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Orlando Buffalo

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Everything posted by Orlando Buffalo

  1. We should be more sustainable since we are not relying on as many "luck" factors such as turnovers or large comebacks. The games we have won we have generally been in control of for the majority of game. But if Allen does not keep improving then maybe.
  2. Throwing wise I expected him to be further up the list but I forgot how bad he was his first 5 starts, so his improvement is still good. He is doing what needs to be done without a roster of loaded all Stars on offense, so I am pleased and still have hope.
  3. your not wrong but I will be in serious time crunch most likely and convenience might win out so I appreciate the info.
  4. I get what you are saying- he has had only two shots at that this year and he did not win either- I am more of a you play your schedule guy.
  5. The offense scored on 7 drives and he made zero big mistakes and made several big plays. What is your definition of signature game? 300 yds? Or a game where he helps the offense control the game?
  6. As stated previously the officials decide the game at least once a week. I am not surprised by bad call or Al Riveron flat out lying to protect himself and his officials. That was egregious PI and should have been called both on the field and on review.
  7. I do not care if Bills go since I believe he is not talented enough to help us even as a backup but I find it ridiculous the comments of the "NFL is using him". The NFL would prefer he just go away and they are doing this to show he is not being blackballed.
  8. I believe a few years back the NFL stopped letting kickers prep ball the same ways they use to- maybe as result of deflategate?- making the balls just slightly less perfect for kickers. Of course it could also be more long kicks are being attempted be previously.
  9. Using him as a receiving back makes a lot of sense but he can not just learn how to run to routes at a professional level that fast.
  10. Rudolph is certainly playing the part of innocent victim when he is not innocent. The reaction from Garrett was a 10 when Garrett was a 2 but he is not innocent.
  11. I think Rudolph deserves a game but the actions are not equitable and therefore neither should be the punishment. I can see an argument for none since he got the worst of it but I would prefer he get one.
  12. I think you are correct about personnel but I think that Marrone is the coach truly, at least during game day.
  13. I live in Orlando and Jax is our local team- I see plenty of Jax and I know they are not coached well. He has one good season where he caught lightning in a bottle.
  14. Marrone is not a better coach then McDermott- that is ridiculous- the rest I can not agree or disagree with because I have not watched a lot.
  15. I am not totally sure- with the expansion of replay it might have changed and I would not be aware.
  16. I thought all replays went through NYC- is it only scoring plays?
  17. Certainly not yet- Hauschka has won enough here to get some good will but he needs to start back closer to 2017.
  18. The problem is that there is no accountability for errors or explanation of the change. I truly accept it is an incomplete pass if it went forward an inch but then how did they mess up last year on review? The inconsistent nature is why I do not watch other games because I believe 2or 3 games a weekend are decided by poor officiating.
  19. I do seem to remember this but can not recall any specifics, can you?
  20. Just because you are stating as if this is obvious- Homerun throwback went from a player at the 29 to a player at 31. The question is did ball go forward from time of release - I think it did but if it did not go forward this call is wrong If it is a incomplete pass why not just kill it? That play is consistently called incomplete- it was not overturned by replay since you can not show it went forward but by NY official fixing their mistake of not calling dead immediately.
  21. I am surprised they did not call it dead immediately and when they did not call it dead I thought it was gonna count since if it went forward at all it was so small. Though that has been called an incomplete all year. Basically I am saying they have been consistent and should have killed it immediately.
  22. usually I only hope for a good match in UFC fights when I watch. this might be first time I was really excited for a guy to lose based him being a scumbag.
  23. Did anyone else see Buffalo is on in the middle of Kansas? I am looking on phone so screen is small but I am good a geography normally.
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