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Orlando Buffalo

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Everything posted by Orlando Buffalo

  1. I will state great teams find ways to wins against inferior talent when the better team has a down day. We found a way to win. If the team that has one offensive score is talking about the other team being lucky then forget them.
  2. If the Denver game gets flexed to primetime that would be 4 straight games- I don't know if Denver can be flexed that way but to have so may important games at primetime is an indication of respect.
  3. We will not have any common NFC opponents against anyone outside the AFCE. If the tiebreaker for the WC is outside our division the NFC games mean literally nothing.
  4. In doing a quick Google search it appears there are 1.2 million elderly in NYC and almost 5 million in Florida but there are more elderly dying in NYC than the entirety of Florida. I am glad I have Desantis and not Cuomo.
  5. Non conference games are least important to tie breakers. Therefore if two teams tie at 7-6 make sure you can compare as similar as possible schedules
  6. I am truly amazed that anyone says this dude is brave- even if right he is simply going for money, not any principled stand now.
  7. I just saw a quote from the Premier League press conference "As doctors how do you approve guidelines that still carry risk of death"? To a young for man the chances of dying from Corona is not significantly higher than dying from the other normal items for men that age. That is a brain dead question unrelated to any facts in regards to Corona.
  8. Who on that list is taking the 2011-2016 Bills to the playoffs? I think they all would have been marginally better than EJ. I have watched some of his games on rewind and his best games were his first two- Marrone did not help him and would not have helped any of these guys be special.
  9. I think 5 with the it being AJ, Davis, Moss, Fromm( with Barkley being cut), and the kicker making the 53. The rest are PS if they make it.
  10. I love the idea of the division games being all midseason and then end of season. I do not like in division games in week 1 because so much can ride on a team that is getting to know each other.
  11. Honestly last year the glow from the refs faded down the stretch I think, I watched a bunch of the Titans playoff game and I saw several times where in the past they get the phantom call where the Pat's* did not.
  12. I am trying to show why they will be good but do not believe all this will happen: 1) the Pat's still have elite DBs and a front seven that is good, therefore passing will be minimized and maybe Defense scores a few TDs to win games 2)BB is famous for specialized play calling for his team vs the other team, and Stidham does not have much tape. 3) Stidham just needs to be functional in order for the offense to put up 13 pts which should win a few. 4) they can win a game or two on special teams. 5) BB is willing to cheat to win, and this year probably even more so than usual. With all that said I expect a 7-9 year.
  13. I would argue it is not the strongest positional group in NFL but it is clear that throwing in our division will be tough this year for any QB. It makes me happy we have two RB who I right now trust.
  14. I would guess a rookie since they are not already set with workouts and such. But I think anyone who comes in fat will not make the roster, so no one.
  15. I can not think of one context this makes any sense- even the liberals I am friends with would not be cool with a stripper performing for their little kids. These parents are something else.
  16. He seems like the kind of guy that would be willing to do a lot of things for cash- he was caught using anti semetic language in a cameo, language that a 30 second Google would have shown was questionable. I don't think he asks the questions he needs to ask.
  17. I can see how I came off bashing Buffalo- which was not my intention- I love going back to visit. I agree with you about both places.
  18. https://www.cnn.com/2020/05/04/politics/coronavirus-intelligence/index.html It is awesome when they tell the truth- the disease exploded from the market but they do not know how it got there. No one is arguing it did not explode from the market Trump is saying it came through the Lab first.
  19. Overall Detroit area- it has been about 10 years but I thought it had more areas like williamsville and grand island than Buffalo. It might be simply the areas I was but I went to a lot of nice areas outside Detroit
  20. Actually I thought Detroit has more nice areas than Buffalo- but I was only in Detroit for a month. The lowest for me was Cleveland but I have never considered Cleveland a real city- probably mainly my sport bias.
  21. When I read these tweets I wonder if it is a right wing troll or people just being flippant about a serious matter because it is hard to believe anyone feels this way. I can respond with wow.
  22. While I agree Buffalo is not the be all of 716 it is a relatively poor area of the country with a real city in it. I have been all over this country and I can not think of another area as poor with a similar city.
  23. I need an explanation of why Biden is trying to pay the US women's soccer less money since the women made more money per match then the men did in the past 5 years?
  24. Gatorman is tibs- you can see their old names in their profile
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