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Orlando Buffalo

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Posts posted by Orlando Buffalo

  1. 17 hours ago, John Adams said:


    You're too funny. I wonder what action Trump could take that you would think was unworthy of the president of the United States. 

    One thing Trump could do that would make me say he is unworthy- lie under oath during his own sexual assault trial. These questions though are not worth much because while Trump is not my favorite, or even close, he is far better than the alternative right now. 

  2. 15 hours ago, Tiberius said:

     Trump promised to negotiate better drug prices, but almost all the Republicans voted against the prescription drug bill and its sure to die in the senate. 


    Kudos to Pelosi,  this will hang around Republicans necks in November 

    The Dems made sure it had a poison pill that only an idiot would go with- it has an automatic punishment for cost of final drug rising faster than inflation. If the cost of the materials rise quickly then no one gets medicine, which is much worse then expensive medicine.

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  3. 22 hours ago, Da webster guy said:

    Wait, didnt he have 66 and 76 yard returns in back to back games for us this year?

    I don't see your point- if he is not returning them all for 6 what is the point! ?

    2 hours ago, Rock'em Sock'em said:

    Roberts leads the NFL in punt return average (minimum of 20 attempts).

    Roberts is 3rd in kick returns (minimum 10 attempts) and would be better off letting the kicks go into the end zone go for touchbacks.

    Roberts has great hands for catching punts in the windy weather.


    Great signing, not a bust at all.  Not sure where the all the shade is coming from.

    It is coming from short term memory issues. If he does not make great returns most of the time people rip him. I think he is a definite improvement over last year and usually touches the ball 6-8 times a game which makes him worthwhile.

  4. 13 minutes ago, Clemfield2622 said:


    His base salary was $3 million. He would be owed less than 1/4 of that for the remainder of the season.


    As far as next year, he technically would have a contract, but all the guaranteed money would be paid. He could be cut with 0 cap concerns. 

    Thanks and good point- I would have gotten there about the future eventually but I prefer to farm out that kind of thinking?

  5. 1 hour ago, Clemfield2622 said:

    A waiver claim this late in the year is literally as low risk as it gets.


    All the dead money has been eaten by the Cardinals. Whomever claims him would only owe him his prorated salary for 3 games. 


    No contending team could pass on him. IMO

    Does anyone know how much his three games salary is? And does his contract go into next year? 

  6. 20 hours ago, BuffaloBillies said:

    One fairly small change that might appease some would be to keep the division format, but then seed playoff teams by record.

    So Dallas (or Philly) would still get in, but would be the 6th seed (and no home game) vs being the 4 seed.

    This has a legitimate chance of happening- and I think shoud- because the NFL still cares about divisions titles and the luster it provided.

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  7. 7 hours ago, NoSaint said:


    right but again you aren’t using solid comparables. 

    the assistant reports to you. The students are under your care.

    the subject of a documentary film crew isn’t implicitly tasked with monitoring all camera angles at all times while also performing his actual job. The producer of the segment bears responsibility for his crew. 

    If the crew is feeding film back to the pats it becomes a football ops issues.

    I’m not saying the pats are not guilty. I’m saying some of you seem so worried that they will be found not guilty that you are coming up with relatively weak ways to try to seal off the exits instead of realizing the elephant in the room can’t fit out the door to escape anyway. Fighting to nail up a 2x4 to hold him in isn’t terribly effective.

    ultimately, the tape will tell the story. It doesn’t matter if the subject was a scout, cheerleader, equipment guy, snow shoveler or accountant. The camera guy either was focused on sideline coaches making calls in a meaningful way or he was filming general B Roll around the stadium and field and only caught the coordinators in passing shots.

    If the dude zoomed in on the OC all quarter like the bengals employee said the pats will get hit hard. It’d be almost impossible to explain a non-football ops reason to do that.

    If he was 75% profile shots of the scout working, 20% catching some plays over the scouts shoulder to give a feel for the view he has and like 5% pans of the crowd and maybe 1-2 play calls thinking he was catching cool context shots- it probably won’t go anywhere beyond some fines 

    If you read what I wrote I stated if camera man is only one responsible he needs to be told explicitly. You sound like Belichek right now- finding a level where someone is allowed to be ignorant of rules. 

    1 hour ago, sherpa said:


    NFL charters don't normally stay at the game location after dropping the team and equipment off.

    Sometimes they do. I know the Dolphin's charters to Buffalo used to stay and use the same airplane to get home.

    Not sure if they still do.

    It depends on the contract and how the airline can use its airplane.

    If its convenient to ferry it out from the game location on Saturday and get it  back in the system, that's what's done, and a different airplane is flown in to pick them up.


    I don't know how the Chief's and their charter lost track of this container. It either was never off-loaded, or was off-loaded and mistakenly re-loaded on this or another airplane.

    If that is the case, there are other issues that have consequences.

    If the charter airline accounted for the container on the BOS-EWR leg in its load manifest, its simply an internal problem.

    If it didn't, and was not accounted for in the weight and balance of that flight, there are legal consequences, and the FAA could get involved.

