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Orlando Buffalo

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Everything posted by Orlando Buffalo

  1. That is true of most things- just find the right motivation and you can do amazing things.
  2. I truly believe they call things differently based on player- not necessarily team- just like NBA. Certain lineman always hold and certain qbs always get roughed. The bozos simply care less about rules and more abput protecting certain players.
  3. I right now would rather mahomes since i already know he is great. Allen looks like he will be great. I would prefer 13 tds to Allens total. But i am overall very optimistic
  4. This poster also does not remember how bad eric moulds was his first two years combined for less than 50 catches. His mom actually called him out for not working hard enough. Give it time.
  5. I am honestly not shocked we won- but the way our D played gives me hope that this is not a fluke.
  6. I mainly agree and hate phantoms- would prefer a few misses to too many calls but i amazed by amount of times calls clearly are called and expected actions and not on actual plays
  7. Two weeks ago he was top 5- last year he was 5th on country in qbr. He was second last year in total expected points added. You can beleive tua is better because the kid can play(which i do not dispute) but to discount an undefeated qb who has better numbers over a whole season than either bama qb and beat as many top 25 teams last year as bama makes you into an absurd homer. Just because you are ignorant of anything outside the SEC does not mean that they are untrue.
  8. I have not read the entire thread piece by piece but it would appear that this thread was started by comments claiming 20 year olds could beat the Bills. But if you are simply stating if that Miami team was reconstituted in 2008 that it would be a good pro team i agree.
  9. First statement is mostly true but we do use last year as a basis for early season polls. As for the second statement- Tua is a really good qb and has shown it in all three games hee has started but milton has played at an extremely high level for 16 of the past 17 games. Twice his defense did not show up and he had to score basically every drive last year against top 25 teams. If you have not watched there offense then please do not call one of the top 5 heisman canidates( per espn) a troll job.
  10. Do you believe that ray lewis as a college player was equal to ray lewis 6 years i to his career? Or that oline would be equal to what they became? I can not beleive you think you can compare what they became to what they are in college. Tebow was a better college qb than aaron rodgers- the game is very different and the pro game is much faster and little is the same.
  11. Maybe you are making a point that i am missing but are you saying that a player can in the NFL who is not NFL quality? I am sorry but that makes no sense.
  12. I have been on big board i saw the idiocy- but UCF will not be given proper credit because of confirmation bias- normally lesser conference teams are not as good as big conference teams but UCF is the exception. As was Utah back in 2004(?) when they rhumped bama to be undefeated.
  13. This year they have not beat anyone good but if they were to play the bills i think UCF would win 84-0. ? seriously who is dumb enough to believe any college team could beat a pro team?
  14. I must simply disagree and i have watched both. Bama has a ton of talent but if you watch UCF you will realize they are almost always the worst defensive game for their opponents. They scored more on Auburn last year than any other team last year and that was while playing a subpar first half. And milton is better than either qb on bama.
  15. right now UCF should be top 10 based on winning steak and overall talent on team. And before anyone decides to blast the talent on team please watch them, they have as much offensive talent as anyone in country. Defense might be suspect in some ways but is not bad. So flame away but please watch first.
  16. Dude I love SU but unless things have changed drastically since 2005-and I know that is possible- they could not challenge Miami or FSU for cheerleaders and especially average coeds on general. FSU 80% are hot while syracuse is about 50%.
  17. I think this play is a problem-officials should get close to player and make a loud verbal "fair catch" so players do not get plastered next week when a guy misses an early signal.
  18. agreed on the SB and the best pick of that group- which is not exactly an exciting group
  19. Not arguing but his injury was guaranteed based on the way he played. He needed to be taught how to stay in the pocket.
  20. I wpuld state that counts as bad coaxhing also so i agree. He had to improve his game- i think Washington curtailed his growth. Not arguing but his injury was guaranteed based on the way he played. He needed to be taught how to stay in the pocket.
  21. I can name only one who I truly believe was ruined by his early coaching-RGIII. If he was allowed to sit and learn to be pocket passer then I think he would have been great but his coach told him just win instead of develop his game. So I certainly think a bad coach can ruin a QB if not simply starting him too soon.
  22. The season ticket thing has gotten bad for them since a story a few years back where they sued an old couple who could not pay that had agreed to I think a 20 year commitment. At that point they had a waiting list but at that point many people decided that season tickets was not worth the risk, along with several other reasons.
  23. the browns have issues but DLine is not there problem-actually might be there only good place
  24. I will only reply to this once because i feel that your last portion is so ignorant- but you do not get to disrespect the american flag and then pretend you are not disrepecting the people it applies to the most( the military) that would be like saying i am going to pee all over the buffalo bills flag due to some fans but mean no disrespect to the players themselves. Kapernick is not a horrible thug but he is not very bright if he thought kneeling would not insult the majority of soldiers.
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