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Orlando Buffalo

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Everything posted by Orlando Buffalo

  1. I doubt it could be done but if they offered a 2nd and 3rd and we traded them our 7th I would do it but I would not even consider it for just a 2nd and us giving them a 5th. to move up three rounds should not cost that kind of cash. I think we would be screwing them if we could get a 1st this year. THAT makes me feel better
  2. I do not understand why you believe this- MLB umps only got better when they were graded on their balls and strikes. The way you improve it is to grade and fire poor officials. Also demanding officials be in better shape will help them be in better position to make calls. Lastly punish those who make up calls whole cloth much worse than those who miss calls.
  3. I agree- a few years back the seahawks and lions game ended when the ball was clearly punched out of bounds intentionally with the official clearly seeing it. No call and i think it is because he did not know the rule. Man could you imagine? The games would take 6 hours for one drive with all the calls coming in.
  4. I thought the edelman touch/ no touch play was indicative of the issue with the current situation. They called on field he touched it and no angle showed definitely he did not but they overturned it. I do not think it touched him but i am not sure by any standard.
  5. In the south we allow our kids to play football and in the north you allow kids to sit on a couch and play video games while clogging arteries- both have major long term implications but we allow anyways. This sounds personal so i will tread lightly but when are you forced to buy insurance right now by the government? You can go with health insurance, without home insurance and you only need car insurance if you drive.
  6. I am so confused on why someone calls others liars when they say they will not watch, it is not the Bills in the game. I did not watch last year and will not watch this year because overall games have not been entertaining and officiating is atrocious. I watched 4th qtrs yesterday only and saw three calls in 30+ minutes of game time that should cause an official to lose their jobs and these are the best they have.
  7. Brady s legacy is easy and set but it depends on your perspective-if the cheating bothers you he is a cheater if you are not bothered then he is the greatest ever. I watched a funny think of ESPN where it said in his first 5 years it seemed like he knew what a defense was doing before they did it.
  8. The NFL has to be horrified by the attention on the officials today in both games. Phantom calls here and obvious misses earlier. they all look incompetent.
  9. I am not saying you are wrong but it would have to be a fairly recent change. When at games i often was pissed when the away official would call something that someone closer could see better. Normally it is closest but i am pretty sure it does not have to be.
  10. My disagreement is based on when did you see good officiating This year? If the problem is consistent throughout the year it is most likely simply the officials are old men with bad eye sight who are constantly out of position to make proper calls. The NFL has truly become the worst officiating pro league in America.
  11. Nfl might fine him for calling out the horrible officiating- also officials might be watching him extra tight in 2 weeks.
  12. I keep coming with guys who kept getting injured so that might be why. I thoigh think a guy from 90s that i remember catching well out of backfield but not getting ball much was Sam Gash- he hit guys so hard on the run plays they generally left him wide open on pass plays. My memory migjt be distorted but i think i am right.
  13. When you have 70 million in dead cap you are at an disadvantage even if it is completely self inflicted. Most of that 70 million was absorbed by the offense this past year. Next year we should have more proven talent on the offense.
  14. Looking this team from a financial perspective our top paid offensive players are shady, KB and clay who all played well below expectations. We spent no money on offensive line also. This team has the most important part i think in Allen and they need to build around him and can quickly with tje cash and draft capital we have.
  15. I agree with the first statement especially- i live in a suburb of orlando that has some of the best public schools in countries, low taxes, that people are clamoring to live in and i still hear how it sucks because i have to deal with Disney and the roads are 5 years behind the people moving in. To each there own but dont let morons bother you about what you love.
  16. Top 20 guys generally make the show and can be expected to be a solid starter. https://community.fangraphs.com/success-rate-of-mlb-first-round-draft-picks-by-slot/
  17. Many patriot fans do refer to it that way- and when asked they act as if only super bowl comebacks matter. I do not let bother me since 90% of pat fans will not be in 10 years.
  18. I read a few years back that kingsbury ran a camp for kids at Texas Tech that had been run there by the previous staff. Prior to bis arrival moms would drop kids off and leave. When he was there apparently soamy moms stayed that it caused a parking issue where they had never had one previously.
  19. $15 million is not a huge commitment if you feel he is likely to be special but i would really not do it for a guy who is not all in.
  20. I truly do not think they were any worse than what we currently have as far as officials-the Fail Mary is the most overblown officiating moment I can recall. The official was out of position but it was a close call. Yesterday the Cowboys had a drive stopped when an in the grasp was called completely improperly. I could go on but I truly think the current officials are the worst of the 4 major sports and generally I think the college officials are better than NFL.
  21. I do think that the Bills will make a run at Antonio Brown or Leveon Bell, at least to see what it will take to pry one of them out of Pittsburgh as far as picks. The contract cost for brown is reasonable for a player of his magnitude and I think they would gladly have him for 3 year 36 million dollars. I hope if they go after Bell it is a deal where they can cut him after 3 years and pay him $50 million total. I think it will be a bunch of 3-5 million signings and one big signing on offense.
  22. No one is saying the numbers are wrong but they are without context and therefore are not very useful. In college army runs every play to great success but i would bet the similar pattern will appear over the entire scope of college football. Football has too much contextual situations to apply this kind of overall thinking.
  23. I love stats but this seems empty of validity. The stats do not take into consideration anything about the make up of the team, the situations in which these calls are made, turnovers, field position, so many variables that i found nothing of interest here. It reminds me of the people who say you should always go for it on 4th since you have 60% chance of making it historically speaking- no context.
  24. I have not read this whole thread but seeing as elway paid her son so much money isnt she insulting her son? If i am highest paid by such a huge margin shouldnt i be the one sparking the team.
  25. I live in orlando and my friends who Are phin fans blame him for tannehill- though i have never asked if they mean it as he should have jettison him years ago. Interesting what different people see.
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