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Orlando Buffalo

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Everything posted by Orlando Buffalo

  1. The point with the European countries is that we are comparing completely different situations, they are where FL was on May 7th as far as reopening, we will compare their numbers in a few months. As for NZ I had seen a similar headline to this and did not look into details. https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.theguardian.com/world/2020/jun/28/new-zealands-covid-19-isolation-facilities-under-extreme-stress-review-finds
  2. Each of the countries listed all were on major lockdown until the past week. Also the people wanting haircuts are not the ones getting Covid, it is the people who going into packed bars or other situations where many people are in small areas. It is amazing how often people spout off here with information without any idea what it means. Lastly NZ had "ended" Covid in their country and then once they released everyone from lock down it came back. It is as if the lockdown was not to flatten the curve but to score political points when we came out of lockdown.
  3. https://www.yahoo.com/news/party-guests-wont-talk-9-121901370.html Covid is not political but we will use the force of government to force people to comply with our law unless it is politically motivated against conservatives. NY is such a mess they will need a bailout soon but have money for this crap.
  4. The death rate is most tied to age and health issues, not infection rate. I could cause 10000 healthy 25 year olds to get Covid and the deaths would still be single digits. If I got 100 sickly 85 year olds sick with it I would likely have double digits. Those like you who keep predicting the death spike are unable to see what numbers really matter We have been open for 8 weeks- we are fine in all of FL with the only concern being the areas highly populated by snowbirds from NY who only do smart things when required by law.
  5. This thread- not your post- is so full of people who are proud of their ignorance and only want the facts that help them feel better about the bad choices they have made. The purpose of lockdown was not to overwhelm the hospitals, which is why the number of cases is much less important than hospitalizations and deaths. NYers need to come to terms with the fact that Cuomo is why thousands are dead, his poor decision did that. DeSantis is helping FL get moving again, while NY seems to be waiting for the vaccine.
  6. This young lady just learned a valuable lesson and hopefully will evaluate her future decisions more carefully. Though I would truly question the value of my 250K education if at some point in 4 years someone said stabbing people who disagree with you is a reasonable thing to say.
  7. Stop lying- you know almost nothing about Sanger. She was a believer in eugenics and thought if we just got the undesirable people to not procreate the world would be better. When asked who is undesirable she would describe black people.
  8. I read it and think he is overall fair but I would have broken the years up after his first 16 starts and his starts since. Also his conclusion that JA is just like Tyrod is sad because Tyrod had peaked and JA looks like he is ascending. His biggest point is that JA is the key to our winning or losing is correct though.
  9. That was a long drawn out version of NY might have killed 10 times as many as FL but we had a spike in cases. We still are fine in FL with hospitals and our deaths are still small thankfully outside of the deep blue counties. In fact we still have only about 10% of Erie county deaths in Orange county despite being twice the size. As for masks we agree, masks should be worn but a federal law is dumb.
  10. What is most interesting to me is that these are not the states that are per capita the worse but just flat numbers. I also think that the list is all states that have reopened except CA, sso a spike would be expected
  11. I know you are not bright enough to play this out but this is how it would inevitably work- cops would have to be in charge of issuing fines with any mandate, since my town has only a few cops per capita they would not have time to give out fines even if they saw people without masks relative to major cities who have large police per capita. The city cops would give out many more fines and it would be to to a large number of minorities who live in those areas, at that point you would call him racist. As for Sachs prediction I have not seen anyone be right in regards to Covid yet so I am skeptical of the numbers they have.
  12. A policy that treats central Nebraska the same as NYC in regards to Covid is punishing Nebraska for the inability of NYC folk to be intelligent. Social distancing is much more effective to keep people well and that is easily possible in most of the country outside the largest cities. Lastly any national fine would be disproportionately felt by inner city people and you would then call him racist, so why bother since it will not improve the Covid situation.
  13. I am truly asking what is the punishment for not wearing the mask? I wear a mask whenever I am in a public place and avoid those without but what is your suggested punishment?
  14. Gordon played 20 games with Pats- his per game avg was 3 catches for 50 yds and a total of 4 TDs in 20 games, that would make him the 5th reciever on the 2018 Bills . Brandon Lloyd went 77 catches, 70, and then 74 for Pat's with less TDs for Pat's then either of previous two years. Lastly Revis went to the probowl with the Bucs right before they cut him, it was a cost issue not talent, to argue otherwise just shows a complete lack of any knowledge of the NFL.
  15. Talib had personal issues but was always a talent, Josh Gordon was never good for them, Brandon Lloyd was at the same level as prior, Mingo I don't remember doing anything, and Revis was worse in NE then with Jets. Maybe you mean something different than question but these guys were not down and out and then rebounded with NE
  16. I am so glad you said this- you have literally never been right in anything you have posted on here and it shows how little you know about any topic but are very willing to split off minimal info as if you have a clue. Cam was incredible in 2015 and then has been a much lesser player since then. If you think 2020 Cam and 2015 Cam are the same you literally know nothing about the wear of football on a player
  17. The biggest part of plan is whether players follow rules. Part of reason for spike in Florida is many people, in Miami area especially, went to beach and bars while packing in together despite it being against the guidelines. If NFL "required" players to stay out of bars and one was found in bar what is punishment?
  18. https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/11962078/black-girl-set-fire-racist/ I am just gonna post this with almost certainty this is fake and the girl got burned by a Molotov cocktail during the riots. The whole story does not make sense, especially the part where an EMT does not know to get burns looked at immediately.
  19. I am being warned by my federal govt worker brother in law that Orlando is in for a world of hurt due to opening too soon, his only issue is explaining why we have so few deaths, so few hospitalizations, and why the spike is bad for us but will not happen when they reopen.
  20. That is some dark humor there- and the exact idiocy I would have said when I was I college. I certainly hope the school is looking into all of the other highly inappropriate comments made by students on twitter- like hoping that conservatives die from Covid.
  21. This is so simple-protestors do not damage or violently attack people, if you do then you are a criminal. You can call them vandals or rioters or some other term but you are not a protesters anymore.
  22. I think a good decision here to minimize contact between people and also have a secure election is to allow people to drop off their ballots early. If I could go to a location, show my ID and drop my ballot securely that I had previously filled out it would make it easier and make the lines much quicker and probably shorter. I am nervous about ballot harvesting especially this time after what happened in 2018 in Broward County since dishonest people know they are unlikely to be prosecuted
  23. I will even give you that math of for the 3000 there is 1000 for each one. That brings it to 3 million or about 1%. I will even state that number is likely higher but the vast majority, probably around 97% of Americans are not racists. More importantly why are you allowed to judge us based on a small minority of our side but to judge your side by the people calling for a replay of Haiti in 1804 is inappropriate? Oh because you hold whiles and blacks to different standards where I hold everyone to the same
  24. The best part is all the rubes who did not realize that Trump was lying about the FBI investigation into him or when he lied about the fact he should be impeached over Ukraine. The best part of this crap is that we have to take his word that a lie was told even though so much of it is opinion.
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