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Orlando Buffalo

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Everything posted by Orlando Buffalo

  1. Billstime is a troll, I don't think he is even trying to help Dems but is like that kid in high school who got his thrill from giving ridiculous answers every class every time to the point even the teacher would ignore him.
  2. The sad part is you are serious, you can't back up anything you say with actual facts or numbers but keep changing the goal line. But I love the fact you think the polls were right in 2016 because I think they will accurate in the same way this time ?
  3. https://politicalwire.com/2018/10/11/evers-leads-by-double-digits-in-wisconsin/ This was in October of 18 but we all knew it would be close since the polls don't aim to be correct.
  4. Nothing like moving goal posts when you lie, they predicted a blowout and it was 1% difference. As for the illegal voters I will link this article which California only is dealing with people who are coming forward. If 1500 came forward then a lot more are not. https://www.google.com/amp/s/abcnews.go.com/amp/US/1500-noncitizens-registered-vote-california-dmv-error/story%3fid=58377069
  5. Show me what you are talking about or just admit you are making it up. As I stated previously the polls are crap, so your defense for lying is the numbers don't matter?
  6. Either you are lying or have no clue- in August Hillary was up by more than 6 in Wisconsin, many polls had her up double digits in August and September. Your question about fair depending on result shows again you determine "fair" on whether you get your way. Fair is determined by process not result to honest people https://www.realclearpolitics.com/epolls/2016/president/wi/wisconsin_trump_vs_clinton-5659.html
  7. Just curious what did the polls say at this point for Hillary in those states? I don't think you were part of conversation prior but the polls have always been trash and half of them have results that are outside of margin of error, basically meaning the process is flawed.
  8. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.orlandosentinel.com/opinion/columnists/os-op-nba-china-black-lives-matter-david-whitley-20200805-u2ehomqt7zdz5bsktjitg4d2eu-story.html%3foutputType=amp This is a well written piece in the Orlando Sentinel. Basically points out the to the NBA the lives of Uighers don't matter and they will not even give lip service to stopping the horrible things that happen in China under the NBA name.
  9. This is identical to liberals stating Trans people never commit crimes- where would it be recorded? Trans people would simply have been listed as birth sex, anyone who thinks you can have a large group without some scumbags is stupid.
  10. I post a video of him saying it, which makes it a fact, and you respond that your opinion is a fact? You are an odd little man with poor understanding of the English language.
  11. https://grabien.com/story.php?id=278449 Biden called out shutting down the Chinese flights hysterical xenophobia. You are wrong again.
  12. I know you don't think Trump is funny at all so you think she is a little smart? Then we agree. I just disagree on Trump, I find his trolling of libs hilarious
  13. If your income is from fans in attendance I am sorry, this year will suck. I though am quite sure they will play since the TV contracts are too large and the players all want to showcase themselves for the NFL. Also besides possibly the lineman the players in college are more likely to die from the flu than Covid.
  14. From a completely selfish perspective I am glad, it will give me more football to watch. I watched the XFL and think the MAC is a similar level of entertainment.
  15. I say this as a guy who watched none of the Panthers last year but the advanced stats are notable for him since he was winning his assignment much less often. Now could that have been those around him? Of course but Addison is my biggest concern of the new guys by a good margin.
  16. I might be a little slow on this but the title of this thread is telling- Covid vs Trump. As if Trump is fighting it alone, because Dems are not fighting to save Americans.
  17. Is this based on the NYT story that everyone else said was BS? Nothing like running with weak info from a pathetic source but thanks Billstime
  18. His house is in the 280k range and mine is in the 300k range- he paid 8k in property taxes and almost 7k in income taxes. I pay about 2k in property taxes because FL can only raise them a small amount a year and I have owned it since 2003. Also I am not sure about other parts of state, my electric bills for the whole year have always been under $2500, half the months under $200, and we don't have gas or anything else. Friend told me he spent $500 for a month for heat a couple of time over the years.
  19. Seeing as last year his job was to not lose games and just let the defense do its thing, I think this year will be very interesting to see what he does with a much lesser D. I do think much of his success was due to cheating and I hope he falls apart.
  20. It might not be satire it might be a prediction.
  21. This does seem excessive since his only violent crime was in 1979 but the sentence is what was required at the time under the Biden sponsored criminal bill. The problem with the headline is it intentionally misleading by leaving out 80% of the information required to understand what happened.
  22. I honestly hope you are a troll, I can't imagine going through life like you are presenting yourself.
  23. You are correct but I am not familiar with him and I had thought he was linking to his own article.
  24. "In a moment of madness"? Who the heck has a Molotov cocktail around? I literally have never seen an actual Molotov cocktail but doubt it just appeared when they decided to throw it. This is not a punch or an extra drink, this is deliberate and planned.
  25. Which measures and who criticized?
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