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Orlando Buffalo

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Everything posted by Orlando Buffalo

  1. This was posted by a friend of my wife to mock conservative people. The best part is this person left FLA to visit NY and did not quarantine. I wanted to ask why Liberal areas are responsible for 75% of deaths if they care so much? My wife would not let me since it is her friends Man, all these doctors, nurses, microbiologists, immunologists, epidemiologists, and other researchers keep saying COVID-19 is dangerous, but all these people who barely passed science in high school keep saying it's not. It's so hard to know who to believe anymore.
  2. Part of the problem with Florida numbers right now is Orlando Health is either incompentent or being intentionally misleading. They have have several reports with bad information and have called at least 2 car accident victims Covid deaths. They also have at least one person listed as sick incorrectly. My friend went to the Orlando Health urgent care for a test and when the delay hit an hour without any update she left but still recieved paperwork a few days later saying she had Covid despite not taking test.
  3. I bought it as a home brew kit https://craftabrew.com/products/white-house-honey-ale-beer-recipe-kit Not sure if elsewhere also
  4. Please stop quoting CNN if you want to be taken seriously, they do not even pretend to have integrity or report the news anymore.
  5. I initially thought you would be correct but in speaking with friends who are more casual NFL fans or College fans none seem interested in NFL regular season. They always watch the playoffs but I think the people watching the games will not have a huge increase. It is not scientific at all but just a sense of people around me.
  6. I then honestly must only see his bad games. I have not watched as much as I used to but his game against Buffalo last year is similar to what I always see. He throws for 350 and 2 TDs but does not make plays to win the game. If his team was repeatedly losing shootouts I would not blame him but the offense is inconsistent. People can argue his good points, but I see him as a mid-level starting QB and at his cieling.
  7. It is crazy how the deals can look good from one perspective vs the other. If I am assigning reasons the Titans made the playoffs last year Henry is getting way more credit but RBs are cheaper to replace. I truly doubt RBs will get financially compensated properly for quite some time.
  8. I am not a pure numbers guy- despite teaching math- but I think Daks numbers are much more impressive than his play, at least last year. I am simply listing the players I would rather have as my QB. Since you are being honest- and make a good point with Rivers- who else on that list is Dak clearly better than? I will admit I have not watched nearly as much NFL in past years but in the few times I saw Dak I was not impressed
  9. I said 13 to 20 so I will tell you I think is better(kind of in order but not exact) Mahomes Wilson LJ Brees Brady Watson Rodgers Ryan Rivers Josh Allen Cousins Stafford garropollo Bridgewater Wentz
  10. I do not blame Dak for getting as much money as he can or for the fact that he is overrated, i find him annoying because the media pretends he is special when he is in the 13-20 range of QBs. But I can not fault him for what he does not control from the media
  11. If I am reading this correctly the entire area caught on fire literally, any area on fire will naturally be hotter. The fire has not even been attempted to be controlled so it grew through all of the brush. The cause is the fire, I would argue further but the "study" is from a group who simply stated every bad thing is from global warming.
  12. Way to reply to a topic completely unrelated to your stupidity. You made a guarantee that was 100% wrong, when I have stated in this thread multiple times I am a teacher. But on the new topic of American education system- where is our education system below standard and who is in charge of those areas? My son's school, which is public, literally has millionaires from other countries buy a home just to send their kids there since it is safer than the countries they come from and the education is excellent.
  13. You can guarantee you have dealt with public schooling more recently then me? I am a high school teacher and have two kids in school, I know the system about as well as anyone here. It is amazing how the conservatives have caused 75% of the deaths to be in the dark blue areas, so please stop with your idiocy. Once again please keep making guarantees and promises since I know you have no clue.
  14. The states that are not going back are all doing it for political reasons, also I am betting you do not have kids since you do not realize kids do lose knowledge without being pushed to learn more
  15. The extrapolations have been done by people who recognize that young healthy people are just as likely to die from the Flu as from Covid. Covid is dangerous to people over the age 70 and people who have other health issues. In recognition of this I have had to limit my contact with my parents who are both healthy but older. Basically schools opening are not anymore dangerous to the students, and I expect parents to help keeps students who are infected away from the most vulnerable unlike NY did. I have had a will since I was 28 when my first kid showed up, it is what responsible people do.
  16. Then we do not allow students to work in old folks homes- it is more important they get educated then volunteer at the home. The kids need to be in school, that has been shown with every large study and is supported by every group who understands math.
  17. The only area of Florida that is danger is in deep blue territory where people voted overwhelming against Trump, and are very much do as I say not as I do. I do not believe the sky is falling crap because NY never needed a single extra ventilator, and only sent less than 100 to the ship Trump sent to help out NYC. We need to reopen the schools while giving parents options if their children are high risk, and we need to stop liberals from ruining everything by packing into beaches and bars.
  18. I am just responding to what you said to me. It is funny how I am pedantic when the prediction was 4-5 degree shift in temperature and you give me .5 degrees. The earth is always changing and that is well with normal changes in a single year much less 25. Secondly it is interesting you cut the time line off at the industrial revolution when if you go back a 1000 years it shows more instability of climate. As for the ocean rise, I have a hard time determine how a constantly moving body is less than 1 cm different than 25 years ago, you cant just measure it against the beach because the beach changes, the waves are constantly in motion, the measurement can not be precise enough to, with any honest confidence, state the entire ocean is different by fractions of a cm. The satellite they currently use was not even launched until 2016 and it still has a variance of 4 cm so why would I trust any info within that variance? Lastly since so much data is available exclusively to scientists who agree with findings I will always be skeptical.
  19. Why not let the math and logic decide it vs the politics? Because then people can't hide from the fact that in all likelihood more students will die from suicide during a lockdown then will die from Covid if we open up and use common sense. The states that are staying shut are more interested in stopping Trump then educating their kids. The death rate of Covid in those under 25 is literally less than the suicide rate and it is not close. Please stop with health concern for students because you are either promoting your ignorance or promoting your politics over logical beliefs. https://www.acsh.org/news/2020/06/23/coronavirus-covid-deaths-us-age-race-14863 Shows 150 under 25 died of Covid while the under 25 average over 6000 suicides.
  20. I saw .35 at some point but I stuck with "well below 1" so some dope would not come back with a slightly different number just so he could show I am wrong
  21. I do have fun asking my most liberal friends to show me one prediction from 1995 that is correct. They have yet to show me one but always come back to" well things have improved" which is incorrect
  22. This is true and a big reason he is gone, his style is different then what McD wants. Addison attacks naturally, Shaq sets the edge better.
  23. We traded him in 2017 I think and he had only been average that whole year and 2016. He did not light up Jax despite having Campbell next to him. I think he is only motivated by money and the Pat's* don't have much.
  24. I appreciate someone wanting an option for their children- which is something that has been offered in FL for at least 10 years regardless of pandemic. My issue is when emotional people think their emotion should Trump my logic. I though must state the conversation here is far superior to the teacher groups in Orange County on Facebook, since even those I disagree want school back in session overall. A history teacher I am friends with, who has visited Auschwitz, actually was discussing this in relation to the Nuremberg trials, many other teachers agreed. I am proud to be a teacher but this kind of crap from them is embarrassing.
  25. This is the times I think you are a Trump guy who is pretending to be liberal. You can't believe I am jealous that you killed 30k more than us with less people, and less elderly? You will soon be saying Orlando is jealous of Minneapolis when we have a small protest because Minneapolis is already burned to the ground.
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