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Orlando Buffalo

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Everything posted by Orlando Buffalo

  1. The one I remember because it was the first time I realized the Sabres were not destined to suck forever "Mayday, Mayday" I need a new Mayday.
  2. You stated you preferred having 30000 more deaths than Florida has and I am curious why you feel that way? I know I asked in a different thread but you never responded. I know you are easily confused but please try hard.
  3. I am sorry but seeing students once every two weeks in class is not similar to everyday. Seeing them once a week like your phase 2 is not similar to everyday. In order to get to your phase 3 it will be sometime. We will not see eye to eye on this and I accept that, but your standard for class and mine are not similar.
  4. where did I defend any mass shooter? Once again you have shown a complete lack of intelligence and instead of defending yourself you just make a preposterous lie.
  5. Dude you are on fire with the ignorance now- terrorist is a label based on purpose, if the purpose was based in political or religious beliefs it is terrorism. Sandy Hook is not terrorism since there is no purpose, the Pulse is terrorism since he did it based on religious beliefs. I know to a liberal definitions do not mean much but these terms are useful to intelligent people.
  6. You never responded to my question earlier- why is 34000 deaths preferable to 4300? I think you are doing an extreme version of strawman to deflect from your previous stupidity.
  7. You are wrong again, but keep making predictions so I can be confident in what will not happen. Rational people with healthy children understand their kid might get sick, just like the flu or cold. This is less dangerous to children than H1N1 but no liberals discussed shutting down schools then. I am more worried about my own children and students in regards to literally a dozen other things than Covid. I do worry about my parents but then again I am rational and capable of thought.
  8. Where does he broadcast from? This sounds entirely entertaining
  9. I live in Orlando, which Florida also have Miami, which has a huge number of European tourist all year long, especially in the winter months yet we only had less than 10% of NY deaths. The knowledge of age being a risk was widely known by early March because I did not go see my parents in March despite spring break and my daughter's birthday. Lastly we only learned what not to do from NYC, they screwed the pooch royally and your defense of those two shows how disconnected from facts you are.
  10. You actually believe every single American who had Covid has been confirmed? The majority of people who had illness have not been tested. The CDC is estimating the death rate of those who have been infected is well below 1% and it is dropping due to better treatments
  11. I thought you lived in NY? Why would we prefer 32000 over 4300? Our people dying are choosing to go out into crowded Miami and such places yours were killed by an incompetent Governor. We have more elderly than you, more total people than you and at no point in the next 3 years will be even have half your death rate, but please keep telling me how NY is better off.
  12. Really your best global warming argument is high temps? I am going to ask why your 8 days means warming but this month a few years back does mean the opposite? https://www.democratandchronicle.com/story/news/2015/02/26/rochester-weather-february-2015-winter-coldest-month-ever/24067501/
  13. I have not read every word of this thread but I went through several of your longer tirades and did not read one suggestion on how to open the school realistically without a huge jump in cost. Also please stop picking on the liberal areas of Florida since they are already our embarrassment. The liberal areas are not capable of social distancing or wearing masks properly, while the rest of the state is doing well.
  14. You have been around too long to say something so dumb, this is right in his intellectual wheelhouse
  15. Transplant I first want to address something you wrote the other day- I try to stay away from name calling and acting like those who disagree are evil, if I do that to you it is because you seem very negative on here. I though want to say also I appreciate a good honest debate. On what you have written above I do not see when you will open schools in your plan until we have a vaccine. I think parents need to have an option and it is up to them whether it is safe.
  16. This defense of Obama is so funny vs the attacks on Trump is that Obama gets the benefit of the doubt on a subject that is cut and dry(where he was born) that is a requirement by law to be president and Obama could have put to bed in 10 minutes, while Trump is shamed and ridiculed for not giving his tax returns which every honest person knows is complex and will be torn apart for political advantage. Yet one is guilty because SoTier says so and the other is innocent because we are using a completely different standard.
  17. I might tune in for that- I have not watched any cable news in at least a year since I dropped cable, but he is actually worth listening to.
  18. This story confused me since what was gained? Does WV have a special rule in regards to party affiliation? In FL it matters for primary but otherwise it is inconsequential. Was it to prove how easy fraud is?
  19. I am not stating I know anything about Wayfair, but the concept of an "artistic" pillow, or dresser that is real expensive is one of the ways that money laundering has worked. In fact a mafia boss at one time had a relative do painting and "sell" them to people for services rendered.
  20. I am still right but the context does offer the question whose fault is it. CK was not good but his coaches did not help him and might have handicapped him. Good points.
  21. In football if you are arguing performances from 5+ years ago you are in trouble. He had two great seasons, but he had two mediocre to poor season to end his career
  22. I am not shy about telling anyone who will listen I am a teacher, but you did tell me I don't respect teachers. As for your obstacles, admin and parents can always be an issue, especially when it is not applied across the board. If everyone is told for the get go what the expectations are and the punishment then it can happen. How does your school deal with weapons and drugs? The problems generally come from the policy not being applied equally
  23. You do know I am a teacher at an alternative high school with mostly minority students right? I think I know how I would handle it, now admin might not back me up now because of politics but I have never had an issue before.
  24. Taxes are definitely more damaging in more liberal areas and I am a prime example. I paid 2k a year in state and local taxes to NYS when I lived there when I did not own property or make more than 40k a year alone. This year in Florida I own a 300k home, make 120k and pay 2k in local and state taxes. I have owned my property for 17 years and it benefits me.
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