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Orlando Buffalo

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Everything posted by Orlando Buffalo

  1. I have not watched enough to know but that is an insult of highest order. I have a co-worker who has watched all of Tua and says the biggest thing for him will be a good line and patient coaches. The fact Tua almost always had a large advantage talent wise will require him to adjust and his line will need to keep him upright to survive
  2. The question is whether Milano wants to win or make more because I believe someone will pay him more than us but I doubt they will be a good team because he is a player who is only good when he can fly around and the other players keep him from getting hit
  3. I do not say this flippantly but I fear Incognito has serious mental issues that need to be addressed when he is done playing or his life after football is going to be short. He thankfully has been able to channel some of his destructive force onto a football field. I hope he finds someone to help him
  4. I have never done ignore but I am about to figure it out.
  5. Once again where was I wrong? I said he cut red tape I gave you two examples that impacted my direct circle of friends and you won?
  6. I appreciate you admitting your ignorance on the subject. It takes a big man to go from condescending to accepting his complete inferiority.
  7. Off the top of my head he has allowed small businesses to join together to buy health insurance as one entity, I also know in Florida that the laws have changed as far as population density to be more flexible with an area.
  8. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://www.forbes.com/sites/waynecrews/2018/01/03/the-six-ways-trump-has-cut-red-tape-so-far/amp/&ved=2ahUKEwiZppb87cfoAhVChOAKHQO4AFkQFjABegQIBRAB&usg=AOvVaw1I5t_ia_tEqBiacNgK7gWJ&ampcf=1 Google is your friend when you ask questions that are meant to come off as smart but just show your ignorance. BTW I did not take any of the conservative websites that list even more.
  9. I will agree that Trump is the best president in quite a while at cutting red tape but I think you might not realize how totally inefficient the Federal Government is at almost everything. I would not be for more debt by an government body that has shown such a lack of ability to stop spending when things are good.
  10. Why are you racist against the Brazilians? They are not doing anything nearly as drastic as we are.
  11. Our season goes as Josh goes- I think he is much better than this dude thinks he is. I expect Josh to be a highly efficient player next year and our offense to flourish.
  12. I do not understand how they ranked players- is it there best year or the best career? Because Willis does not belong either way and Bryce Paup belongs if it is by one year. Also Odomes is better than Clements and White is already the best DB we ever had.
  13. Can you write a contract where the player owes the team money at the end of the year? I do not understand how he is worth 80 million guaranteed to anyone. He is a high level player but does not turn a bad D into a great one, he is a piece of a great defense but that kind of guarantee goes to special players only and Marcel Dareus.
  14. I do not blindly trust anyone but I do know that the Chinese govt are the least reliable source of info on the planet.
  15. His tweets to me are a mild annoyance but it is effective because he shows how much the media lies. I am not on Twitter and would never know about his tweets except for people trying to discredit him.
  16. You are serious- this was a 30 second response to a man pretending to be a journalist who is being dishonest. Unfortunately this behavior from CNN is expected and easily responded by any competent person.
  17. Ok I have figured this much out- Trump is the Devil. Everything else builds from that base. My Brother in law actually sells t-shirts that are supporting the deep state and is proud of people who lie to their bosses instead of just quiting.
  18. I am confused by your insinuation- are you actually stating you trust the Chinese Govt over Trump? I assume I am misunderstanding your point because that would be the definition of ignorance.
  19. I think you might want to expect that the games are likely played in front of empty stadiums. I am quite certain the games will be played but crowds are a different matter.
  20. If you are going by single year then Vick is the ATL King. For Buffalo the surprise guy might Bryce Paup because that one year he was awesome.
  21. I will admit I am wrong if he is a probowler, which means he is top 8, and the standard set by the article.
  22. If Josh is the 13th best player in the league next year it would require this offense to be top 5 overall, which along with this D would mean something special.
  23. I just looked at Miami and they have 42 million a year wrapped up in just 3 DBs- which is crazy to think how we threw so well against them.
  24. You would expect them to cancel the international games since the only reason for them is to have fans see the players and large crowds will likely still not be allowed
  25. I think it is not a strategy as much as Plan A not panning out and no real plan B. NE never thought TB would leave and the Jags went all in on Files.
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