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Orlando Buffalo

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Everything posted by Orlando Buffalo

  1. how many players make this guarantee every year? i remember Bills in the early 2000's making guarantees every year.
  2. this is the oddest promotion i have seen- proposals are quick but weddings take time. I can not imagine this going well if NE is up at half.
  3. i would definitely take the under- i expect 2 through the first about 9 games and 4 the rest of the way. i do expect by the end of the year his impact to be large.
  4. i would be interested in where we were scoring defensive for the last 14 games- the first two games were abominations and i thought we were gonna be 0-16 but our defense improved quickly.
  5. i would be shocked if they did not burn them- "protect the shield" means that 3 illegitimate SB titles can be allowed to be known.
  6. Blind squirrel comes to mind- but honestly Joe B usually can see the obvious, which is this kid is a huge talent.
  7. wow i am only surprised since this is his year to shine and then make big money. i want nothing to do with him next year already since he can not even hide it for that big payday, once he has it he most likely will eat himself out of league.
  8. i have unfortunately yelled at a player to quit faking an injury at a college game when the home team was rolling them and every three plays a defensive player was down, only to have player strechered of and later find out he had an ACL injury. i felt bad about that so i hope i would not cheer any injury including Tommy Boy.
  9. is it possible he is brought in to be the tackle eligible on goal line plays?
  10. i think most of us Bills fans see a guy who from the outside does not look like he is busting his butt to get better. he is good but not a guy to break the bank on or going to transform our D.
  11. If the Raptors success hurts Buffalo then Golden States success should have hurt the baseball Giants, the crossover of fans is limited and rarely hurt other sports.
  12. Zay should get a huge boost in production from the fact he is no longer our "#1" reciever. he is not good enough to continually beat a top CB but he might be good enough to beat lesser CB all day long.
  13. i just think gms are dumb who give all the money to one player when all 22 matter unlike NBA.
  14. the very premise of the idiocy here is that Allen did not play well as a rookie- which is incorrect- and also no one thought he was good which is also incorrect. why let morons bother you?
  15. i did not watch nearly enough Reggie to make an informed decision but Bruce was a dominant presence on a D line with lesser talent- Jeff Wright- and was able to cause much more damage on his own. As for leadership it was almost certainly Reggie since Bruce did not lead except by dping his job on field.
  16. does PFF make any adjustments for injury time- guys who are only available 4 days a year make for great fantasy teams but not good real teams.
  17. supposedly that dinner happened here in Orlando when orlando had the inside track. the GM did not want Duncan to leave town without a deal and Pop came here. i have heard the dinner was at about 10 different restaurants so I am less certain it is true.
  18. i do not disagree overall but do you think he continues his impact without Watt and all his money in hand? i think he will impact us less and likely get lazy.
  19. i actually enjoyed watching mckenzie also but i think he is redundant with who we brought in. Though i will certainly state if they work well with Allen everything else is not important.
  20. i would think duke williams would make it over McKenzie or Roberts unless both have big impacts on special teams.
  21. i doubt he would come here unless he got a big contract which is a big pass at that point. if for 2 years 15 million total yes but i doubt that gets it done.
  22. you make choices at Buffalo since the tickets are so cheap. just getting into Jerry world or Atl is so much that cheap hot dogs does mean much to me.
  23. I understand that but I think with the exception of the top 8 of each draft the slots are basically what they were getting anyways before new CBA. So while certainly a valid point I think they will not fight it.
  24. it would only matter if we could play NE in Buffalo in playoffs- other than that a win is a win and the superbowl won vs Cowboys or Seahawks- hawks only because i hate Carroll for giving brady another ring.
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