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Orlando Buffalo

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Everything posted by Orlando Buffalo

  1. I am confused now- are you stating that I am responsible for what happens in the city I moved out of 19 years ago? Or am I responsible for actions of people I have never met? What I think you mean is that since someone disagrees with using facts and logic you and other liberals have extra rights because you are triggered.
  2. Your logic is fun- events caused by liberals in liberal cities in liberal states is caused by conservative people who live 1000 miles away. When you blame people for your life sucking is it caused by all the people who just did not stick around?
  3. I clearly stated "non city" because city people will go 90% to Biden. So you are also showing your lack of reading comprehension, but keep telling me how you feel. But to go back to a direct questions-what did he say Alt right?
  4. As for comp picks right now no one gets one for Clowney. So if he is dumb again next year there is no guarantee he delivers one. Also I think he might be waiting till after the worst of training camp to sign which to me is a bad signal.
  5. Good to know that every idea you disagree with is alt-right. You are gonna be shocked in November when you realize that the majority of non city Americans are " Alt right" to you. Or is there an actual idea he presented you want to point out?
  6. I see this and I ask anyone to seriously defend this as journalism? No one at that protest is voting for Trump and the hatred is from being gaslighted for 3 years with what is now obviously lies, not mistakes but intentional lies.
  7. I give all the credit for the Voter and Civil rights acts to Kennedy since he was clearly the one who spearheaded it. I also do not believe that LBJ would have even have signed it if he thought it would not help him politically. But as I said I prefer to give someone the ability to get there own then have govt give it to them. We honestly disagree there.
  8. I know "The Great Society" and I also know that it helped accelerate the decimation of the black family unit which had been getting stronger prior to it. You and I will have to disagree which is better- giving healthcare through government or making the situation better so someone does not need govt assistance and can afford their own healthcare
  9. Would you be willing to explain a few policies or final results that benefited blacks? FDR and LBJ was a racist, and Clinton and Obama did not see blacks benefit financially compared to prior presidents and also both caused jail times become less equal across races, the others I do not know much about.
  10. Ok which president since Lincoln has done more? The majority of presidents since then have paid little attention to them, and some we're openly hostile to black people. So who are you arguing has been better for blacks? Or is you point that you labeled him a racist once he became Republican and therefore facts are beneath you?
  11. I like the fact that you do not deny you are childish and ignorant, so I am ok with being called tough guy.
  12. Truly your ignorance is astounding and would be offensive if you were not so clearly incapable of being better. Comparing Trump to any of histories worst leaders is childish, like when my daughter use to accuse me of not loving her anymore, it shows no understanding of situations and the real world. In Nazi Germany all of the protesters would have been shot and executed. Every person at CNN and it's Ilk would have been hanged publicly 3 years ago. Comments like yours are appropriate for high school students who are just learning about the world.
  13. The protest are being run by Trump? He will try and stay in power if he loses? He stopped Dems from voting in 2016? You seriously sound like the National Enquirer. You need a story about Aliens and it is complete Why are you bringing race into this?
  14. I think I made it pretty clear- pick one on each side of ball. If you can't follow my rules I don't want you to play.?
  15. I had not thought of Yeldon- but if Wade has developed it is very likely.
  16. Every year of his Reign Beane has traded away a few players for late round draft picks, and I am curious who we predict they will be ( I figure one on offense and one on defense): Trent Murphy- basically because Dline is where we are deepest, he could get us a decent pick in return, and all the other D linemen cost to much to move in dead cap. Spencer- basically I think he will be the 4th guard but we will only keep 3 guards, and he can moved without much hit of Dead Cap
  17. Even the article agrees that it was mainly created by democrats but states it is "unfair" since it was not done by the party itself, but members of the party. Basically it is like arguing the Tea Party is Republican. I consider the Tea Party a Republican thing and the KKK a Dem thing.
  18. that would require him to do some "research" and we know he is more a just throw out a thought kind of guy.
  19. If applied properly it can't be abused- because it only applies when a man is minding his own business and is without provacation attacked. The fact some prosecutors suck does not negate the law is good.
  20. I had drinks with a Pole who grew up under USSR and he teaches American and world history at my school. He points out that the only reason it is popular here is that so many people are willfully ignorant of what it means.
  21. This is why I am glad I live in Florida, if someone is on my property and threatens my family in any way and I shoot him I am safe. I am not a proponent of using guns but sometimes they stop much worse things from happening
  22. I am honestly curious if you hate Trump and Obama who is your kind of leader?
  23. Dude chill out- liberals are having a terrible time explaining why Trump is responsible for what liberals in liberal cities with liberal politicians are doing. Don't let their inability to say something intelligent get you all riled up. I have been called a racist many times on here but I just had drinks with a mini UN of friends- two immigrants, two minorites, and one communist. Laugh at jrob who can't argue beyond the level of my 10 year old.
  24. Why is the conversation about Fitz from year to year? He is a different QB from game to game, and it has nothing to do with the quality of the defense, he can shred good defenses and get nothing against bad ones. He is gonna get you 5-7 wins each year but nothing more.
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