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Orlando Buffalo

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Everything posted by Orlando Buffalo

  1. I am not sure what this source is- probably your own imagination- but the right wing extremist at the NY times itself states Clinton voluntarily testified at the trial. He could have kept the subpoenas until he was done as president but did not. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.nytimes.com/2018/05/29/us/politics/clinton-testimony-grand-jury.amp.html
  2. He could have waited until his presidency ended but chose not to wait. Please stop with this concept that any president was not exempt WHILE president, it is sad.
  3. Clinton did NOT have to give testimony at that time- he simply felt he could lie and no one would prove otherwise, then the dress showed up. Secondly me, Koko and others recognize that the President position is special so he gets special executive privlege that no one else gets.
  4. Tibs when did anyone insinuate that Governors could not be prosecuted? The executive privlege against prosecution goes back as least to Jefferson and it has been used by FDR based on his promoting Social Security, and Clinton with White Water to make him immune to prosecution so he can run our country. If Trump shot someone in broad daylight he could be impeached within a week and immediately turned over to local authorities at that point.
  5. True but lifestyle is the number 1 indicator of most of our ailments. And unless you have multiple pre existing conditions then unless you are old you are 99.9%safe.
  6. I think many Bills fans think we get screwed a lot but truly the NFL officials have become the worst officials in sports- they miss far to many obvious calls( facemask and helmet to helmet) and call too many phantom calls- but they do it to everyone.
  7. Actually I disagree- I think Tibs is honest with his opinions and simply does feels that narratives are more important than facts. Tibs is highly entertaining when he is try my to be serious. Lastly ask Tibs direct questions and you get hilarious replies that are not vaguely related to topic.
  8. I do not love Trump or think he is a great president but I am in absolute terror about what any of these progressives would do to my rights. We currently have mayor's and governors trying to suspending constitutional rights, I can only.imagine the future if they feel they have big support.
  9. The number of Floridians who have died vs the number of NY people is not even comparable. FL has 4 times the elderly of NYC and yet you have multiple number of deaths from the elderly as we do. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/ncna1188311 And here is the first article that popped up.
  10. How dare Trump be given the exact same power every president before him has been given- it is why we have impeachment. I would ask for an example of a president being charged criminally while president but I already know the response- I am stupid and you do not need to show me.
  11. I generally like my state of Florida but I used to work in small business finance about 15 years ago and several of my clients then would get the absurd run around when time came to pay. They all worked in the construction business and would go 6 months without a word and then be told the hold up was an illegible signature or some other minutiae. I can only imagine what NY and Cali do.
  12. I think it should be broken up into 4 tiers- 1) might win ya a few 2) should not lose you a game 3) try and keep it out of his hands 4)5 picks in one half is possible.
  13. I still am asking what the lie was? Accepting a plea is something people do all the time when they are promised certain concessions in order to not go to court. But I am asking what was his lie? I have read much about the malfeasance of the FBI and the memo stating they would force him to lie, but what was his particular lie? I only know one govt official who has any kind of possible knowledge and he said the "lie" was a trivial manner.
  14. Google tells me that Flynn had all charges dropped because no one believes he lied because the FBI knew before the interview no crime was committed by Flynn. So what am I misunderstanding?
  15. What was the lie that Flynn told about a crime?
  16. The only reason I am not certain we win week one is that week ones can be weird and bad teams beat great teams.
  17. I truly think it is from the mindset of the Bills being an afterthought for the NFL media for 20 years. We now are getting credit and the Jets writers are still acting as if Marrone is in charge
  18. I don't bet often but us getting 7 seems high as does Baltimore and NE. Week one though I have never bet because it is too much of a crap shoot that early. Vegas must think a lot of NE bettors will still bet on them.
  19. Early in the year they overturned several TDs on pass interference calls- I think one was against the Jets for us- but by week 3 the officials said screw this and shut down all calls unless they saw a knife
  20. I will state great teams find ways to wins against inferior talent when the better team has a down day. We found a way to win. If the team that has one offensive score is talking about the other team being lucky then forget them.
  21. If the Denver game gets flexed to primetime that would be 4 straight games- I don't know if Denver can be flexed that way but to have so may important games at primetime is an indication of respect.
  22. We will not have any common NFC opponents against anyone outside the AFCE. If the tiebreaker for the WC is outside our division the NFC games mean literally nothing.
  23. In doing a quick Google search it appears there are 1.2 million elderly in NYC and almost 5 million in Florida but there are more elderly dying in NYC than the entirety of Florida. I am glad I have Desantis and not Cuomo.
  24. Non conference games are least important to tie breakers. Therefore if two teams tie at 7-6 make sure you can compare as similar as possible schedules
  25. I am truly amazed that anyone says this dude is brave- even if right he is simply going for money, not any principled stand now.
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