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Orlando Buffalo

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Everything posted by Orlando Buffalo

  1. As you have stated the papers are legit and come to a completely different conclusion of a science that has "been decided". Mask are to protect everyone not wearing the mask and many people defeat the purpose of masks by touching them after touching dirty surfaces. I do wear a mask but it is not nearly as important as social distancing.
  2. Your not wrong but the love of China is obvious- they make similar income in China as the USA if you do not count money spent on arena. I realize the numbers are different but the Chinese market is like Texas to the NFL.
  3. No it means one great grand parents and one great great grand parent
  4. I would like to define affluent- because I think your definition and any person who is not born with American privilege will look at it very differently. I know I am in the top 3% of wealth worldwide and me and my wife are teachers. It is extremely easy to be wealthy by worldwide standards if you have a little discipline and are willing to work hard. The fact that Americans have turned being a top 5% in world person into a problem shows how warped your beliefs are on the topic.
  5. You thought I could determine your opinion from facts? You can't even determine what makes paperwork proper and I am suppose to make sense of your thought process? I will ask one more time and then quit- in your opinion which countries are dangerous? I will add what facts do these countries have in common?
  6. I know that this is not technically about Trump but it says it all about liberal cities, when things go wrong they have no idea how to deal with it, even when they are the ones who cause it. The fact this is the NYT just makes it better because they try to make it sound not that bad despite being honest for most of it. https://www.yahoo.com/news/lost-control-minneapolis-leaders-failed-141407152.html
  7. You want me to comment on a boat that was rejected by Cuba? OK, since the people had valid paperwork when they left Europe I would have let them in, I am not one to punish people when they try to do the right way and then a law changes. You though have given me stats, but are incapable of listing dangerous countries apparently. Which countries are the unsafe ones? Thank you for actually looking at it, but I figure that is all we are gonna get.
  8. So which counties are unsafe? And why is America safe? Please just answer the question as I have for you. Slow down- this is my turn!!!!
  9. I teach high school students and that is lame even by my freshmen class level. But more importantly are you saying they can't find any place safe that is not majority white? Or are simply stating that no place in Mexico is safe? Because the easy answer to those fleeing violence is to move to another area of the same country.
  10. Please change your name on this board, Kemp was a statesman who made it his business to know how things work. We will use the same process we use at every embassy, people will apply and then we will do background checks. How do you think all of the proper immigrants end up here?
  11. The sad part of all you do is you feel you are clever, when you are on the same level of an uneducated 15 year old
  12. His is not a straw man argument- I think you simply have no clue what that means- if Redskin is equal to N word then simply uttering phrase should get you fired. If Redskin is offensive it is at a much less level then N word.
  13. I am not sure where your poll came from since it is so far outside the norm but it shows either every other poll was warped or UC Berkeley was trying to prove a point. I will state that the few friends I have who are native Americans root for the Seminoles and the Redskins. I will link to the previous poll by another set of liberals. https://www.washingtonpost.com/local/new-poll-finds-9-in-10-native-americans-arent-offended-by-redskins-name/2016/05/18/3ea11cfa-161a-11e6-924d-838753295f9a_story.html
  14. Good God you are dumb, of course I realize some of our citizens are bad but I am stuck with them due to their citizenship. I can reject the bad guys from other countries if ignorant morons don't fight harder for murderers than good people simply because of skin color
  15. https://www.judicialwatch.org/corruption-chronicles/illegal-immigrant-gangs-commit-most-u-s-crime/ I know this is old info but I could not find any info on gang activity from 2010-2018 through Google. Clearly a portion of the illegal immigrants are bad for our country making the easiest solution to make people do background checks before coming to US. Just MS 13 alone should be enough to make you want some border control.
  16. I think we already have our injured TE in Kroft and I have yet to see where Njoku is a huge upgrade for us. I would not hate move but I hope we trade him for a 5th or less.
  17. I am telling you that the studies- which they had at least 10 sited- all show that masks do not help and often cause illness. I thought you were the science guy and I find it interesting that when the science shows you are wrong you ignore it. Lastly don't say ALM to people it will get you stabbed by a liberal.
  18. https://www.yahoo.com/news/tired-burying-children-chicago-sees-194406220.html This bothers me in a way I can not express. These kids will never have a chance to make the world better or make Chicago better. I ask the liberals on here how is this more acceptable then working with police? I am not even asking for you to defend it but what is the mindset that allows someone not to help a cop arrest theses killers?
  19. https://www.rcreader.com/commentary/masks-dont-work-covid-a-review-of-science-relevant-to-covide-19-social-policy I found this interesting and only looked through some of it but what the math says is that there is no major infection difference from masks. In all of the studies done fully the only way to say safe is social distancing and then hand sanitizer. One of the studies actual showed that people who wore masks for long periods every day were sick more often, likely due to touching mask after it was on face. Also since you like science you will now be anti mask person, correct?
  20. My prediction is that only the very high population areas will have a negative impact(NYC, SF, SEA maybe a few others) with most other places staying neutral. I initially hoped it would cause values to drop along coast in FL but there is no indication of that happening according to a real estate agent I spoke with this week. I will admit I had a very different prediction in March.
  21. I know you don't live in FL but all but 3 counties have less than 100 deaths and a small amount of hospitalizations. The 3 counties run by liberals are the only ones having issues because people there do not follow laws that they try to stick on everyone else. Please stop comparing FL to NY, it bothers me because it embarrasses me I was ever a NY with what it is now
  22. Thank you for confirming that the only thing you could argue is the wording not the content of my statement.
  23. I am starting to feel that I am living in a strange version of 1984. People who believe in law's are evil but those that burn down innocent peoples businesses are good. Everyone who disagrees with you is scum but cheating for the right cause is proper. Lastly your proud declaration of stupidity and ignorance- that every other candidate went quietly- when Gore did not go quietly and many previous canidates prior to that were very contentious after the election. Kemp I would recommend you do some research but you seem proud of being ignorance, so I will simply pray for you.
  24. I saw something about how to liberals were going to war against conservatives in a Facebook post- I thought it was funny because conservatives have the police, military, and hunters while liberals usually use their guns against other liberals.
  25. I actually admitted previously I had NOT read enough about NZ and I thought they were in worse shape due to the headline till I read the article fully, that was my mistake. I will state I am familiar with Florida because it is where I and several of my elderly relatives live so I keep myself on top of the numbers.
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