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Orlando Buffalo

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Everything posted by Orlando Buffalo

  1. While i understand why chiefs did what they did, i am glad bills did not make this deal. He is apparently getting 65 million guaranteed which is more than a lot of guys get who i think are better and i will be interested to see his motivation now.
  2. I find this thread hilarious from people who act like Obama did not lie about russian hacking, hillary did not collude with a foreign national in regards to the "Dossier", and trump should not be president because he made a joke about russian jacking hillary. The fact is trump won the election properly and the time to deal with russian interference for that election was in 2014-2016. All this monday morning qb stuff is stupid.
  3. I am most glad because of their loyalty to Buffalo and making it work. The wins will come eventually.
  4. If he takes away from our salary cap- even a little bit- and then does not see the field or even worse is terrible- then he is a net negative. I have not seen him play well since college and have watched him probably 7 times. I am not arguing about roster spots because but i assume he is costing at least a million and likely 3 for the 2 years.
  5. I do see what you saying but i would rather go after an undrafted kid who is hungry than spend a million on Yeldon- but i of course do not know what he cost. I would love to be wrong but we will see.
  6. Give me some time and i will come up with one- but l feel like the raiders with qbs - someone is getting cut that we just signed.
  7. Stub hub has some good deals also- i got 3rd row near goal line for $50 for dec 29th. Might be dud by 5hen but could be great deal.
  8. I am not impressed with this unless it is for league minimum. Yeldon i have watched at least 6 or 7 times as a pro and i was never impressed. Overall i like offseason but this does not improve us.
  9. For traveling from coast to coast the change makes you mentally slow a day or two which causes poor prep weeks. For me traveling from seattle to orlando was worst because depending on time year there daylight could be two hours longer or shorter along with shiftibg time zones
  10. Has anyone seen this being mentioned? everything I see says first only. If we can get him for 40 definitely do it.
  11. I am aware and I am not sure of how much confidence the Seahawks have in wilson sticking around after this year if they did not get this done but If you split the Salary cap between offense and Defense each side gets 90 million with a few left over for special teams, and maybe in 4 years it is 100 million a side that is still 35% of your resources going to one position at a cost to the rest of your positions. Your point is not without merit and I will reiterate if I was going to choose a guy worth all that money he is certainly in the top 5.
  12. My comment about Wilsons worth is based on the idea that in a salary cap league that no individual should eat up that much of the cap. Also i said he is top 5 in worth. I read my comment again and you really did read far into what was an innocous comment.
  13. This is my prediction if he is there. I think they will use 3rd and 5th to get there
  14. I do not think any single player is worth 30 million a year BUT he is certainly one of the 5 best in NFL currently.
  15. I do not have any room in my house that is just mine but in about 10 minutes i can have a 55 inch t.v., 50 inch tv, and 32 inch t.v. set up at the perfect height for viewing all sporting events on that is about 8 ft from my fridge and all the beer and food i want. Also my wife is cool enough to clear out with kids if i need it- which is usually only about 4 days a year.
  16. I know you are being sarcastic but there are only a few players i trust to keep up the effort like hughes- who cost half as lawrence- and i will admit i did not trust hughes at the time to keep the effort high. Well it certainly does make me confident!!
  17. I assume we go BPA at 9 and i do not think any recievers are even in that vicinity.
  18. If the cost is anything near lawrence i do not want him- he is a nice talent but i do not trust him to keep up effort once paid.
  19. I am not going real bold but i think if Williams drops to 6- he is only elite guy i think might drop- we trade up using our 3rd and 4th to do it. I otherwise think we are more likely to trade for picks next year than picks this year. My only argument is that someone loves this kids- i can not imagine him lasting past 6 at the latest.
  20. I had not realized the amount of signings and i am quite sure not all these guys make 53 man roster. I would bet at least one of OG is cut and likely a TE even without anyone else coming in.
  21. I understand the bias toward players because they are Bills but even non bills fans love Allen and his attitude- he is fun to watch and clearly cares about winning over all else. I truly believe he won over many people this year with his play. In my small circle of friends they would all rather have Allen than Rosen today.
  22. I do not think many people on here like Allen simply because he is a Bill and dislike Rosen simply because he is not a Bill. Rosen is very holier than thou and does not feel as a win at all cost guy. Allen is crazy enough and desperate enough to win that he hurdled a defender to get a first down. Allen might still not make as a real NFL qb but he reminds me of Favre and Rosen seems to be the opposite.
  23. All they need to know is that they have a guy they did not pick, better to live or die with your guy. It is like Fox when they killed off Firefly because it was the previous dudes project.
  24. I agree- the cards know him better than any other team and are already done apparently. Who wants a guy that was top 10 last year and already done? The optics alone make his demand low. Is that real? If so what a moron- remember Jordan " Republicans buy shoes also"
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