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Orlando Buffalo

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Everything posted by Orlando Buffalo

  1. If he was walking by with his family and she yelled FU then he I am ok with it. This also shows how dishonest you are, at no point is this cancel culture and you know it. To be fired for behavior at work while working is absolutely proper, if she said it on the street and he went out of his way to find her and get her fired that is different.
  2. I do appreciate what you post, even if I do not comment. Please continue
  3. That is simply not true anymore- I have students who get free room and board and classes paid for due to their parents being poor at state schools. All can go to a community college cheaply and federal aid will cover them, it might be a loan but a two year degree with a specific job in mind can be financed easily. No student who is willing to work through college will be denied right now due to their parents being too poor. Our state had a bunch that came and went over the years, we allow a lot of schools to open that shut down within a few years due to not doing a good job. All of these schools though are voluntary transfers, so I do not worry about it
  4. Florida Virtual School- we liscence it to several other states to use.
  5. In the state of Florida we have an online school that is very strong, but it needs a student who has some structure and support at home. It is actually so strong that several students at my school who wanted a class we did not offer- Japanese was one- were allowed to do it online during a planned period. Also the biggest issue is regards to students social distancing is not in class but the halls and lunch, classroom I can easily handle but not the other two.
  6. Two questions you are easy, if kid is intentionally being unsafe he is suspended, second time he is put online for rest of year. Contact sports must be eliminated for this year at high school level, since they can not make an informed decision. But I appreciate you being reasonable and seeing that the answers are not one size fits all.
  7. I do not know where you live but I live amongst people whose livelihood are reliant on an open economy and schools being open. Students who have underlying reasons are able to do online school and an open school is beneficial to all.
  8. Just to reinforce your point I am linking to a "fact checker" who blatantly lies. Joe clearly said the quote and meant it, no context can save it https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2020/jun/29/viral-image/biden-said-without-orderly-integration-his-childre/
  9. I did not see that before I replied- I am very use to people on here being proudly ignorant and I should have given you a chance before jumping on you.
  10. So are admitting you have little integrity and no issue with spouting crap you have clue about. There is a coin shortage of sorts, not like we are running out but the distribution is not running properly
  11. That was gonna be my question- is he ok if New Era stops paying for the naming rights? Those rights are not as valuable today as they were a year ago.
  12. If I say slaves built the pyramids does that work?
  13. I was chalking it up just to poor writing by a "journalist" and the usual half correct info, but it could certainly be this student was trying to provoke a reaction due to other reasons.
  14. You are correct but I am curious what this has to do with the EC? I know you did not start this line but am confused on the relevance.
  15. You have far more trust in a college administrator than I do. I understand your point but too many "educated" people are not intelligent, my way no one person's bias overwhelms everything. But yours still miles better than current Candy Crowley version
  16. I think there should be 3 moderators with one chosen by each camp and then one they agree on. If I am Trump I bring Candace Owens at least once, and Tim Scott at least once and let Biden tell a black person how stupid they are.
  17. Actually it is something that he is being accused of where the source has been dead for 20+ years and no evidence will be presented. You aren't wrong but the depth of stupidity to believe is even deeper than your comment made it sound.
  18. I can't read it- what are the two conditions? I assume Biden gets to have the questions in advance and his people get to have a teleprompter.
  19. Pressure from whom? The pressure will not reach 2/3 of each chamber and 3/4 of states- the dummies who are "pushing" for it now will be same people doing it in future. Do you really believe any of the bottom 20 states in population want to eliminate there ability to have any input in selecting a president?
  20. Are you just going off on a tangent or are you actually so ignorant you think the EC is related to gerrymandering? The number of electors is decided by size of population of states, it is determined by number of representatives and then add 2 for senators. The way the electors are chosen, with exception of Maine I think, is most votes in state get ALL the electors. Gerrymandering is used inside of state boundaries. I will just confirm- you think Gerrymandering effects the EC?
  21. I am not a contract expert but KC seems to have gotten the best of both worlds- they only pay 180 million the first 6 years but lock him in for 4 more if his contract at that point if it benefits them. I know they will not be able cut him without damage but it is still much better than I had originally though it would be
  22. Do you think gerrymandering has some relation to the electoral votes per state? Gerrymandering is useful for house seats only, and each state handles it there own way. This case has literally nothing to do with gerrymandering. Then change the constitution- what is wrong with you people who are so proud of being ignorant of the constitution? The reason for the EC was laid out to ensure that we had a president for the whole country not just one section who could overwhelm the ballot box. Reading this thread is depressing because people on here care enough to comment but not enough to be informed.
  23. She can lie by simply stating her dad told her stuff. No accuracy needed.
  24. I wish I did not laugh so hard when I saw that.
  25. She admits she has not spoken with any of Donald's family in 20 years and their last contact was in regards to her suing Donald for money Fred did not give her. If this book was real it would have been out in 2016, but it is just another attempt to dishonestly attack him.
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