with new names but same bashing. The rest of news is always with the same slant and never only facts. If you are going to go the route of sensationalist then you need to know you will shrink your audience when the intelligent people realize it. Most of Buffalo is intelligent and has decided that they want a different choice which is now readily available.
  20. I have only bought ones of former players but between me and my kids Fitzpatrick Edwards McGahee Spikes Fred Jackson Owens Moulds Poluzny and my favorite-Kelly- which is too small since I have put on some weight since I was 22
  21. I am sorry but I must disagree- you skip over a large portion of his story which paints a different picture. He was a loser in high school(look it up if you think I am wrong) and a backup to a baseball player in college. His early success was the result of cheating too a very high degree. He finally stopped cheating when caught and then had 6-7 years with much less post season success than during his cheating days. Finally he started cheating again and started winning again in postseason. This rant is nothing to do with dominance against Bills(many team have dominated my favorite teams) The officials help I do not blame him for because I do believe the NFL officials and so full of themselves that they are simply confirming there bias during games. NFL has lost about 20% of the fans over the past 3 years and Brady being considered the GOAT is a big reason; most real sport fans do not respect cheaters. Finally I find it odd that Barry Bonds is not going to the hall of fame for cheating when he was great before ever cheating and cheating helped in one manner(homeruns). Brady first non cheating game was in 2008 and he did not win a SB for quite a while after that.
  22. I am actually wondering if you are a patriot fan-you repeatedly speak as if they do not have history of cheating and getting absurd calls to help them. I do not mind someone having a differing opinion but to ignore the fact that so much shenanigans happens with pats is absurd. I disagree with both posts stating call was "obvious" whatever call on field was would stand in my book. I think it was fumble but if called down I would not state it was clearly a fumble but I hate pats so close calls I always go against them.
  23. I would state that it is not a conspiracy but the absurd nature of every team they play receive more penalties than any other games of the year. Jax had about 120 yds of penalites there past 3 games combined but had almost that many today. The officials are not corrupt but almost incompetent.
  24. One for the ages? I missed the first about 10 minutes of game but it was overall it was a lower than average game as far as entertainment and it played out exactly as predicted by so many-several key penalties on jags and nothing to see here on Pats. It is the last game I will watch this year-it feels too much like WWE to me.
  25. I would definitely dump tolbert and like to keep Gaines and Williams for the right price-the rest of them are interchangable for me.
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