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Orlando Buffalo

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Everything posted by Orlando Buffalo

  1. As I direftly asked you previously Tibs what other evidence do you have and you never responded- I use to watch CNN just to see what liberals thought but they kept using Steele dossier long after Steele himself stated it was just innuendo.
  2. Thank you for admitting you are not capable of showing any evidence of Trump Russia besides the Steele dossier that even Steele admits is mostly Russian disinformation
  3. What evidence is against Trump with Russia besides the Steele Dossier that has been fully discredited. The evidence against Biden is simply his bragging about doing it, so I am comfortable saying with 100% certainty he got the guy investigating Burisma fired.
  4. I can only imagine how you explain facts to people- Erie county which has 1.1 million people has more deaths than all of Central Florida with 5 plus million but I am sure you can explain how my state is the problem. Your Governor blames Trump for not forcing him not to be incompetent. Also your belief does not explain how Sweden is not killing everyone despite no lockdown. If you take all available info right now the right response was to socially distance and wear mask. If an area can not do those then a lockdown is good
  5. I appreciate the simple explanation- I have been vaguely following and no one explained it this way.
  6. I found Thomas Sowell and Walter Williams about 20 years ago and they are both brilliant. I disagree sometimes but they alway make me think, which few do anymore.
  7. What evidence are you speaking of with Trump Russia? I am serious, besides normal relations between nation's what proof do you have? We know the Steele dossier is Russian misinformation, what else do we know? I do not look at CNN to often anymore but most of their talking points were Steele dossier items.
  8. I think free trade and globalism are dead as they were conceived in NAFTA and other deals in 90's and prior decades. Obviously China is not a good partner, which we should have recognized under W Bush. The new version must be American rights centered because the other counties will steal from us without thought if we do not give them consequences.
  9. Wow this is a stupid thread- most likely at least a few Bills have already had it but showed no symptoms. Trying to guess which high level athlete will have major complications from a virus that is mainly hurting old people in poor health is dumb.
  10. Sowells ability not just to realize the problem but to succinctly explain it to people is fantastic.
  11. I doubt it will be DeSantis despite his great policies and ability to get things done. He is not overly charming and does not seem to like being on TV.
  12. My point is that wearing the mask is good even if it is not a law. Being smart and a good neighbor should not require a government to make us.
  13. I am sorry but you are completely ignorant- the job fair needs to be inside the barricade to force them out, what are you thinking?
  14. Young healthy people die from the flu also, in 2011 I knew two people under 50 who died from H1N1, but once again you must look at the odds of serious infection. While you are correct that we don't know how individuals will react we do now have a good understanding of the high risk factors. If all of the soccer world can come back as they have then our NFL will come back. Lastly do you actually believe an NFL player is in more danger from Corona then getting hit the way they do each weekend?
  15. So it sounds like the union ran with a story before it was corroborated and it was printed without any facts. Seems like 90% of the stories being printed. I am thankful no one was actually hurt and wish the real story was printed with as much flair as the fake one.
  16. If you don't want to share that is fine, I was just curious.
  17. Ok- what degree do you have?
  18. I am sorry but I seriously doubt you are educated, though as I type this I have an Assistant Principal who has an education doctorate who can't think either. May I ask what your degree is in?
  19. NFL players generally have none of the conditions that make them likely to have a big reaction to COVID. The NFL will play this fall unless some of the states make it impossible for them.
  20. Just read that my State(Florida) residents will be put on quarantine in NY when they visit due to our jumping cases. Our Governor made a simple request, that Floridians be kept out of NY nursing homes. The hospitals outside of our three deep blue counties are fine and running like normal, and the 5+ million Central Floridians like myself are seeing less death than usual per capita here. But my family in Buffalo still tells me Cuomo is great.
  21. What are you basing human social development on? It is such a vague and capricious concept that before I argue with you I would like a few thoughts. The study of human development has changed many times over the years and often it goes to stupid thoughts before coming back to intelligent fact based thoughts.
  22. The research I did said that the Louisville area precincts were merged because they expect low turnout due to Corona by the Democrats in the area. Why are you expecting conservatives to save your side.
  23. Why did the numbers change so drastically? Did the individual counties make changes? The details are important and your article does not lay it out, it simply says LeBron is pissed. Why was decision made?
  24. It is amazing how many people know which counties I am referring to whether they live here or not.
  25. In Florida each precinct does its own polling places- it is not statewide decisions. This is why when Florida has incompetence happen it is always the the most liberal places that cause it, almost every single time
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