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Orlando Buffalo

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Everything posted by Orlando Buffalo

  1. Trump won a lot of voters in those debates vs Hillary, a lot of people simply won't admit their thoughts about him because you get labeled a racist. If Trump did not win the debates there is no way he wins election. But as for this seasons debates Trump wants to make sure each debate is 3 hours long to show Biden slipping mentally. In my opinion Trump needs to force Biden to destroy himself so that normal people see how bad he is mentally
  2. When I saw a headline that he was redefining the tight end market I thought it was gonna be 100 million total. This contract seems like a normal deal for a guy who averages 90 catches a year
  3. The only word in this I disagree with is stud, but that might be simply personal definition. His greatest asset is his ability to run fast. He can't take on lineman and he won't make a bad defense good. He is the perfect complementary player, like Don Beebe.
  4. The action is indefensible but they were just looking for a fall guy? Those two thoughts only work together if you believe Conservatives are not protected the same way liberals are by the constitution. It would be like saying you only care about inner city violence when the perpetrator is white, but not really if the killer is black.
  5. I live right near Disney World and several women have been escorted away from the hotels the NBA players are staying at. None of the women have been confirmed to have been invited by the players but several acted like they were invited by them. Where players are at Disney it is pretty easy to keep them out but I bet the Seattle location is less remote.
  6. I appreciate the clarification and it explains why both sides did it, it guaranteed Dawkins $34 million when he knows the next two years might be slim pickings for Free agents and Buffalo gets a player on a good contract for 5 years. It makes more sense than I originally thought
  7. Not saying you are wrong but I Iive in Florida and have not heard that what. What has Trump been saying?
  8. I am not sure you are being sarcastic or trying to point out that the most democratic areas of country are being ruined because Trump is not stopping them from ruining themselves?
  9. https://www.espn.com/soccer/fc-dallas/story/4158666/fans-boo-players-who-take-a-knee-before-dallas-vs-nashville-in-mls There is one great line in this article coming from one of the players " they don't understand why we are kneeling. They can't see the reason. They think we are the ignorant ones." These three lines show exactly how vapid you must be to kneel. Everybody knows why you are kneeling, many of us think smearing the whole country because of the actions of a few is inappropriate. Everyone has seen what happened to George Floyd and 99% agree what happened was wrong on a moral level, not just legally. Finally you are ignorant and proud of your ignorance, you have no historical perspective or desire to use logic and rational thoughts.
  10. ROFL- I will assume that this is your admitting you have no evidence and believe that anyplace for Biden is pretty loud about it
  11. Where? In 2008 I was in Philly on day of election and some neighborhoods literally had an Obama sign in every yard. I have seen about 3 Biden signs and many more Trump signs
  12. Why are you guys so confident? We all know there are 4 states that matter and none of you live in them. I think he wins FL because the Biden out reach has been terrible here and I have seen very few Biden people out but many Trump. I don't have any feel for the other three but I don't have confidence either way. Also no one is voting for Biden they are voting against Trump and that does not make you motivated to wait in lines.
  13. Truly Trump is senile if he while speaking of the cuff he got WWI and WWII confused. I mean it is not like it was similar countries on similar sides. This is like confusing David and Derek Carr, definitely different but it happens. Kemp when he can't remember the preamble of the Declaration of Independence I will worry
  14. Thank you for putting into words the truth. 80+% of teachers do a great job and go above and beyond but must deal with the union.
  15. Hospitals will not be overwhelmed because of schools unless the teachers don't do their job. Teachers will have to keep their distance from kids and stay on kids to do the right thing.
  16. Good point- I am just used to blaming the judges in SF for inventive rulings while this one was by the book. Your right the state govt is to blame.
  17. I know it is difficult to know who to blame on something like this but I am quite sure the judge made the proper ruling based on the law. The law is terrible but it is constitutional and therefore must be enforced
  18. I will tell you to watch Billstime in the near future but I was called a racist many times for objecting to Obama care and his Dreamer Act.
  19. You missed the part about being called a racist for not liking her policies and a misogynistic for pointing out how she was often a bad faith prosecutor.
  20. Do presidents debate members of Congress? Bill Kristol has either always been a sham conservative or is the definition of TDS because these comments are asinine. I don't even think Welch ran for president, so why would a sitting president debate a random person who disagrees? What kind of argument is this?
  21. Crayola is probably inspired by Billstime- the next step to complete the trick is to point out you can't prove you never said it.
  22. Fear of Kamala? She doesn't bring anyone new to the table, Biden has Cali as a slam dunk, she is not really nationally known as a centrist. She cements Biden for all of the Left wingers but does not bring many new people in Florida, Ohio, Pennsylvania, or Michigan. I think she probably is a wash at best since she was a prosecutor who punished black people for minor things.
  23. https://www.yahoo.com/news/office-uss-leslie-david-baker-155400636.html I would be shocked if this is not a friend of his because it makes sure to hit every racist word during the rant. If it was simply a short quick " you suck" type attack it would be more believable.
  24. This kind of post would be appropriate from a troll, which I do not think you are. Trump is full of hate? Show me the large scale destruction brought by his followers that compares to the recent riots by his enemies. Racism from the guy who changed sentencing guidelines that allowed more blacks and minorities out of jail then any president in history? He attacks those who attack him and is simply better at it then they are. The best part is that you call him a bigot as liberals tell people if you don't stay in your racial lane you will be accused of cultural appropriation or blackfishing. If you don't like Trump because you dislike his policies that is fine but this redefining of all views that you disagree with as racist and bigotry is irrational and counterproductive.
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