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Orlando Buffalo

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Everything posted by Orlando Buffalo

  1. You start a thread about the Electoral College and within a couple pages decide to attack Trump? It would seem you realized your sophomoric argument was not going to convince anyone with any clue of how it works. Word of advice in future: any 9-0 votes are usually hard to attack unless you can go real deep.
  2. Trump was wrong, believe it or not I can disagree with him and still vote for him. I know the lack of purity test is confusing but I pick the best person overall.
  3. There was no reaction to Ukraine at all, besides telling them to stop. What were the the teeth? I am not even bashing Obama for that but he did nothing.
  4. You state he is a racist because he called it a hoax- or did you not read the article you linked?- which is accurate. BTW what have you done to help minorities in your life? It is time to discuss since you clearly are I am done arguing- you are obsessed with Trump in a way I can not understand- I do not defend everything he does but you literally are "orange man bad" and anyone who agrees with him ever is racist.
  5. Are you actually arguing that the noose at NASCAR was not a hoax? It was an obvious hoax from the first moment, just like Jussie Smollett. Too many cameras in area and not enough access for those who would want to do it.
  6. In DC there are very few good guys with guns, liberals ensured that, but the criminals have no issue getting guns. I still can't believe anyone would turn a obvious failure of everything that liberalism stands for into what you attempted to.
  7. I have certainly been known to run my mouth at times so I figured I should allow him a chance to take back such a terrible comment. If he does not then I know a lot about him, and a lack of response tells us all he knows he is wrong.
  8. How do you make light of a child being murdered? WTF is wrong with you? This is your side failing on literally every level and you try to score political points here? You have no class or shame if you do not apologize for this.
  9. I am stating with 20/20 hindsight but I generally agree with you. But since I know Trump could have saved 20000 Americans by taking power away from Cuomo it is easy to say now. As I write it I am blown away by the magnitude of Cuomo's mistake.
  10. Does that mean if injured he gets money outside salary cap? I am not sure of what difference is
  11. I read it has 140 million guaranteed, that will make it that they best pray he does not get hurt in year 2, though I wonder if NFL would give them a salary cap exemption if that were to happen.
  12. Does anyone have any info on the Frederick Douglass statue? I have a hard time believing there are no cameras near there. I am not sure it is scum bag liberals doing it to pretend they are victims, but that is where money is until I hear otherwise.
  13. Something occured to me about this and the overall true hypocritical nature of BLM- Snoop Dogg has literally murdered black men who were in other gangs. He truly cares less about black men than me
  14. So since we agree they are foreign nationals- why are they Trump people?
  15. I did 5 minutes of research through google- the names was my first clue. Surprisingly you did not look it up yourself, but why confirm when you can just slander.
  16. So non Americans are bad people and it is Trump's fault? These men are all foreign nationals, so why are Trump voters responsible? I thought we were against foreigners? Seriously you need to get your accusations together because you seem to just be a troll more and more
  17. I notice Terry Crews is not on this list- maybe Crews is not conservative enough or maybe it is because Crews could rip his head off. Also I appreciate this list since I have never heard of Paris Dennarb or the twins
  18. I love the fact that liberals are so out of their depth that they have to pretend that the the ban was not on record during the original trial. The lawyer who pushed originally on Epstein praised Trump for helping. But keep lying about things that are easy to check. https://www.google.com/amp/s/thefederalistpapers.org/opinion/attorney-epstein-victims-praises-trumps-helpful-information-case/amp/
  19. Epstein was not arrested for his pedophilia until after he had been banned from Maralago. Every picture of them together is with women clearly who are old enough and all of the pictures are from prior to his being banned. I know these facts will not mean much to you since you are more troll than honest person but I figured I would throw them out there.
  20. He is the head of surgery at Lenox Hill- to state he is a Fox News talking head is like saying Obama is some basketball fan- it is either done to be humorous, as ESPN did it, or astoundingly stupid. I do disagree that Trump has done everything right since he clearly should have stopped Cuomo from putting the sick back in with the most likely to die.
  21. He was so popular of a surgeon that he could not keep up with demand so his hospital set up a unit where he was doing 4 surgeries at once where he was bouncing from one to the next. He was not sued for poor results but people paid the hospital a premium for him and got a different doctor because he is exceptional. Dude is currently the head of surgery at one of the top 100 hospitals in the USA but please tell me about how unqualified he is
  22. Billstime generally does even aim for reality during his arguments. He thinks most Republicans are inspired by Robert Byrd's early years not realizing how Republicans are the reason he was stopped.
  23. You stated it is legitimate studies and simply stated the guy has a bias, which from what I read is not conservative but liberal. I am not stating it is the be all end all but these must be considered when the newer studies are not double blind or peer reviewed fully. In medicine I follow science but even full doctors can disagree.
  24. I read it as 12%-my mistake- the only way you can determine 1/12 or 8.25 is by doing a DNA test.
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