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Orlando Buffalo

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Everything posted by Orlando Buffalo

  1. You think without them kneeling at a football game people would not have realized that kneeling on a guys throat for 9 minutes when he is not a threat is wrong? I think almost everyone would have agreed in 1995 that cop was wrong and should be arrested. I would like them to be treated equally also but they refuse to elect people who enforce the laws equally, just look at Chicago's mayor.
  2. Thank you- coming from you means that you have no argument and therefore must pretend you know something I do not but not mention one thing.
  3. Sadly enough this is one of the most rationale arguments I have seen on this site in years.
  4. Tibs I will give you a quick history lesson- since the start of the cold war, probably earlier, Russia/USSR has been influencing our elections both directly and indirectly. Their best "customers" are people who don't realize they have always done it and will always do it. The other thing you are wrong about is that Trump people like it, we hate communism, your side embraces it.
  5. Please post first thing in the morning so we know you survived! ?
  6. I find it funny that the people on here are calling the CEO of a company that makes about $100 million a "token". I assume all of you insinuating anything about her do not know anyone who runs companies that are that successful.
  7. So how about we pass laws to stop ALL cheating? Things like ID and purging rolls of people who have died and moved away?
  8. I am only going to tell you that in Florida, New York, and most states a company can have cameras in dressing room for security purposes. Like a massage the tape should never become public but as I said I always assume I am being video taped in public places and also why I never try on clothes at a store
  9. At this point I basically assume I might always be on camera in public places with exception of doctor's office type places. If no nudity is happening and everything is on the up and up then I do not see why privacy is the expected since you are covering more than a bathing suit with the towel. Though I have admitted I have never been for a massage place so maybe there is a level of confidence I am unaware of with a masseuse.
  10. Actually prepare for a lot of at home daycares to sprout up- which I believe are illegal in NY- and the tax man to come banging on those doors in about 6 months. It should be interesting how NY will deal with parents who pool resources and a bunch of kids go to different houses during the month. I could see them saying that the savings from daycare should be taxable. I wish I was kidding but I can see them trying.
  11. Teams will want the bubble for the last playoff push and playoffs- so I would guess starting early December till February for the Bills.
  12. I have never been to even a legitimate massage place but how undressed do you get? I assume that it would similar to being in a bathing suit. If I am wearing a bathing suit in a public place I do not assume privacy.
  13. I disagree, I would not expect a video to become public in either fashion but since the massage, if it is on the level would not require nudity, then a video camera in the room should not be disallowed.
  14. You should remember a Sowell quote here- It is usually futile to try to talk facts and analysis to people who are enjoying a sense of moral superiority in their ignorance.”
  15. This is what I am fighting at my school right now. They have told kids it has a death rate of over 1% because they believe everyone who has had it has been diagnosed. I explain that more kids die of the flu then will die from Covid and they literally say " you can't guarantee it". Finally I have an AP who is 66, morbidly obese, and diabetic with breathing issues who has a son who is a doctor. He tell her how scared she should be and she tells us we should all be as worried.
  16. If your argument is simply that prostitution is not a big deal that is one thing but the human trafficking angle has been a part of this case since day one and that is definitely a real crime. To separate this case from human trafficking is not possible even if Kraft's part is indirect
  17. I don't know where to put this but this story is insane to me https://www.espn.com/nfl/story/_/id/29695685/two-women-say-former-washington-running-back-derrius-guice-raped-lsu-2016 Two girls claim they were raped by Guice and told as many people who would listen except the police. If a crime occurs you go to the police, not the school. I am curious what thought process occurs that you think a school is the best place to handle a rape?
  18. I am not seeing where this is unreasonable search- it is a public business and there is no assumptions to privacy when out at a private business. This line of thought would state that someone stealing a car from a dealership has a right to privacy
  19. If all you need is a football field inside without fans, don't many of these colleges have practice domes like the Bills have that is covered? The TV camera angle might be funky but it would do the trick.
  20. Kay there are two major disagreements I have with you, though you definitely have a thoughtful consistency. 1) why does working 40 hours mean you should be paid well? If your skill level is such that you can not produce enough profit for the company would it be better if no one hired them? You can work at Publix and get OT if you are a good worker and clear $30k in your first year, not rich but you can survive. 2) you point out how government is reactionary when it comes to its modifications of the market failures, but that is problem? Who decides where the market failed? The govt tried to correct for an "affordable housing" failure and we ended with the 2008 economy crash. Markets don't fail in the long term but govt can cause long term impacts by manipulating the market.
  21. This sounds like a smaller version of what happened with Adelphia back in the late 90's. If memory serves, the city was being offered 1,000 good paying jobs and the construction of a building downtown but the mayor wanted to squeeze them for a few more dollars and Adelphia left. I am aware that Adelphia went the wrong way shortly after but the jobs still existed when Comcast and Time Warmer bought them out.
  22. And there you go again with your conspiracy theory, you sounded rationale for a little while but now you go back.
  23. Just read that they are including Elizabeth Warren in Native American summit for Summit. I have not found it any where to confirm it, but it was not the Babylon Bee.
  24. Maybe I am reading into what you are saying- I thought you were pulling a Billstime- I apologize
  25. Who are the girls that were actually on the island? He definitely had girls from other countries there and Clinton would make sure any girl he messed around with was not an American. But more importantly how are defending him going to that island is any way shape or form?
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