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Orlando Buffalo

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Everything posted by Orlando Buffalo

  1. It is always ok to respond- I like arguing or in this case agreeing.?
  2. Actually I think you have this wrong- to Leftist there is nothing special about being an American and therefore to separate our Chinese vs the CCP is to not recognize " their culture". They see race only not much else.
  3. Your expert has not been to work in 2 months- I will believe someone who has actually been working.
  4. Percentages are real but your original statement incorrect or incomplete, which due to your response makes me think intentionally incorrect. The reason for my question is I am assuming something- your area does not have testing because your Governor has not gotten things set up yet. Or maybe you know someone who was denied a test recently? I am curious where this is because everyone I know that wanted a test was able to get one.
  5. Largest increase as a percentage which is not the same as increase in numbers, therefore your statement is incomplete or incorrect. The baseball version would be compare a 40 win team that wins 50 the next year to a 78 win team that moves to 94 wins and saying the 40 win team improved more.
  6. Tibs where do you live? There are literally 3 drive in spots within 20 minutes of my house set up by the state, I really think you should move you will be happier.
  7. I am sorry but how did $70 million get paid without materials being delivered? I am betting the materials arrived but something is wrong with them, which is not much better but gov't usually do the slow walk to pay.
  8. Last year we had Knox who routinely did it to DBs and Derrick Henry did it all game long when I watched him play other teams. I agree that he can't always do that but he will flatten a few DBs this year.
  9. The all white ones look just like my pop Warner road uniforms but different color numbers.
  10. This article is great- it says don't be fooled by weather being 30-40 degrees below normal this week because in a few months it will be a few degrees above normal. They also say Florida will be hotter than normal this month but it has been cooler than normal almost every day so far. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.prevention.com/life/amp32435627/summer-heat-predictions-2020/
  11. I am much to young to remember any of that on my own but seeing the clip and then seeing the numbers tells you that Cronkite was telling a narrative not the facts. That I believe is the day my father stopped trusting anyone in the media.
  12. I would recommend checking out multiple sources since all sources have their own slant. Also sleeping with a TV on is not good for your health. Hope this helps.
  13. I should have looked it up since I went there about 12 years ago. I should have known it would change.
  14. Diamondbacks are at the BOB and Cardinals are at University of Phoenix Park. Not the same
  15. I can not find a specific break down of the new CBA but you are correct about the one from last year. I assume numbers are similar but I am assuming Assuming the TV contracts pay for the player salaries, I can not believe the bad Luck of Rams and Chargers. They probably need 20 years in the new stadium just to break even and to receive no revenue now compounds the problem, even a man who had 10 billion 6 months ago might have issues with cash flow at this point.
  16. I can go to a sport bar and have 3 drinks and wings for $30 plus tip. Of course it helps if said bar is within walking distance.
  17. Wait is this a topic we can agree on?? We were sharing- so we had a hefeweizen, an Irish red, a quad, and a scotch ale in what was basically a large flight.
  18. Most of the country is ready to reopen. This past weekend I went a brewery and sat at a table without anyone helping me, I wiped it down ala Niles from Frasier, and I ordered my beers for me and my wife without coming within 5 feet of others except when I put my credit card in the machine. There is no reason most of the country outside the 5 largest cities can't open with some intelligent distancing. BTW I live in Orlando which is a top 25 city in America.
  19. It is similar to asking who would you pick- Dak or Josh Rosen? the question is insulting in itself.
  20. Realistically if everything goes our way- 13-3 with sweep of division Winning division in New England week of Christmas while knocking them out of playoffs 1st seed in AFC Winning SB
  21. When I traveled to the west coast going that way was much easier than coming home. Pushing my schedule back 3 hours was simply going to bed a little later one night,coming back was 3 days of moving the bed time an hour each day. So for Bills going West each time is not as bad.
  22. Do you even read what you link to? It states the court can not compel him to show up to court and he can put it off if he shows it will interfere with his constitutional duties, he chose not to allow his lawyers to handle it until his term was over.
  23. I have no idea about the chargers but I like ours over the Chiefs definitely and over Steelers- but I am also a homer.
  24. They can not just monitor the accounts unless they have some reasonable proof that shenanigans is going on, and at that point they need the authorities to get involved
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