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Orlando Buffalo

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Everything posted by Orlando Buffalo

  1. I am not sure of which exact game this is but it is absurd that he could make a pro lineman look that bad.
  2. The flutie vs jax game is when i believed in him. He had to make a great throw to Eric Moulds to set up that play- moulds was not yet even competent- and the bootleg was a busted play. Flutie had an ability to improvise that few could.
  3. i trust the process- because i have no choice- but i really trust them to pick a dude who will buy in and that is important.
  4. Dude she is hot- makes everything she says respectable to a certain segment of audience.
  5. Houston to Buffalo is not a normal move- once you get use tp heat getting acclimated to cold is hard.
  6. There is a santora right by UB near marriott there. I have been a few times while visiting and while i can not guarantee sox on, i can guarantee good food and beers.
  7. I saw the end of that game and he looked bad but no on his team helped him. I definitely though see where you are coming from then.
  8. I assume you think Grier is not good-I watched him play about 6 games this year and all were impressive-did you see him stink in some game? I am not an expert but he seems like the most NFL ready QB-reminded me of Josh Rosen, just no concussions.
  9. If Bills trade down I bet they get assets in 2020 draft- our first for their first this year and first next year kind of thing. We have a ton of players on roster already and I think they will be taking a long term approach here.
  10. I want to call you crazy but there is a enough logic there that I will simply call you incorrect. Allen I believe would have improved similarly without being out for 2 months. Now if we draft an absolute stud with 9 I might have to revisit.
  11. I skipped all of the comments and have only one thought- this article is made up and the writer knew he would get clicks. No one believes our biggest weaknesses last year are not improved.
  12. I must disagree- great ones make the D better whether he is one making plays or not. No single defensemen can be great without others doing their part.
  13. You do wonder what happened that caused this- what income did they expect that did not materialize? Or what was cost that suddenly shot up? I am dumbfounded. Also i have an in with the Apollos so expect a call shortly.
  14. I am truly astounded at the fact that they did not have enough cash flow for at least one season. They had controlled cost from top to bottom at least for this year. I though was shocked when i saw the cost of tickets to the Apollos- some tickets were more $100 per seat which is more than UCF gets for same seats.
  15. I think this or the browns for all reasons listed- our D vs the new Browns offense wpuld be an easy sell.
  16. You and i will have to disagree- if you end up top 5 in total rushing yards without having an incredible offensive line and also have 4K in catching makes you great. I would not have had him my top 5 during his career period much less top 5 all time is stats.
  17. I had forgotten about half these backs- and i have watched a ton football since the end of 80's. Most of these guys played a few spectacular years or a lot of great years but not many have both. I though have yet tp see the guy who is 4th all time- Frank Gore. I always knew he was great but top 4 all time shocked me.
  18. I am very happy as i read that i have not seen Emmitt Smith- i can see good arguments for Brown, OJ, Sanders, Payton and even LT because each was dominate in their own era. The only guy that regularly is listed- mostly by Cowboy fans- that is absurd is Emmitt.
  19. This would be awesome- especially if we could wait till day three and trade them that day- i no longer live in Rochester area but no one i speak with likes her at all and several voted for her originally.
  20. Almost word for word what i was going to say. I will add i wish we had kept him and ran him 8 times a game right into the middle linebacker territory to hammer him early.
  21. I think the NFL is now pissed they settled when they did- CK lawyer now being charged with extortion wpuld be an easy way to make it go away for free.
  22. Geragos being hit is twice as good for me- i hate avenatti and CK. They both only show up when money can be extorted.
  23. It is funny that anyone cares- they are mocking our team because they have not won in so long. I use to mock golden state warriors, now not so much. All jokes die once we win.
  24. Most kickoffs went for touchbacks and most onside kicks failed prior to last year- so the safety issue vs comparative excitement has to be looked at with that in mind. I am good with new rules and would like kickoffs gone since if is usually commercial timeout, kickoff for touchback, commercial- it is 5 minutes with one play.
  25. Also i am certain Kaeps lawyer said a while ago that Kaep would be signed quickly yet no one has signed him or even admitted speaking to him about playing.
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