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Orlando Buffalo

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Everything posted by Orlando Buffalo

  1. Yes I think the Titans were 13-3 and missed the division once.
  2. I would be shocked if that is not true- I expect no more than 3 losses by then.
  3. My point is along the line of simply being average gets us wins against all those teams, if we get rolled by NE I will know where we are but it seems 40 percent of our schedule is in category we should certainly win.
  4. Mahomes would not be as effective here. He is a great talent but he is a definite beneficary of all the talent around him. So I think the jump from Allen to him will not be that great.
  5. I know pro schedules usually do not allow for big comparisons but I am looking at our schedule and it is lined up for at least 7 wins- Jets(2), Phins(2), Cinci, Washington and NYG. I will bet that few teams in history had more games where simply being average meant such a high chance of victory. Anything less than 10-6 at this point would be a huge disappointment. Also we only have 3 games where we should be real dogs.
  6. 14 catches for anyone who is just starting with a qb is impressive. I am also impressed with Josh taking what the D is giving, at some point they will have to start pushing the DBs tighter and that should allow more deep shots.
  7. Actually the vitriol and obnoxious nature of the Rosen backers made me not respond. Those who like Rosen thought a guy could win 7 super bowls and also "change the world". I was not in love with Allen because I knew he would take some time but I did not want Rosen at all, he is not physically good enough to be a great pro.
  8. With those lines I think the Bills line is too very reasonable.
  9. 6 seems high to me- I expect a win but I think 17-14 is more likely- if they whoop them I will be real excited for week 4
  10. As bad as the execution was it had basically 0 chance of a pick due to location and velocity- I think he is learning how to miss while minimizing risk.
  11. I am not counting any games as W until later because of injuries and such except the dolphins- so we will have 12 other games in which we must split to go 10-6 therefore due to the schedule I think we are in a very advantageous situation. Basically I am agreeing with OP
  12. Based on the calls I saw all over the league that was a penalty that should have been called on the hit on Allen. I am good with Ford also since if officials will not do job someone needs to step up. Lastly the defender clearly flopped and the officials probably should not have called anything but whatever- we won.
  13. He had excellent seasons in SD- I have not looked it up but all I remember I he got benched for Flutie
  14. If you watch Army football you realize that as long you can move the football consistently you can be effective. In my opinion the run game is what makes throwing less needed. A bad D just makes the offense need to move quicker.
  15. I will state he will never be near his 2013 form again- but I would bet he could be effective again if he ever gets healthy.
  16. I agree this assessment is trash but laughing about it is the only thing we can do since writers are not paid to be accurate but to get clicks.
  17. You did not mention the hit from Gronk on White- which is one of the 10 dirtiest hits in the past 20 years. Pat fans are so use to defending the undefendable I was told it was not a big deal since White was not seriously injured.
  18. I like the quote about how Dallas has a better D- I have friends who state our D is better but their Offense is much better- and as of today they are correct.
  19. Thanks for putting together post and to see us below some bad loss teams is stupid but those that have us between 16-20 make the most sense. I would put us at low end of winners since it was so ugly.
  20. How is anyone defending Anderson? I would be embarrassed if a Bill pulled the same stuff. He is trying to hurt Allen and make it look like an accident by hitting him in knee.
  21. I was discussing this today- how many were first downs? I know at least a few but if it was only 4 1st I would be happy. If he got them 12 then we need to clamp down better.
  22. I do not know how they come up with some of these ratings but Oliver made some plays yesterday and for a game one of his career I was highly impressed- and even more so when I realize he made Darnold throw that one like he did.
  23. I thought the line was strong on the pass blocking but looked bad with run blocking until Mosely went out. Once he left the line looked real good all around
  24. I am liking Allen but not loving him yet- I think it was Elway who said " if i was better the first 3 quarters I would not need to be so good in the fourth". If he can have that 4th without the first half being so bad he will be a good qb for a long time
  25. The NFL officials are bad and as long as they are not absurdly bad I accept it and move on. That play was close enough I can accept it based on lack of video evidence, at least until I see another angle.
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