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Orlando Buffalo

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Everything posted by Orlando Buffalo

  1. We could easily test the kids weekly and do conditioning drills individually. They could also make all practices non contact while enforcing a no party policy while season is going on. Players who defy rules can't play that week. To a young in shape person Covid is less a threat than the flu. www.foxnews.com/us/flu-vs-covid-19-what-is-the-relative-risk-for-children.amp
  2. Picking Kamala is a terrible choice since the racism tag does not stick with Trump anymore, and that was all the Dems had. Biden has literally this year been called a racist by his VP many times, not once or twice but many times. The ads for Trump will just be her attacking Biden all those times, who the heck votes for these two?
  3. I have gone through the last 3 pages to see what points you were making and all I see is you whining no one is respecting you. It is very annoying.
  4. I think he should recreate Sherman's March to the Sea to show his love of the Confederacy. It makes sense like to woo Bills fans you speak at foxboro and Jerry's world and speak of their triumphs.
  5. The bridges being up made me think of "Dark Knight Rises" and how the looters remind of the mindless members of Bane's army. They are morphing into comic book villains and somehow think people like them.
  6. I have mised your stupidity, welcome back buddy!!
  7. I voted for Trump do to distrust of Clinton and thinking he could not be worse and now I voting for him based on his attempting to fulfill all his promises and getting enough done in regards to getting govt out of my life.
  8. What is amazing about this "revelation" is that this was known 20 years ago when I was I college but somehow the new info changed the results. The physically changing your body part does not change how other see you, and if you get validation from others you will never be happy
  9. So whose job is it to fix the problem? Should we bail out all of the poorly run cities so they can continue being poorly run? Or should the bailout come with federal oversight and conditions they don't like? Or should they be left alone to fix their own problems?
  10. You live in a fantasy land- to get HCQ you needed a doctor's prescription as you will for this vaccine, for the doctor to prescribe it the FDA must approve it, for the FDA to approve they must do tests.
  11. Maybe I missed something- how does loss of revenue to a city require riots to fix the problem?
  12. I trust our FDA to do its testing to confirm what Russians are telling us, i generally don't get my medical advice from politicians. I will recommend you go to a doctor and ask a qualified professional
  13. So your argument is that Trump owed them almost a trillion dollars not to riot? I assume you are being sarcastic but not sure, too many people believe crazy crap on here
  14. I actually don't know anything about her besides she is cute but the article states in 2016 she was very open with origins, maybe the libs did not realize the Balkans were an area of Europe? But they will still vote for Warren despite her lies.
  15. So if the vaccine works we should not use it because it came from Russia? Or is your point Orange Man Bad?
  16. The only sport where a #1 pick really matters is the NBA. The rest you need to build a team around them. In every other sport I would rather make the playoffs because once in the playoffs a little luck and you can make a run.
  17. Kennedy would be a Republican today- look at his inauguration speech. FDR is always a Dem-racist putting people into internment camps based on race, causing high unemployment, and causing the Depression to last much longer than anywhere in Europe.
  18. https://www.yahoo.com/news/people-just-realizing-both-rita-182507578.html This is the definition of liberalism to me- if you don't fit into a racial stereotype then you will be cancelled. The woman has never lied about her race or her origins but liberals made assumptions that were wrong so it is clearly Ritas fault for not making life easier on the stupid.
  19. How is it possible we are less than 90 days from the election and we still do not know the VP? I actually think they might pull a stunt at the convention and name someone other than Biden- like Michelle- as the candidate. 60 days ago I would have said no way now I am at 60-40 Biden is still standing after convention.
  20. Can you show me the stats that back you up? Because all the ones that does not have Florida in the top 4 use money spent as a criteria. But I appreciate you reminding me why I blocked you previously, when you are wrong you make up accusations whole cloth. I am certain I never called teachers lazy because I don't think that, but your lack of integrity shows again.
  21. The state polls weren't close either but what was the prediction of her to win- please with source- vs how much she won by? Several of the polls underestimated Trump in all 50 states so I am guessing the win was much closer than they predicted.
  22. You think NYC and LA are better educated? How about DC or Chicago? The only good educations there are the private schools, which is why they want to shut them down. Look at Buffalo alone- you have city honors and private schools and the rest are terrible. But keep running on rankings where the amount spent is more important than results.
  23. I teach special needs kids and the fact that "my union" is right now suing to keep us online all year to appease the lazy teachers is so frustrating. All students need the face to face but they are running on the concept of " one death is too many" of course when a football player dies or someone dies of the flu we have different standards. I am just glad I am not part of the union, which knows it represents our worst teachers much more than the best.
  24. Yet the areas of our country with the lowest educational achievement in public schools is exclusively owned by Dems. As a person who understands math, my students are more at risk of dying of the flu this year than of Corona. But keep trying you might get one that sticks eventually
  25. I understand that you are finding one small piece that made the polls "right" in 2016, though what is most fun about you is that I sent you facts from reports and you respond by moving the goal post until you are basically arguing they weren't pathetic by every measure.
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