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Orlando Buffalo

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Everything posted by Orlando Buffalo

  1. It is a good analogy to show that beliefs change, and to be too harsh based on what was acceptable that long ago is ignorant. Some people are proud of their ignorance and arguing with them is difficult since you and they have different goals, yours is to learn and better yourself while they just want to "win" regardless of reason. I also know that 50 years ago my Uncle would literally take one for the road, crazy to think it was not that long ago.
  2. I am not certain if this is sarcasm- please let me know.
  3. Dude we have already discussed the polling issues of 2016 going all the way back to 1998- they have a margin of error of 12 or more. They are meaningless for accuracy, basically if they say it is 50-50 to be at 95% certainty they must state 56-44 both ways. The polls have been bad for at least 20 years it took 2016 to show how bad they are.
  4. I see the difference- and I avoid coming here when I am drinking because of the idiocy of a few. As I said what you said I see a dozen times a day here especially being called a Fascist by people who have no CLUE what the word means.
  5. Why did you get banned? I am curious what the line is because it gets personal here sometimes.
  6. The cherry picker part is they can get rid of students that are making it difficult for their classmates to learn. I definitely agree with Sowell but at charter schools either get with the program or get out.
  7. Baseball is not having a season at all so I am not surprised by this move, it lets the owners save money and eliminate their risk of being the reason for infection.
  8. I do not mean it as statewide but as individual districts- FL overall has high performance especially in regards to AP courses but Miami does not, NYS has many good districts but NYC drags the overall numbers way down. My biggest point is if I have 100 districts and 80 average 70% passing rate and 20 with 10% we now are at 58% passing. In many areas the splits are that wide.
  9. Please stop combining education with healthcare. Our "free" education system is great as long as you are not in one of the overwhelming liberal areas of our country. My son's school has many well off Brazilians and Colombians who have houses in our area just so they can go to his school since it is cheaper to live here than pay for the equivalent schools in their countries.
  10. I assume you have never visited Europe since not one country I was in compared to US in regards to infrastructure, in fact every time I left the main cities the roads were crap and the internet service in buildings was terrible. I also live in Orlando Soni have met a few foreigners here and obviously when there and none I have met hate the USA. I will state with certainty if that was your experience in Europe you are cause of it, not your being an American.
  11. I assume this is a joke- I have split loyalty between my Buffalo roots and my Florida life. Secondly he is picking one of the original 6 which you have to respect.
  12. The only game I ever went to where I was worried about my safety in the 90's was a Sunday night game against the Jets. The fights started before the game and continued basically until the 4th quarter. I had been to dozens of games before that game and I had no idea how many cops were in the stadium
  13. I was in Europe for almost a month in 2018 and I held my head up high in all 6 countries. Not only that but the vast majority of the people spoke highly of Americans that I dealt with. Lastly what kind of loser worries what people think about their president? I am proud to be an American whether it is Trump or Obama
  14. You asked me where do say you are better than me- maybe stating you are a more moral person is where I got the idea. You though have said the living conditions in the most liberal places is unacceptable, but why do you blame conservatives for this?
  15. At the time of each trade I thought the McCoy trade was out of this world while at the time I did not care about Hughes for Sheppard, but the difference in benefit to team is clearly Hughes. Best trade though is Buffalo sports history though is the one that brought Dominic to Buffalo Sabres.
  16. https://www.yahoo.com/news/californians-must-wear-face-masks-190242777.html If I have something wrong here please tell me: it is now a worse crime in California to not wear a mask while out to dinner than to steal the dinner from the store. Why do y'all still live there? Florida has better beaches- no mountains but better beaches.
  17. This is such an annoying comment, it pretends that DeSantis is pushing people to go to bars and other crowded places. I will make it simple for liberals: if you do not want to go out please stay home. The Governor has given people the ability to make there own choice which is not something the needing homes in NYC were given by Cuomo.
  18. Does he have a condition that makes the mask difficult for him wear? Otherwise he should just wear the mask- him using this as his moment to shine makes him stupid.
  19. Wilding is the term used by teens when they randomly attack and rob people. If my student say they are going wilding they mean to a large party, if I said it 25 years ago I would mean it criminally.
  20. The most insane part of this is it requires you to be responsible for how total strangers react to everything you do. I had to explain to my students not to use the term "wilding" for having a party because some people would take it the wrong way. But at no point would I hold them responsible for someone chosing to be offended by it.
  21. You literally stated you were a better person than me, I stated evidence you are not actually helping anyone and your response is a quote from a 20 year old TV show? Must be nice to be woke and not need logic or intelligence, or even wit.
  22. I actually agree with him and the community can do many things to make sure they get a proper police force. People can vote in proper mayor and sheriff's, they can create community watch groups, they can push on their neighbors the idea of follow the law so that police are not needed, finally if all else fails they can move to an area that fulfills their needs better.
  23. Progressives are fighting for equal opportunity how? If they are why are the worst schools in our country exclusively in liberal areas? Why is the largest income inequality in liberal areas? Why is the largest racial discord in liberal areas? I find it hilarious you actually think you have any similarity to an abolitionist, since you are not fighting for freedom of an individual but bondage by govt. You are either a special kind of ignorant or are incapable of determining who is causing the issue.
  24. The highest funded schools in the country are majority POC school districts, where do you get your info?
  25. You are arguing with an admitted Jets fan on aBills fan website- so I will answer with 95% certainty, he has never researched anything before spouting his mouth.
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