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Orlando Buffalo

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Everything posted by Orlando Buffalo

  1. I jad assumed it was same article i had read earlier in day which had no info- that was actually a well written article with pertinent information, who new journalist still did that?
  2. I was about to say fitz but what ypu say is true- must be why NE does not want him as their backup.
  3. I am very interested in tv deal as far as how much is XFL making on contracts? I would bet The XFL is getting basically nothing financially and McMahon is ready to lose big for two years in order to get a fan base.
  4. This year i believe will be very telling- many players break put their third year- especially if he surrounded by competent people. I just do not find it smart to write off players after 2 years.
  5. XFL will last at least one year- Vince will ensure that but the long range viability will depend on better tv situation which i doubt he can much better.
  6. I think that is an unfair comparison KB was overweight and lazy. He never seemed to fight for 50/50 balls which duke seems to be willing to do. I am not real high on him but i think he deserves more credit than that.
  7. Colin i use to listen too about 10 years ago liked because he was honest and never said what he did not believe. I do not have opportunity now to listen so assuming status quo that way: he likes "intellectual" qbs not big strong arms. Colin liked Captain Checkdown because of Stanford therefoe Rosen is his kind of guy and Allen is not- the question is will he admit how wrong he is at end of year?
  8. I would have to figure out how to bet properly, but I would put down $100 for at least 7 wins. This is the one time our horrible recent history can be used in our favor.
  9. I remember Darick and his crazy potential- i was one of those excited and shocked when he got cut. I will wait to see what happens here but i doubt Zay is cut or traded.
  10. I will mildly disagree- they knew he was the only defender that was not bad- they needed him to do everything like UB did with Khalil Mack
  11. I beleive we have upgraded every position on offense that was awful and defensively we should be no worse. Therefore i think with a little luck we will be 10-6. Anything worse than 8-8 is a disappointment.
  12. I always find it odd that a throwing motion can be such a problem. You would figure to earn a 100 mil that a dude could learn to improve it.
  13. Tyree had no touch on his throws. He also had much better receivers than JA but still was only marginally better.
  14. I like the david sills signing- he did well when he had a good qb.
  15. I am simply stating that sprinter speed while good is not as important for a back as say a reciever. Rbs usually are good based on quickness not speed.
  16. I saw him play one game this year and he was impressive- he is quick and shifty. He might be a burner but how often does a rb really get to run 40 yds in one direction
  17. Not to attack you but stop dealing with idiots. There are people who just want to complain.
  18. Strength is something that can be fixed easily as a pro- though likely not by September- the agressiveness is an trait that you are born with generally and it is extremely important.
  19. My guess isHe will not take unless kyle williams says it is ok- Ed seems to appreciate the situation he is coming into.
  20. I think a high impact guy who comes out on short yardage is worth a 9- also i believe in a McDermott D all lineman are basically rotational
  21. I only saw Gary play once and unless he falls to the 5th i do not want him. Any player who was a combine warrior mainly. No player should move more than 10 picks based on the combine.
  22. If 3 years for 30 million with 15 million gtd gets it done i do it- but i suspect he will get at least 40 million for 3 years which is too high imo.
  23. I think you are correct- she still scares me if she makes it through primary.
  24. If my goal is to get Trump reelected then i want Bernie or Biden- they have long track records with some problems. The one who scares me is actually Tulsi Gabbard- young pretty i think three versions of minorities without a track record who is so far pretty reasonable. People will vote simply for woman and vote against trump.
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