    Very unlikely the Pats were involved in any way, as there would be significant legal consequences.

    I am not arguing what you are saying I am agreeing- if that much weight was unaccounted on a plane I know the FAA would be involved and I have not heard that therefore I am assuming someone went into the system to  reroute it. But the details are important and I do not have them.

  8. 3 minutes ago, NoSaint said:

    right and I’d bet that he knew every player on the field and what he was allowed to do.


    but that doesn’t mean you know what’s on the principals computer screen while he’s observing you, for instance.


    theres enough red meat here that latching onto narratives like it being a scout involved as the subject doesn’t need to be important unless/until he’s somehow tied to nefarious behavior. In theory he’s watching the field doing his job. 

    If a student assistant was doing something illegal under my watch then I am responsible. If camera man is only one responsible for what he is filming the Pats need to tell him explicitly what is appropriate. To allow this to be chalked up to ignorance is unacceptable. This is not just because it is Pat's*, any team doing this needs to be punished, they get it worse because they are repeat offenders.

    5 minutes ago, Warcodered said:

    and apparently is also incapable of telling them what they can't/aren't allowed to film, I mean it's not like he scouts for a team that has gotten in serious trouble for that before.?‍♂️

    Stop writing what I am writing while I am writing it- just with different emojis.

    • Haha (+1) 1
  9. 2 minutes ago, NoSaint said:

    im not sure you’d expect the scout being filmed to also be clearing what are legal camera angles and if they crew are consistently following policy. 

    he’s there to scout the game not police the filming 

    How in the world does this thinking happen? If he is there with a camera in the booth he HAS to know what can be filmed and what can not be filmed. As a teacher I am required not only to know each students IEP but also every law and regulation related to their specific condition. 

  10. 8 minutes ago, Giuseppe Tognarelli said:

    I thought some of the home playoff games in the '90s (specifically the comeback game) weren't sold out. So why are people acting like this is a dumb question?

    The comeback was not a sellout because out Hall of Fame QB was not playing and it was a rematch against a team that had just smoked us, so not that similar.

  11. 12 minutes ago, sherpa said:


    Not so fast.

    Th gear is put into very large aluminum cargo containers. The containers are loaded and locked down.


    It was, more than likely, not a bunch of bags. It was one large cargo container on a 767.

    Given the city pairs, I'm guessing it was a United charter.

    The airplane left Boston, probably empty, without the normal baggage check on departure, and went to Newark to get integrated into the system.


    Are you saying the bags were left on the plane and never removed from plane? I had assumed they came off plane and flew on another. Obviously your way is possible as an accident but then the KC equipment person is likely already fired.

  12. 6 minutes ago, Augie said:


    I don’t think it takes any more evidence, since they ADMITTED it! 


    Cowherd defends the Pats and said they are great regardless. He used the analogy that even if Warren Buffet were found guilty of insider trading in one incident, it doesn’t mean that he’s still not brilliant. Quite true, Colin, YET HE STILL GOES TO JAIL!  Cheat, and pay the price. It’s not about how many SB’s they would have won without cheating, it’s about the cheating. 

    Cowherd should analyze his comparison more to if Buffet was found to have made all of his big bets on insider trading. The Chiefs equipment was rerouted was not a mistake, a bag going wrong happens- so many large cases is intentionally done.

  13. 12 minutes ago, SlimShady'sGhost said:

    Belicheat - we don’t “knowingly” cross the line 





    Such a :censored:ing liar ? 

    I think he is a lawyer- technically since the guy recording is not a direct employee then the Pats* can not be held responsible. This is been his MO since he was a D coordinator for the Giants, ruin the game through technicalities.

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  14. 1 hour ago, Augie said:


    They are in a tough spot. Any public lynching is a blemish on the entire league and the last 20 years. I think he has to go away somewhat quietly for the sake of the league. The 31 other teams will get the point. 


    As for the Peter King stance, I think he said it has to be adjudicated quick. He used the quote “all’s well that ends”, not necessarily ends well, but it must end. Do NOT let it linger. That doesn’t necessarily mean sweeping it under the rug. Now, might that happen? Of course. But in my mind Belichick needs to go away. 

    I had not thought about the fact that the NFL has a 20 year legacy here to worry about. I am not pretty certain we will see a " protect the shield" kinda situation

    • Sad 1
  15. 1 hour ago, TPS said:

    Trent's contract makes that very likely next year. 

    2020 salary is $8,950,000

    if released, his cap hit is $1,750,000

    the difference of $7.2 mil can be used on Shaq or someone else...

    I do not think there is any chance he is not cut at that price and saving. He is not worth the 7.2 million in savings.

  16. 7 hours ago, skibum said:

    Ronnie Harmon's drop is far more deserving of the title, but nobody outside the Bills fan base remembers that play. Norwood will be remembered far and wide for a long, long time. It's not fair, but Norwood is the guy. 

    You set the question almost as two separate questions- to Bills fans Ronnie Harmon is much more the problem but to non Bills fans it is definitely Norwood.

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