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Orlando Buffalo

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Everything posted by Orlando Buffalo

  1. 6% is not the death rate. I can not find where you even found that. The highest I found was 4% and that is of confirmed cases. The death rate is around 1% considering all the people who have had it and not had enough symptoms to get tested. It is good you understand the death rate is important but don't lie. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://medicalxpress.com/news/2020-05-covid-death.amp&ved=2ahUKEwj9w4rAzc3pAhWJZs0KHWTNBe0QFjAGegQIBRAB&usg=AOvVaw3o6Y-USGlIKoJEk6YFOPBr&ampcf=1
  2. You keep using that word, I do not think it means what you think it means.
  3. I hope Trump has enough integrity not to pay for Russian disinformation in order to get an FBI investigation started. If he is that unethical I pray he does not use the power of the FBI to then entrap an innocent person. Finally I I am certain he would not condone threatening the man's family to gain leverage in order to get him to plead guilty.
  4. I am confused where I insinuated anything you are attacking me on. I never blamed him for getting his but it is a salary cap league and the Front office will not get better with 30 million less per year to deal with. All I said was that if he is 35+ million a year they will not be able to put a team around him that is championship quality because he is not the guy who makes those great around him. I think Dallas overpaid for Cooper and will likely regret the Zeke contract in the long run but I do not think they are that their talent currently is beating Baltimore, KC, Seattle, or San Fran. and his being paid so much makes it unlikely they catch those team.
  5. Dak is a good qb not a great qb. he is the definition of a guy who will win when you put good talent around him(only a few are above this) therefore he will destroy his teams chance at winning if he demands this kind of money.
  6. Jemele Hill attacked Trump for praising the first man to pay a large amount of Black men in America a good wage while defending a man who says Black people should all believe the same thing. But I am a racist for calling her dumb.
  7. This idea is so great and simple the NFL will certainly mess it up. The eye in the sky only calls definite rules which degree does not matter( face mask, illegal motion are first I think of) and you take that off the plate of officials on ground who can focus on the calls where details matter( holding, late hits, PI). If you eliminate 30% of thee calls a guy must make you can expect the call accuracy to improve.
  8. Didn't you use this same joke like three weeks ago? I am wondering if you think it was the timing for no one caring?
  9. It appears they figured out how to use Twitter. The last thing I heard from Bidens "Rapid Response" was deflecting the Burisma charge about 8 weeks after he was accused.
  10. That is unbelievable- did he try and walk it back? I can't find anywhere he tried to walk it back but I am quite certain it will be buried
  11. can we stop using polls like this? it makes us all dumber to even mention them. USA Today and NPR have a flawed methodology and were outside of their margin of error for the majority of 2016 and has not changed. putting crap like this up here says you are unwilling to determine what is proper information and will believe literally anything as long as it agrees with what you want. Transplant I do not think you are dumb but stop using this stuff. I agree except much of his base makes decisions based exclusively on race, so they missed a large portion of minorities with her.
  12. See you are confused Biggie Smalls was speaking of a completely different Donald Trump, that guy was not a racist, also that guy allowed minorities into some fancy clubs near miami before anyone else did. President Trump is not a good dude.
  13. The only reason I am against it is that some teams would just play a PI call and not even attempt to complete the pass. I like the idea overall but it obviously would become a farce with the poor state of officiating in the league right now.
  14. I read that headline and said "what?" 4 times. I understand the words but does this mean if I just say Donald Trump everyday he gets elected, because I talk about him a few times a day.
  15. Tibs I know right now you are being a troll, and a rather pathetic one at that, but Trump has seen them do a flyover in DC. He is aware you can see them but radar can not find them.
  16. I have been stating for weeks now I wonder how many team use bankruptcy just not to pay vendors right now. Too many companies use it to restructure vs how it was meant to be a last resort. I know this is not new but many companies will see everyone else doing it and use that as cover
  17. Wait is Jim Brown available? Have you seen his guns? ? I do believe Gore is better than he showed the last 6 weeks. I understand your point but believe he helps in ways beyond his yards only.
  18. As pointed out Singletary is still relatively unknown( I did not realize how good he was until about week 10) and Moss has ran for as many yards as I have in the NFL. I will also defend the Gore rating as honoring a dude has been the ultimate pro, but i do not fear the Jets at all.
  19. I would love to agree with you but Washington is not a place overly concerned with Truth and your inability to acknowledge that is our great divide right now. The Dems went after a good man and lied and smeared Kavanaugh in a most vicious way. They set up a phony "Russian collusion" investigation and pushed people to lie and then tried to impeach Trump for doing something completely legal. Those three things would never had happened if truth was a goal. The is only to gain power and money for to many in DC.
  20. Current democrats? Not many- I will state that since Biden was the most conservative of people on stage for the primaries probably not. I like Lieberman and Bill Nelson but not too many current Dems. Who would you recommend I look at?
  21. I considered Johnson as well and will certainly not fault you for that. I am curious which actions makes you think he feels he should be dictator? Most of his decisions in relation to domestic policy seems to be aimed to make States more responsible for themselves. I know he is a blowhard but which policy decisions or stance are you referring to?
  22. You have a well thought out post here- and I will respond with my own thoughts. Much of the criticism you make on Trump is true, especially fiscally. He is not a true conservative by almost any standard and I voted for him because the other choice was Hillary. I think you are though being naive in the nature of what Washington has become. Romney lost because he was not willing to be loud when Candy Crowley lied during the debate, Trump would have blasted her for such a blatant and important lie. Unfortunately we are at a time that the media determines the narrative and end result then packs the story around it and Trump's bombastic method is the way around it. As for Trump splitting the country you clearly have not openly expressed your view to liberals, because I have been called names at work for pointing out that Kavanaugh accuser was clearly wrong. The liberals state that you will fall in line or you will be punished. I am though curious why you think Biden will be better then Trump on any of your concerns, Biden loved Ted Kennedy and Bill Clinton, Biden wants to spend more than Trump, Biden has offered no thoughts on Corona other than calling Trump a racist for his China shutdown. Unless new info comes out about Trump I will vote for him since realistically it is him or Biden and Trump is more conservative then Biden.
  23. I am glad we agree- liberals have street parties and other dense gatherings during a pandemic while conservatives do not.
  24. areas with high covid infections are all liberal, therefore it must be the brilliance of being liberal that causes the illness.
  25. I was reading something I find strangely related to this. Trump shut down European travel on March 10th while NYC was not shut down until March 20th which is the center of the problem. What I found interesting in reading is how many liberals think that if the president does not call for the ban it is his fault they act stupidly. Basically it is Trump's fault for pointing out the danger of the illness but not forcing people to protect themselves. It is almost as if liberals are still children who must be forced not to stick a fork into a toaster rather than simply told the danger. Now i am reading into the articles and there are others out there but I will link to two. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.nytimes.com/2020/03/31/opinion/covid-conservatism.amp.html https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/polarized/202003/why-are-conservatives-less-worried-about-coronavirus%3famp The second one is an article were the writer has the right input but completely stupid output- conservatives do not see COVID as a major threat because I can minimize its impact by simple measures, I do not need to be banned or forced to be intelligent.
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