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Orlando Buffalo

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Everything posted by Orlando Buffalo

  1. It is amazing how when women make direct insults to Trump and he responds in kind he is against women but the liberals here can make cruel and petty comments about a women's looks and not be questioned.
  2. How do I know some were racist and some were not? Look at their own writings- many stated if they could have formed the USA without slavery they would have. Dude a little research goes a long way. But you still avoid the one question- why do you support racist institutional authorities? I have not called you a racist once but you have not shown me the other option you feel does represent you.
  3. I am curious how many get the Perry Mason reference? I only know it because of my mom and I am 43.
  4. You still not answer why you are supporting racists-but to answer your question many of the founding fathers were racist, but more were not and would have done away with slavery if they could have done so without losing the south. Alsothe constitution is not racist anymore then the 1st amendment protects rioters from arrest.
  5. To those who feel I already stated this Transplant indicated he was confused by my previous statement so I am clarifying: Your comment states you trust "authority" but in other posts you personally have told me that the authorities are full of "institutional racism". These two statements put together can lead to only two possible conclusions- 1) you are unaware of how conflicted these messages are to each other, or 2) you are fine with the racism so long as you benefit. I am hoping you can enlighten me in regards where my misunderstanding is in regards to your beliefs or what a third option is.
  6. This video is great but it is sad that this dude is paid millions when my 10 year old knows more than he does about out country and our foundation.
  7. I was more going for the fact he has not looked at his stances to try and have some consistency but you actually might be right.
  8. https://www.cnn.com/2020/06/17/us/group-tests-positive-florida-bar/index.html This article is everything wrong with "Journalism" today. Very few facts, none of them confirmed, and they present the idiot girls comments as fact. The Governor of Florida is telling everyone to be careful, social distance, don't be in a crowded bar if you are concerned. These morons literally are saying unless it is illegal then they are not responsible for their actions.
  9. Why do you trust people who put into place what you call institutional racism and bigotry? It only makes sense if you are racist and like benefiting from the racism.
  10. So Japan created its own sport of baseball? The US created its own sport of soccer for MLS? Both leagues have distinctly different rules than the other leagues. The issue is people having a lack of rights and being treated as property, not what words were put into law allowed it.
  11. I can not imagine life in California- the schools here are efficient and productive compared to LA and the other large districts.
  12. So your point is we had our own laws about slavery that are unique to us that we made? If that is not your point I really have no idea what you are saying.
  13. The budgets for schools is not about not enough money but where it is spent- I live in Orlando and our district this past year spent millions on safety features that made no one safer, millions on trainings that helped only new teachers but all were made to attend, and probably millions on computer systems that are redundant to other systems we already had. Teachers were then told computer paper was being rationed due to how money could be spent inside individual schools. All that being said I do not think regular cops should be allowed to use tanks.
  14. The Spanish and Portuguese had been slaving Africans since the beginning of the 1500's and they had laws on the books about it. The Romans had slaves and laws about it thousands of years ago. The Eqyptians had slaves 4000 years ago and I assume laws but I have no proof of that. Our laws were different than theirs but stop flaunting your ignorance as if it is impressive because you bash the USA.
  15. To conflate those two ideas is moving the goalpost on a whole new level. I will not defend someone who say American slavery was not racially driven just like you should not defend something so stupid. You don't have respond when your side does dumb crap.
  16. Tibs regardless of who is calling out Kaine his statement is at best pathetically ignorant by about 4000 years but we all know he is lying to rile up his base. This is not an issue where we can argue any part of what he is saying is correct.
  17. Where do you think CK should have been ranked based on 2016? BTW I have never discussed a player being over or under drafted, though it is interesting you assume other people do as you do.
  18. How many games did you watch of his last season? He would not have started for at least 25 teams and that includes Buffalo. He is at the same level as those guys you listed but in 2018 wanted more money then them, so he is the odd man out
  19. What is sad about the Illuminati theory is that the students I had that believed it were only the otherwise intelligent ones but had crazy paranoia about companies but thought the govt would save them.
  20. Actually what he means is that old Dems like my grand parents would call new Dems psycho morons- Kennedy would be a republican certainly, and think about white privilege with Clinton claiming to be "the first black president".
  21. I know you want to win this but please stop, if you are outside the margin of error your poll is worthless. Arguing otherwise just shows you do not understand the reason of providing the margin. Lastly I will link a 538 article that shows the average error chart since 1998. I will admit I thought they were better historically but one of the lines after the table shows the margin of error for these polls should be 14%. So the only place I was wrong is that they have been garbage much longer than I realized. https://www.google.com/amp/s/fivethirtyeight.com/features/the-polls-are-all-right/amp/
  22. I like the fact that you ignore the meat of the post and instead telling me where you think there was an error you ask a question that does not matter. As for your age I assume 75 or higher, because you do not realize how phones have changed our lives.
  23. I heard an interesting standard presented when it comes to racism- "that silence is violence". The reason the standard is so interesting is that if I use that standard for anything I can refer to anyone as any slur I would like as long as they did not publicly announce their intentions recently. This standard is literally what Hitler used to turn Germany into the National Socialist crap hole it was. He said either you agree with me and praise my beliefs or you are evil. Do not use this standard on other americans, it is not proper
  24. I finally realized how old you must be to make this argument. Seriously I had similar discussions with my old liberal aunt and uncle in 2017. The process for taking the polls became outdated about 10 years ago when so many people moved to cell phones that tell you who is calling. It is so easy to avoid telemarketing calls that you will never get a proper sample demographic through just phone calls, which is the only way many of these polls are done. Some of these polls were well outside the margin of error in 2016, which by definition means the process is flawed. If you have a poll that is built differently then it might be correct but we would need to wait to see.
  25. I used to work for a small business funding company and one of our clients who delivered small forklifts one year had a $250K order so that NASA has used up all of there budget and they did not want delivery until the ones broke that they were replacing
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