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Orlando Buffalo

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Everything posted by Orlando Buffalo

  1. How do you bet a game with a 17+ pt line? Buffalo could dominate and win 24-10 on a garbage td with only scrubs in. In this case I either take straight up or avoid all together.
  2. That was my prediction- either a highly entertaining offense that was fun to watch or a highly entertaining meltdown. I did not think much chance of in between 8-8 is not OBJ style
  3. I for one will give fergy credit on this- even though I am not shocked by the browns, to go on the limb and publicly broadcast such a prediction that far in advance deserves recognition. Especially if he is correct at 2-5 tomorrow.
  4. Phillips, Lawson, and Wallace are only guys I really want to keep next year but year after there are several Key cogs we need to make sure we keep.
  5. I do not I do not expect a Jets win but I do expect a really good game. The NE offense is not good and the Jets D with Mosely I'd formidable. I would expect a final score of 17- 10 with NE salting it away late.
  6. I hope we put up 28 in first half and sit Singletary down for rest of game. He is very important and healing.
  7. I assume you know a bit about it- if he comes back in December will he be mobile or more like Drew Bledsoe? His mobility is important
  8. I had told my wife before the season that a 9-2 start was most likely start ( loss to either Philly or Cleveland) but 11-5 final. At this point I expect a 12-4 final record and hopefully more.
  9. I actually think Mcvay is a good coach with a bottom 5 starting QB who he coached up. But no coach in the NFL can win with a QB who throws 78 yards so he either hides the defects of his QB again or he will be done.
  10. I will ask two direct questions- why would Lewis lie about this and why if Kaep is so good did Seattle not give him a tryout? For this argument the status of Ray Lewis in 2001 is not important.
  11. Two things with Lewis: he has done a lot of good since that night so to stick with that narrative-however true-from 18 years ago is irrelvant. secondly I stated motivation-he had a huge motivation to lie, as does Kaeps agent, but what is his motivation currently to lie? Third you are just running with his agents words about his workout and lastly why did Seattle not give him a tryout if he was committed to football primarily? I am going to bed so if I get a response I will respond tomorrow.
  12. Kaeps agent is paid to lie so he is not a legitimate source-Ray Lewis spoke of the Ravens situation and he has no reason to lie. Also the meet up was to see if football was his priority which he has stated is not. I agree he is one of the top 60 qbs on planet he is not top 20 and you must be worth the headache which he is not.
  13. I thought we had consensus-stupid topics that have no meaning are reserved for offseason and bye week-which ended yesterday-so why is this topic open? https://dailycaller.com/2017/08/07/nfl-source-kaepernick-turned-down-at-least-1-contract-to-play-up-the-race-card/ and https://www.theguardian.com/sport/2017/may/24/colin-kaepernick-seattle-seahawks-workout-nfl those took me less than one minute-he has tried out and failed and was offered a contract.
  14. you are correct- but they are still human and can happen
  15. I agree with your overall sentiment but that play shown above is egregious and needs to be flagged. Secondly the officials are not shy about throwing flags- I watched end of Jets Cowboys and think they literally threw flags on 5 straight plays. If the officials were " letting them play" I would not complain but outside Buffalo games they are often unwatchable due to officials.
  16. Any time you play a professional team you had best prepare fully- if the Bills think they can just show up and win they will get beat that game.
  17. I can look what up? The amount of calls that are overturned? But even more important is what are you arguing- that the NFL officials are good? They are worse than the NBA officials at this point.
  18. When you watch a game do you believe that 3 of every 4 calls is correct? I will state that I am including missed calls that have to called such as face mask calls. In Pats* game alone they missed 3 face masks which included non calls that benefited us. I agree but it is even more maddening when one week OPI needs to have contact and the next week a player can get called without contact and both are upheld on challenge.
  19. I am not certain what you are arguing but I think you are pleased with the state of NFL officials- which I am clearly disagree with.
  20. I am sorry but a 75 percent rate on calls is unacceptable. While a clear majority, only 5 percent should wrong. And right now I would guess they are less than 60 percent right.
  21. Comparing Mahomes with Mayfield is dumb- Mahomes is a winner as long as hit defense does well. Mayfield seems to need an elite D.
  22. I like college overtime rules far better than NFL since it is a brutal game and these teams are pretty evenly matched if tied after 60. I also want to say soccer penalty kicks is worst way to end- like basketball doing foul shots to decide overtime. Soccer should do like hockey and have OT be 6 players per team decide it.
  23. I find the people getting passionate about this funny- the bills will not sign a guy who has motivation problems who is not a stud- but even if they could I prefer resigning Murphy as our 5th back.
  24. I think a300 lb limit would be more realistic but the idea has merit- but I would interested in how a 280 lb LB does with that rule. The way to break the addiction is to plan around the Bills and then only watch college otherwise. It is how I broke it- and I am not being sarcastic- I watch Bills only right now and I am happier.
  25. You have decided that he is not good based on one month of football? Especially when he should probably be a guard? Give him some time.
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