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Orlando Buffalo

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Everything posted by Orlando Buffalo

  1. I agree- also i assure you that the NFL was paying lawyers millions to fight this so if you can pay Kap less than lawyer cost and make the whole thing disappear you do it.
  2. This is a good point since draft picks for future draft years are so undervalued we might be able to wrangle a mid rounder in 2020 or 2021 for a player we might otherwise cut. Get some value for what we do not need.
  3. you are arguing that missing 19 games in the last 3 years is not "unreliable"?. I was also counting the signing bonus but if you are gonna be that way knock youraelf put
  4. I am in the camp- and i think many are with me- that he is a truly special talent but he is not reliable enough. Secondly no reciever is worth 20 million a year since he can not make the offense run- ofensive lines and qbs do that.
  5. basic numbers for me on $9 million RB-1400 total yards and 12 tds-can be 900 rushing and 500 receiving or any combination but that makes $9 million a good investment. For a receiver it is harder for me to say because if John Brown is taking top off D and it allows Zay to go for 1200 yards he is worth it, but I expect John Brown to go for about 600 yds and 4 tds which I think will not be worth it-though I will gladly be wrong about Brown.
  6. I saw them on the sideline I want one but can not find online-I live in Orlando- I do have family visiting soon, does anyone know where it might be available in Rochester or Syracuse or Buffalo? I ask in order of family visiting.
  7. Reading the article in regards to cost and number of seats it appears that the raiders are getting an incredible deal and Vegas is getting screwed. 1.8 billion for $60,000 seats of which Vegas/Nevada is on the hook for $750 million. how long will it take the Raiders to be responsible for that kind of productivity?
  8. Cornerbacks are all scheme specific- i can not think of any cb that were good in both zone and man to man schemes. One is more about being in right place and one is all about athleticism.
  9. to have a good roster at this point and still have our entire draft plus 25 million to spend is very weird. Is this what having a professional run things feels like?
  10. I said to my brother yesterday that browns will almost definitely be the most entertaining team this year- either by scoring a bunch of points and being a ton of fun to watch or the most fun implosion since the early 90 Mets. I look forward to it either way.
  11. While both cities have improved you are still largely the exception- NYS lost population last year and is not going to grow this year. I love Buffalo but it is hard to argue it competes in a lot of ways with southern cities, especially in weather and taxes.
  12. this is so true most years. one great receiver can be stopped but 4 good receivers are hard to cover-usually the 4th guys is being covered by someone who is overmatched.
  13. I did not want funchess either. But your point is valid- it though is the only one that i think they overpaid.
  14. You do not need every player to be a burner but without at least a few homerun hitters on the field at all times the D can pack too close to line of scrimmage to be effective.
  15. The only signing I am surprised by is John Brown based on cost. I just do not think he will 9 million a year good but they wanted him last year and they got him this year.
  16. I always have issues knowing how good an offensive line signing is due to a lineman does not have "highlights" as much as mistakes. Basically it takes a long time to determine if a guy is good and i do not have the time to watch but all the stats say this is a good signing and i am happy we got him for less than a good tackle price.
  17. I am missing why 6 million a year is setting people on fire- he is supposed to be a good blocker and has had a good offensive year- 6 million is what guys like that get in NFL. I bet Jesse James gets much more.
  18. I am an eternal optimist about everything- just not my brothers who are always wrong.

  19. I will make two obvious assumptions about gore: 1) he will carry ball 6-8 times a game amd usually when we need tough yards. 2) he will be used as a blocker more often then a runner.
  20. It is very strange that a franchise whose value is so high is so low on revenue- i assume it is it least partly due to them moving but to be below the chargers is crazy.
  21. All of this is so true so i do not think making him highest paid on a 4 year deal makes sense. If he could do 4 years 48 million maybe but i think he gets more now
  22. I will expand this also to family men- Buffalo is a great place to live with a family. I live in orlando and the magic have a difficult time recruiting single dudes but the ones with families are easier sells when the magic are winning.
  23. I am definitely going by position vs player-OL unless Josh Allen is there(which I highly doubt) maybe Hockenstein it we believe he is a truly good blocker but we need OL help and the draft appears deep there.
  24. This is sadly possible- no offensive players want to show up for less than big money. I understand that though if I can get paid relatively the same and the Texans are calling most single dudes would prefer that situation both on the field and off the field.
  25. Story is believable to me based on what i have heard about him being a diva- not a process guy at all.
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