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Orlando Buffalo

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Everything posted by Orlando Buffalo

  1. Based on purpose of rule and the fact he needs momentum forward to leap like that, not to mention he touched another player while jumping, means it should have been called. I do understand what you are saying but the purpose of rule was to stop that kind of play.
  2. I agree- it seems impossible- and one yard is 3 feet so that does not allow even one full step because your angle up will be angle down and you need some room for clearance.
  3. I did not think you were defending just unaware of what happened. I also just thought officials were atrocious but that one play was not much compared to other mistakes.
  4. The rule was written and meant to be enforced to stop guys from doing that- it is a safety rule because a linemen popping up destroys this guy. A defender can jump over the line of scrimmage- it is against the rule and was another blown call.
  5. In that case- 10 days ago Brady tweeted he would not watch and NFL game due to holding calls. Since then the number of calls across the league have dropped and his team got 0 this weekend against our great Dline with his bunch of backup linemen.
  6. I am not saying it was a one sided bad call game- the officials were overall horrendous- to argue otherwise means you do not know rules. I saw multiple facemasks not called both ways and that sad defensive holding that helped us. Overall they were putrid by any standard.
  7. I am curious if anyone can explain how the last play of first was not a penalty for jumping offensive line- in real time it looked like a patriot hurdled a player. I have not seen replay and I am curious if I just missed something.
  8. I would try to have two distinct offensive plans- run primarily first half and then come out in second half like against Jets. Of course if they have 8 guys in box then throw.
  9. I am all for 2 preseason games and 1 more neutral site game that matters. I think it will make preseason games more watchable as a side benefit. I think they could do 4 games in London and a couple in Germany and a few in Mexico City and then sprinkle the rest.
  10. The city was part of the problem- which does not absolve Spanos- they wanted too much control over what happened. I hope Buffalo is not as dumb.
  11. I have seen him play about 4 games in his career and he looked real good in all 4. I might have just seen his best games but I was impressed.
  12. I can not believe that Chargers would not be willing to part with him for 2 seconds and a 3rd, which I think Buffalo would jump at the chance to do. He would make our offense strong- Gordon, Singletary, Gore would be a nice RB group.
  13. That on a 7 pt line? That seems out of line but I do not bet so what do I know.
  14. That is funny as heck- that is most petty thing ever by a man saving children's lives. Love it
  15. I actually do not know what the -365 line is- does it mean you get 365 if Bills win straight up on a 100 bet
  16. The money line is based on trying to get half the bettors on each side- it is not an indicator of what Vegas thinks will happen. With that said the lines are mostly accurate because people are usually staying away from wild lines.
  17. The designed runs are a terrible idea- no QB survives getting beat up constantly. They need to keep him as fresh as possible. His tendency to challenge defenders is something they need to stop.
  18. I said before the season that Josh would lose a couple of games with his decisions this year- he had a game today where he almost lost it but was just good enough. I expect his improvement by end of year to be substantial but he is right now not good enough.
  19. I am amazed he is so good when he looks like a peewee player out there. But give him credit he can play. Jackson looks good right now but so did RGIII at this point of his career. I will give it more time before making a declaration but I will admit he has kept NFL defenses flummoxed longer than I thought he would. I will be interested how he does against us, NYJ defense if Mosley is back, and Cleveland. If he can beat those three he will need to be recognized as great.
  20. Last year it seemed the 1 pm games were populated once the 4 pm games went final- I did not check every week but several weeks it was definitely true.
  21. Alf the rest of the world is wrong about solving it. The climate changes constantly and if you are older than me- I am over 40- then you have been lied to enough that times you should question the reason. I have been warned of the ozone layer, rising oceans, acid rain, hurricanes every week, oil running out, and all of these were warned a long time ago and each has been proven to be wrong and believed only by the stupid. Lastly your characterization of a few million people as "the rest of the world" is so sad since you basically say you do not care about anybody who is not European since no other continent had real protests.
  22. I am likely to go but want to bring kids and not pay too much- what section is visiting section of upper deck? I remember a while ago Buffalo would always have one section of upper deck the wrong color.
  23. We won the game by 2 tds- you play different opponents differently but what should he have learned? I agreed with it- on the road a 2 td lead at half is great and the chance of disaster is too high.
  24. Yes- it is a real disease so don't mock it.
  25. Watching game is sobering because I thought Jax was giving up- they came out dealing and I am afraid Cinci will do same
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