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Orlando Buffalo

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Everything posted by Orlando Buffalo

  1. I will invite you to come to Florida- no income tax, low property taxes, and our governors don't go to jail or kill people. Please avoid Miami area, it is great to visit but don't live there.
  2. That is the answer, I should have thought of it myself.
  3. You keep accusing my of cherry picking data but you literally discuss NY and NJ based on yesterday and then try to win the comparison for FL and Texas based on the whole year, where if you combine all four conservative states you are not half way to NY For the whole year the death traps are Liberal, on the newer deaths it is more spread out because so many liberal places are still in lockdown while conservatives have gone back to work. But I guess we will never agree when you are comparing the worst days for conservatives to the good days of liberals. Yes but I also do not have the same students as you therefore I will give you benefit of doubt
  4. I ask this in all seriousness because as far as I can tell the winners from their rise to global power are a few leaders of BLM and the Democrat party have gained financially but the everyday lives of most black people have gotten worse. Blacks are currently dying a faster clip in major cities than at any time in at least a dozen years, the majority black area of cities are being torn apart by riots, and the one place inner city blacks were allowed to excel, charter schools, are being decimated.
  5. Dance whatever you want- I meant there is no such thing as appropriations
  6. If there was truly such a thing as cultural appropriation this would definitely be it. I am glad someone is able to do it well and I hope no one tries to bother her for being the best.
  7. I can see how you could think I was insinuating the virus was attacking liberals since I did not spell it out for you. The virus is attacking people who are not behaving properly, especially those who refused to socially distance. In the past 60 days liberals have many times shown that socially distancing is not a priority. I know there are some conservatives who act dumb but that group is dwarfed by the liberals who act improperly
  8. The top states for deaths are NY, NJ, Cali, illinois, and Mass. Which is what you mentioned earlier- deaths. As for FL problems we discussed this earlier, the only big issues are in the 3 idiot deep blue counties of Florida. If they were not part of Florida we would have great numbers. As for the rest of states I see it centered around the cities which are generally deep blue. You can keep arguing but the death rate is much higher in liberal areas especially in areas where people like to blame Trump. Lastly since I am not sure what you teach, but I am certain it is not math or science because you don't grasp either, the number of cases in healthy people is not a big issue unless we overwhelm the hospitals which is not an issue in FL except for the liberal areas. Conservatives are not responsible for liberals being stupid, as many times as you say it is our fault
  9. I have a response and then a question: if you take out of the deep blue sections of country we are doing great at limiting Covid. People in deep blue sections will not listen Trump no matter what he does. But my question: I have a co-worker who was very proud to tell everyone she went down to Miami for the protests but now is afraid of Covid and is demanding she be allowed to work from home even though that will not work with my students and would make her useless to our school. Should the school be allowed to make her take a leave of absence since her fear seems to be selextive.?
  10. Actually I did, Trump has not been perfect I figured he could hit a low hanging fruit like telling DeSantis he should not have opened to bars. I am not arguing Trump has not done well but he has not been perfect.
  11. Just to clarify further, it is 3.3% of confirmed cases. I was so pissed at my assistant principal whose son is a doctor- which makes her 68, obese, and diabetic- kept telling me how bad it was for everyone because her son is telling her to be careful and how we all need to be careful like her. Amazing he asks for one definitive example and you literally can't name one.
  12. You are correct, I blocked him and realized how few other people who are as dishonest as he is. The others though do it once in a while he does it daily
  13. https://www.yahoo.com/gma/not-sacrifice-myself-says-teacher-fed-back-school-190200955--abc-news-topstories.html This is an embarrassing article from a teacher. Literally states " don't try and convince me, I will rip you a new one", or in other words she is not interested in facts or logic since her emotions reign supreme. Later on states how she is expected to be a martyr because she is teacher, because martyrs usually have to die for a cause greater than themselves and I am quite certain she does not see anything as greater than her. Finally she brings up gun control and school shootings, I would use logic about actual numbers and chance of random shootings but she is apparently cool with kids in major cities getting shot as long as she does not have to deal with it.
  14. This is not stating anything except they can not conclusively state teens do not transfer it( that was a lot of nots) basically the evidence is not definitive either way.
  15. Please stop this stupidity- your state has more deaths per capita then Sweden who never shut down. You are the coach who gets his ass kicked by 35 in the first quarter and then brags the other three quarters they "won" by 3. You are still the example of what not to do and how to be incompetent.
  16. I will disagree with you on this fashion- 80% of teachers are good at their jobs and are not whiners like being presented. I want to go to face to face now. The media though loves the whiners and incompetent to be shown as examples. I am currently pissed because here in orange county FL we teachers built up a ton of good will doing a great job under tough circumstances which is now being pissed away by a lazy and paranoid minority.
  17. Wegmans and Publix are really only separated by the prepared foods, in that Wegmans has many more at a high quality. Publix though has a very different business model in that I have 4 literally within a 3 miles circle of my house.
  18. I just looked at saw that basically every governor of the states that held on to slavery and Jim Crow were Democrats. It is only years later that they all flip Red when the big racist die off, though Tibs will argue that the same Dem policies- forcing children of color into failing schools, not protecting minorities from criminals- are different today because Dems have good intentions vs then.
  19. I am not sure what Ttown is but I will recommend you consider Florida, our property taxes are low and no state income tax. I personally prefer things such as property and sales tax but I am betting you and I can come up with a better plan then is currently in place in NY.
  20. Ok show me another state- even a liberal one. I am sure you will not but I expect so little of you.
  21. If I was ever banned from a group I would stop pretending I was part of it.
  22. I will once again respond only to your response to me: I am skeptical by nature so there is little that can be presented that will make me trust someone who has lied to me many times previously. But to each point 1) the hockey stick graph was being pushed when Al Gore did his movie and I have heard many times how we have 12 years to live. If you are not part of that portion why are you fighting so vehemently. 2) a 1/2 degree change in one year happened with El Nino, but more importantly the earth is always changing, when it starts changing 8-10 degrees a decade as it did during the last major ice age I will listen to it not being natural. 3) http://joannenova.com.au/2010/02/the-big-picture-65-million-years-of-temperature-swings/ 4) as I told you the satellite have a 4 mm variance, and they are the main source of measuring. You can try and explain otherwise but you will be wrong. 5) let me rephrase- the raw data from prior to about 2010 is gone and missing. The numbers remaining are enhanced numbers which means they scrubbed the bad data, without allowing anyone who disagrees to see bad data. I will end by stating I understand the earth is likely warming but I am not overly concerned, we would be smarter to learn to deal with warmer or colder earth than try and act like the current climate is the "right" one. I will state that most of the people pushing govt control are more interested in increasing power than helping the earth.
  23. It is not happening all over- you are lying again- show me a conservative state with a similar situation? In FL we must be sitting, but the food thing is dumb
  24. The guy who argues with everyone and explains what an expert he is on all schools thing is calling me out. The guy knows more than the American Pediatrics Association is calling me a know it all. The guy who thinks the 30% of high schools that do block scheduling is the norm. https://www.aasa.org/schooladministratorarticle.aspx?id=14852#:~:text=One especially attractive option has,alternative high school scheduling models. Lastly I find it appropriate you are attacking me on a post where I responded to a comment that was 100% wrong on all levels and took the side of the factual incorrect guy.
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